Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 24.36 - Fish Marketing Act.
24.36.390 - Power of association to form, control, own stock in or be member of another corporation or association—Warehouse receipts.

RCW 24.36.390
Power of association to form, control, own stock in or be member of another corporation or association—Warehouse receipts.

An association may organize, form, operate, own, control, have an interest in, own stock of, or be a member of any other corporation or corporations, with or without capital stock and engaged in preserving, drying, processing, canning, packing, storing, handling, shipping, utilizing, manufacturing, marketing, or selling of the fishery products handled by the association, or the by-products thereof.
If such corporations are warehousing corporations, they may issue legal warehouse receipts to the association against the commodities delivered by it, or to any other person and such legal warehouse receipts shall be considered as adequate collateral to the extent of the usual and current value of the commodity represented thereby. In case such warehouse is licensed or licensed and bonded under the laws of this state or the United States, its warehouse receipt delivered to the association on commodities of the association or its members, or delivered by the association or its members, shall not be challenged or discriminated against because of ownership or control, wholly or in part, by the association.

[ 1959 c 312 § 39.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 24 - Corporations and Associations (Nonprofit)

Chapter 24.36 - Fish Marketing Act.

24.36.010 - Short title.

24.36.020 - Declaration of purpose.

24.36.030 - Definitions.

24.36.040 - Associations deemed nonprofit.

24.36.050 - General laws relating to corporations for profit applicable.

24.36.055 - Fees for services by secretary of state.

24.36.060 - Securities act inapplicable.

24.36.070 - Associations deemed not a conspiracy, in restraint of trade, etc.—Contracts not illegal.

24.36.080 - Conflicting laws not applicable—Exemptions apply.

24.36.090 - Merger, consolidation of associations authorized—Procedure.

24.36.100 - Stock associations—Statement in articles.

24.36.110 - Stock associations—Classified shares—Statement in articles.

24.36.120 - Nonstock associations—Statement in articles.

24.36.130 - Bylaws of association.

24.36.140 - Bylaws of association—Transfer of stock, membership certificates limited.

24.36.150 - Bylaws of association—Quorum, voting, directors, penalties.

24.36.160 - Bylaws of association—Fees, charges, marketing contract, dividends.

24.36.170 - Bylaws of association—Membership.

24.36.180 - Bylaws of association—Meetings.

24.36.190 - Bylaws of association—Direct election of directors from districts of territory.

24.36.200 - Bylaws of association—Election of directors by representatives or advisers from districts of territory.

24.36.210 - Bylaws of association—Primary elections to nominate directors.

24.36.220 - Bylaws of association—Nomination of directors by public officials or other directors—Limitation.

24.36.230 - Bylaws of association—Terms of directors—Staggering.

24.36.240 - Bylaws of association—Executive committee.

24.36.250 - Qualifications of members, stockholders.

24.36.260 - Certificate of membership in nonstock associations.

24.36.270 - Liability of member for association's debts.

24.36.280 - Place of membership meetings.

24.36.290 - Appraisal of expelled member's property—Payment.

24.36.300 - Powers of association—General scope of activities.

24.36.310 - Powers of association—Incurring indebtedness—Advances to members.

24.36.320 - Association as agent for member.

24.36.330 - Reserves—Investments.

24.36.340 - Powers relating to capital stock or bonds of other corporations or associations.

24.36.350 - Powers relating to real or personal property.

24.36.360 - Levy of assessments.

24.36.370 - General powers, rights, privileges of association.

24.36.380 - Use of association's facilities—Disposition of proceeds.

24.36.390 - Power of association to form, control, own stock in or be member of another corporation or association—Warehouse receipts.

24.36.400 - Contracts and agreements with other corporations or associations—Joint operations.

24.36.410 - Marketing contracts with members.

24.36.420 - When title passes on sale by member to association.

24.36.430 - Association may sell products without taking title—Powers and duties.

24.36.440 - Liability of member for breach of marketing contract.

24.36.450 - Injunctions, specific performance if breach or threatened breach by member.

24.36.460 - Presumption that landlord or lessor can control delivery—Remedies for nondelivery or breach.

24.36.470 - Enforcement by association to secure delivery by member.