Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 24.06 - Nonprofit Miscellaneous and Mutual Corporations Act.
24.06.040 - Defense of ultra vires.

RCW 24.06.040
Defense of ultra vires.

No act of a corporation and no conveyance or transfer of real or personal property to or by a corporation shall be invalid by reason of the fact that the corporation was without capacity or power to do such act or to make or receive such conveyance or transfer, but such lack of capacity or power may be asserted:
(1) In a proceeding by a member, shareholder or a director against the corporation to enjoin the doing or continuation of unauthorized acts or the transfer of real or personal property by or to the corporation. If the unauthorized acts or transfer sought to be enjoined are being, or are to be, performed pursuant to any contract to which the corporation is a party, the court may, if all of the parties to the contract are parties to the proceeding and if it deems the same to be equitable, set aside and enjoin the performance of such contract, and in so doing may allow to the corporation or the other parties to the contract, as the case may be, compensation for the loss or damage sustained by either of them which may result from the action of the court in setting aside and enjoining the performance of such contract: PROVIDED, That anticipated profits to be derived from the performance of the contract shall not be awarded by the court as a loss or damage sustained.
(2) In a proceeding by the corporation, whether acting directly or through a receiver, trustee, or other legal representative, or through members or shareholder in a representative suit, against the officers or directors of the corporation for exceeding their authority.
(3) In a proceeding by the attorney general, as provided in this chapter, to dissolve the corporation, or in a proceeding by the attorney general to enjoin the corporation from performing unauthorized acts, or in any other proceeding by the attorney general.

[ 1969 ex.s. c 120 § 8.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 24 - Corporations and Associations (Nonprofit)

Chapter 24.06 - Nonprofit Miscellaneous and Mutual Corporations Act.

24.06.005 - Definitions.

24.06.010 - Application of chapter.

24.06.015 - Purposes.

24.06.020 - Incorporators.

24.06.025 - Articles of incorporation.

24.06.030 - General powers.

24.06.032 - Additional rights and powers authorized.

24.06.035 - Nonprofit status—Members', officers' immunity from liability.

24.06.040 - Defense of ultra vires.

24.06.043 - Indemnification of agents of any corporation authorized.

24.06.045 - Corporate name.

24.06.046 - Reservation of exclusive right to use corporate name.

24.06.047 - Registration of corporate name.

24.06.048 - Renewal of registration of corporate name.

24.06.050 - Registered agent.

24.06.055 - Change of registered agent.

24.06.060 - Service of process on corporation.

24.06.065 - Members.

24.06.070 - Shares—Issuance—Payment—Subscription agreements.

24.06.075 - Shares—Consideration, fixing.

24.06.080 - Shares—Certificates.

24.06.085 - Liability of shareholders, subscribers, assignees, executors, trustees, etc.

24.06.090 - Preemptive share acquisition rights.

24.06.095 - Bylaws.

24.06.100 - Meetings of members and shareholders.

24.06.105 - Notice of meetings.

24.06.110 - Voting.

24.06.115 - Quorum.

24.06.120 - Class voting.

24.06.125 - Board of directors.

24.06.130 - Number and election of directors.

24.06.135 - Vacancies.

24.06.140 - Quorum of directors.

24.06.145 - Committees.

24.06.150 - Directors' meetings.

24.06.153 - Duties of director or officer—Standards—Liability.

24.06.155 - Officers.

24.06.160 - Books and records.

24.06.165 - Loans to directors or officers.

24.06.175 - Effect of filing of articles of incorporation.

24.06.180 - Organization meeting.

24.06.185 - Right to amend articles of incorporation.

24.06.190 - Procedure to amend articles of incorporation.

24.06.195 - Articles of amendment.

24.06.200 - Filing of articles of amendment—Procedure.

24.06.205 - When amendment becomes effective—Existing actions and rights not affected.

24.06.207 - Restated articles of incorporation.

24.06.210 - Procedure for merger.

24.06.215 - Procedure for consolidation.

24.06.220 - Approval of merger or consolidation.

24.06.225 - Articles of merger or consolidation.

24.06.230 - Merger or consolidation—When effected.

24.06.233 - Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporation—Participation in an exchange.

24.06.235 - Effect of merger or consolidation.

24.06.240 - Sale, lease, exchange, etc., of property and assets.

24.06.245 - Right of member or shareholder to dissent.

24.06.250 - Exercise of right of dissent—Rights and liabilities.

24.06.255 - Payment of fair value to dissenting member or shareholder.

24.06.260 - Voluntary dissolution.

24.06.265 - Distribution of assets.

24.06.270 - Revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings.

24.06.275 - Articles of dissolution.

24.06.280 - Filing of articles of dissolution.

24.06.285 - Involuntary dissolution.

24.06.290 - Proceedings for administrative dissolution—Reinstatement—Survival of actions.

24.06.295 - Venue and process.

24.06.300 - Jurisdiction of court to liquidate assets and dissolve corporation.

24.06.305 - Procedure in liquidation of corporation in court.

24.06.310 - Qualifications of receivers—Bond.

24.06.315 - Filing of claims in liquidation proceedings.

24.06.320 - Discontinuance of liquidation proceedings.

24.06.325 - Decree of involuntary dissolution.

24.06.330 - Filing of decree of dissolution.

24.06.335 - Survival of remedies after dissolution.

24.06.340 - Registration of foreign corporation—Right to conduct affairs in the state.

24.06.345 - Effect of registration—Governing law.

24.06.350 - Corporate name of foreign corporation.

24.06.360 - Foreign registration statement—Filing.

24.06.367 - Certificate of authority as insurance company—Filing of documents.

24.06.369 - Certificate of authority as insurance company—Registration or reservation of name.

24.06.370 - Authorization to conduct affairs in the state—Right of state to terminate registration.

24.06.375 - Registered agent of foreign corporation.

24.06.380 - Change of registered agent of foreign corporation.

24.06.385 - Resignation of registered agent.

24.06.390 - Service of process, notice, or demand on corporation.

24.06.395 - Failure to appoint or maintain agent—Service of process, notice, or demand.

24.06.400 - Amendment to articles of incorporation of foreign corporation.

24.06.405 - Merger of foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in this state.

24.06.410 - Amended foreign registration statement.

24.06.415 - Withdrawal of foreign corporation.

24.06.425 - Termination of registration.

24.06.435 - Conducting affairs without registering.

24.06.440 - Annual report of domestic and foreign corporations.

24.06.450 - Applicable fees, charges, and penalties.

24.06.462 - Fees for services by secretary of state.

24.06.465 - Penalties imposed upon corporation—Penalty established by secretary of state.

24.06.470 - Penalties imposed upon directors and officers.

24.06.475 - Interrogatories by secretary of state.

24.06.480 - Confidential nature of information disclosed by interrogatories.

24.06.485 - Power and authority of secretary of state.

24.06.490 - Duty of secretary of state to file—Review of refusal to file.

24.06.500 - Greater voting requirements.

24.06.505 - Waiver of notice.

24.06.510 - Action by members or directors without a meeting.

24.06.515 - Unauthorized assumption of corporate powers.

24.06.520 - Reinstatement and renewal of corporate existence—Fee.

24.06.525 - Reorganization of corporations or associations in accordance with this chapter.

24.06.600 - Locally regulated utilities—Attachments to poles.

24.06.610 - Tariff for irrigation pumping service—Authority for locally regulated utility to buy back electricity.

24.06.615 - Conversion of domestic corporation to limited cooperative association—Procedure.

24.06.900 - Short title.

24.06.905 - Existing liabilities not terminated—Continuation of corporate existence—Application of chapter.

24.06.920 - Effective date—1969 ex.s. c 120.