Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 24.03A - Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act.
24.03A.015 - Notice.

RCW 24.03A.015

(1) Notice under this chapter must be in the form of a record unless this chapter or the articles or bylaws allow oral notice.
(2) Notice may be communicated in person or by delivery. If these forms of communication are impracticable, notice may be communicated by a newspaper of general circulation in the area where published, or by radio, television, or other form of public broadcast communication.
(3) Notice, other than notice described in subsection (4) of this section, is effective at the earliest of the following:
(a) When received;
(b) When left at the recipient's residence or usual place of business;
(c) Five days after its deposit in the United States mail or with a commercial delivery service, if the postage or delivery charge is paid and the notice is correctly addressed; or
(d) On the date shown on the return receipt, if sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or by commercial delivery service.
(4) Notice in the form of a record by a membership corporation to a member is effective:
(a) Five days after its deposit in the United States mail or with a commercial delivery service, if the postage or delivery charge is paid and the notice is correctly addressed to the member's address shown in the corporation's current record of members;
(b) When given, if the notice is delivered by electronic transmission to the member's address shown in the corporation's current record of members; or
(c) When given, if the notice is delivered in any other manner that the member has authorized.
(5) Notice to a domestic or registered foreign nonprofit corporation may be delivered to its registered agent or to the corporation or its secretary at its principal office shown in its most recent annual report or, in the case of a foreign corporation that has not yet delivered an annual report, in its registration statement.
(6) Where oral notice is permitted, it is effective when communicated, if communicated in a comprehensible manner.
(7) If this chapter prescribes notice requirements for particular circumstances, those requirements govern. If the articles or bylaws prescribe notice requirements, not inconsistent with this section or other provisions of this chapter, those requirements govern.
(8) With respect to electronic transmissions:
(a) Unless otherwise provided in the articles or bylaws, or otherwise agreed between the sender and the recipient, an electronic transmission is received when:
(i) It enters an electronic system that the recipient has designated or currently uses for the purpose of receiving electronic transmissions of the type sent; and
(ii) It is in a form capable of being processed by that system.
(b) An electronic transmission is received under (a)(i) of this subsection even if no individual is aware of its receipt.
(c) Receipt of an electronic acknowledgment from an electronic system described in (a)(i) of this subsection establishes that a record was received but, by itself, does not establish that the content sent corresponds to the content received, and is not necessary for the record to be received.
(9) A member may revoke in the form of a record a corporation's express or implied authorization to deliver notices or communications by electronic transmission to the member. Such authorization is deemed revoked with respect to a member if:
(a) The corporation cannot deliver two consecutive notices or other communications to the member's address shown in the corporation's current record of members; and
(b) The inability becomes known to the secretary or other person responsible for giving the notice or other communication; but the failure to treat the inability as a revocation does not invalidate any meeting or other action.

[ 2021 c 176 § 1103.]

Effective date—2021 c 176: See note following RCW 24.03A.005.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 24 - Corporations and Associations (Nonprofit)

Chapter 24.03A - Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act.

24.03A.005 - Short title.

24.03A.010 - Definitions.

24.03A.015 - Notice.

24.03A.020 - Service on corporations.

24.03A.025 - Venue for actions.

24.03A.030 - Application to existing nonprofit corporations.

24.03A.035 - Application to registered foreign nonprofit corporations.

24.03A.040 - Relationship to prior statutes.

24.03A.045 - Relationship to other laws.

24.03A.050 - Subordination to canon law.

24.03A.055 - Applicability of uniform business organizations code.

24.03A.060 - Filing requirements.

24.03A.065 - Electronic filings.

24.03A.070 - Annual report.

24.03A.075 - Major changes by charitable corporations.

24.03A.080 - Powers of secretary of state.

24.03A.085 - Fees.

24.03A.090 - Incorporators.

24.03A.095 - Corporate name.

24.03A.100 - Articles of incorporation.

24.03A.105 - Effectiveness of incorporation.

24.03A.110 - Requirement of registered agent.

24.03A.115 - Liability for preincorporation transactions.

24.03A.120 - Organization of corporations.

24.03A.125 - Bylaws.

24.03A.130 - Purposes.

24.03A.135 - Power to modify purposes.

24.03A.140 - General powers.

24.03A.145 - Emergency powers.

24.03A.150 - Ultra vires action.

24.03A.155 - Distributions prohibited.

24.03A.160 - Reasonable compensation permitted.

24.03A.165 - Property held for charitable purposes.

24.03A.170 - Debt and security interests.

24.03A.175 - Private foundations.

24.03A.180 - Unrestricted gifts.

24.03A.185 - Restricted gifts.

24.03A.190 - Modification or release of gift restrictions.

24.03A.195 - Binding agreement to modify or release restrictions.

24.03A.200 - Judicial modification or release of restrictions.

24.03A.205 - Charitable purpose survives.

24.03A.210 - Corporate records.

24.03A.215 - Inspection by members.

24.03A.220 - Scope of member's inspection right.

24.03A.225 - Financial statements for members.

24.03A.230 - Court-ordered inspection.

24.03A.235 - Inspection by directors.

24.03A.240 - Use of membership list.

24.03A.245 - Public benefit designation.

24.03A.250 - Application and renewal.

24.03A.255 - Removal of status.

24.03A.260 - Registration to do business.

24.03A.265 - Effect of registration.

24.03A.270 - Name of foreign nonprofit corporation.

24.03A.275 - Registered agent of foreign nonprofit corporation.

24.03A.280 - Service on foreign nonprofit corporation.

24.03A.285 - Withdrawal of registration.

24.03A.290 - Withdrawal upon conversion or dissolution.

24.03A.295 - Amendment to registration upon conversion.

24.03A.300 - Transfer of registration.

24.03A.305 - Termination of registration.

24.03A.310 - Judicial review of termination.

24.03A.315 - Members.

24.03A.320 - Scope of membership.

24.03A.325 - Admission of members.

24.03A.330 - Consideration for admission.

24.03A.335 - Capital contributions.

24.03A.340 - Rights and obligations.

24.03A.345 - Differences in rights and obligations.

24.03A.350 - Transfers of membership.

24.03A.355 - Member's liability for corporate obligations.

24.03A.360 - Member's liability for dues, fees, and assessments.

24.03A.365 - Creditor's action against member.

24.03A.370 - Resignation of member.

24.03A.375 - Termination and suspension of membership.

24.03A.380 - Repurchase of memberships.

24.03A.385 - Delegates.

24.03A.390 - Annual and regular meetings.

24.03A.395 - Special meetings.

24.03A.400 - Court-ordered meeting.

24.03A.405 - List of members for meeting.

24.03A.410 - Notice of membership meeting.

24.03A.415 - Waiver of notice.

24.03A.420 - Record date.

24.03A.425 - Conduct of meeting.

24.03A.430 - Proxies.

24.03A.435 - Voting entitlement of members.

24.03A.440 - Membership quorum and voting requirements.

24.03A.445 - Differing quorum and voting requirements.

24.03A.450 - Voting for directors.

24.03A.455 - Acceptance of ballots, consents, waivers, or proxies.

24.03A.460 - Inspectors of election.

24.03A.465 - Action by voting groups.

24.03A.470 - Voting agreements.

24.03A.475 - Action without meeting by unanimous written consent.

24.03A.480 - Action without meeting by ballot.

24.03A.485 - Procedure for remote meetings.

24.03A.490 - Board of directors—Authority.

24.03A.495 - Standards of conduct for directors.

24.03A.500 - Qualification of directors.

24.03A.505 - Number of directors.

24.03A.510 - Selection of directors.

24.03A.515 - Terms of directors, generally.

24.03A.520 - Staggered terms for directors.

24.03A.525 - Resignation of director.

24.03A.530 - Removal of directors.

24.03A.535 - Vacancy on board of directors.

24.03A.540 - Liability of directors.

24.03A.545 - Compensation of directors.

24.03A.550 - Meetings of the board.

24.03A.555 - Notice of board meetings.

24.03A.560 - Waiver of notice.

24.03A.565 - Board quorum and voting requirements.

24.03A.570 - Action without meeting by unanimous written consent.

24.03A.575 - Board and advisory committees.

24.03A.580 - Procedure for remote meetings.

24.03A.585 - Officers—Duties.

24.03A.590 - Standards of conduct for officers.

24.03A.595 - Resignation and removal of officers.

24.03A.600 - Contract rights of officers.

24.03A.605 - Loans or guarantees.

24.03A.610 - Liability for unlawful distributions.

24.03A.615 - Conflicting interest transactions—Voidability.

24.03A.620 - Business opportunities.

24.03A.625 - Removal by judicial proceeding.

24.03A.630 - Indemnification and advance for expenses.

24.03A.635 - Directors and officers under 18 years of age.

24.03A.640 - Authority to amend.

24.03A.645 - Amendment of articles by nonmembership corporation.

24.03A.650 - Amendment before admission of members.

24.03A.655 - Amendment after admission of members.

24.03A.660 - Voting on amendments by voting groups.

24.03A.665 - Articles of amendment.

24.03A.670 - Restated articles of incorporation.

24.03A.675 - Amendment of articles pursuant to reorganization.

24.03A.680 - Effective date.

24.03A.685 - Effect of articles of amendment.

24.03A.690 - Power to amend bylaws.

24.03A.695 - Bylaw amendments requiring member approval.

24.03A.700 - Effect of bylaw amendment.

24.03A.705 - Approval of amendments by third parties.

24.03A.710 - Definitions.

24.03A.715 - Property held for charitable purposes.

24.03A.720 - Prohibition of financial benefit.

24.03A.725 - Limitations on charitable corporations.

24.03A.730 - Merger.

24.03A.735 - Adoption of plan of merger.

24.03A.740 - Articles of merger.

24.03A.745 - Effect of merger.

24.03A.750 - Abandonment of merger.

24.03A.755 - Definitions.

24.03A.760 - Excluded transactions.

24.03A.765 - Required approvals.

24.03A.770 - Property held for charitable purposes.

24.03A.775 - Prohibition on financial benefit.

24.03A.780 - Voting rights in existing corporations.

24.03A.785 - Domestication.

24.03A.790 - Action on a plan of domestication.

24.03A.795 - Articles of domestication.

24.03A.800 - Effect of domestication.

24.03A.805 - Abandonment of domestication.

24.03A.810 - For-profit conversion of noncharitable corporations.

24.03A.815 - Action on a plan of for-profit conversion.

24.03A.820 - Articles of for-profit conversion.

24.03A.825 - Effect of for-profit conversion.

24.03A.830 - Abandonment of for-profit conversion.

24.03A.835 - For-profit domestication and conversion.

24.03A.840 - Articles of domestication and conversion.

24.03A.845 - Effect of for-profit domestication and conversion.

24.03A.850 - Abandonment of for-profit domestication and conversion.

24.03A.855 - Entity conversion for noncharitable corporations.

24.03A.860 - Plan of entity conversion.

24.03A.865 - Action on a plan of entity conversion.

24.03A.870 - Articles of entity conversion.

24.03A.875 - Effect of entity conversion.

24.03A.880 - Abandonment of entity conversion.

24.03A.885 - Dispositions not requiring member approval.

24.03A.890 - Dispositions requiring member approval.

24.03A.895 - Effect of dispositions.

24.03A.900 - Property held for charitable purposes.

24.03A.902 - Prohibition of financial benefit.

24.03A.904 - Authorization of voluntary dissolution.

24.03A.906 - Distribution of assets on dissolution.

24.03A.908 - Corporations holding property for charitable purposes.

24.03A.910 - Articles of dissolution.

24.03A.912 - Revocation of dissolution.

24.03A.914 - Effect of dissolution.

24.03A.916 - Prohibition of financial benefit.

24.03A.918 - Known claims against dissolved corporation.

24.03A.920 - Other claims against dissolved corporation.

24.03A.922 - Enforcement of claims.

24.03A.924 - Court proceedings.

24.03A.926 - Directors' duties.

24.03A.928 - Administrative dissolution.

24.03A.930 - Procedure and effect of administrative dissolution.

24.03A.932 - Property held for charitable purposes.

24.03A.934 - Reinstatement of administratively dissolved corporation.

24.03A.936 - Judicial dissolution.

24.03A.938 - Procedure for judicial dissolution.

24.03A.940 - Receivership.

24.03A.942 - Decree of dissolution.

24.03A.944 - Notice to attorney general.

24.03A.946 - Actions to secure property held for charitable purposes.

24.03A.948 - Attorney general's right to intervene.

24.03A.950 - Attorney general's investigative power.

24.03A.952 - Civil investigative demands.

24.03A.954 - Religious corporations.

24.03A.956 - Assurances of discontinuance.

24.03A.958 - Civil penalties, costs, and fees.

24.03A.960 - Charitable asset protection account.

24.03A.962 - Definitions.

24.03A.964 - Proceedings prior to corporate action.

24.03A.966 - Review of contested corporate action.