RCW 20.01.610
Authority to stop vehicle violating chapter—Failure to stop, civil infraction.
The director may establish points of inspection for vehicles transporting agricultural products on the public roads of this state. Vehicles transporting agricultural products on the public roads of this state are subject to inspection and must stop at any posted inspection point established by the director. The director or appointed officers may stop a vehicle transporting agricultural products upon the public roads of this state at a place other than an inspection point if there is reasonable cause to believe the carrier, seller, or buyer may be in violation of this chapter. Any operator of a vehicle failing or refusing to stop when directed to do so has committed a civil infraction.
The director and appointed officers shall work to ensure that vehicles carrying perishable agricultural products are detained no longer than is absolutely necessary for a prompt assessment of compliance with this chapter. If a vehicle carrying perishable agricultural products is found to be in violation of this chapter, the director or appointed officers shall promptly issue necessary notices of civil infraction, as provided in RCW 20.01.482 and 20.01.484, and shall allow the vehicle to continue toward its destination without further delay.
[ 2007 c 71 § 6; 2003 c 395 § 10; 1986 c 178 § 14; 1983 c 305 § 8.]
Severability—1983 c 305: See note following RCW 20.01.010.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 20 - Commission Merchants—Agricultural Products
Chapter 20.01 - Agricultural Products—Commission Merchants, Dealers, Brokers, Buyers, Agents.
20.01.020 - Rules and regulations—Enforcement of chapter—Interference prohibited.
20.01.038 - License required of persons dealing in livestock, hay, grain, or straw.
20.01.040 - License—Generally.
20.01.060 - Licensee in one class may obtain license in another—Additional fee.
20.01.070 - Application for license—Contents.
20.01.080 - Commission merchant's schedule of commissions and charges—Changes, posting.
20.01.086 - Waiver of reporting, accounting, and recordkeeping requirements prohibited.
20.01.090 - Agent to disclose principal licensee and his endorsement.
20.01.110 - Publication of list of licensees and rules—Posting license.
20.01.120 - Vehicle license plates.
20.01.125 - Hay or straw—Certified vehicle tare and load weights—Violations.
20.01.130 - Disposition of moneys.
20.01.140 - Change in organization of firm to be reported.
20.01.150 - Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary orders—Authority.
20.01.160 - Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary orders—Procedure.
20.01.200 - Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary orders—Appellate review.
20.01.205 - License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—Reissuance.
20.01.210 - Commission merchants, dealers—Bonds.
20.01.211 - Alternative bonding provision for certain dealers.
20.01.212 - Livestock dealers bonded under federal law.
20.01.214 - Appeal from rejected bond claim.
20.01.220 - Action on bond for fraud.
20.01.230 - Action on bond for failure to comply with chapter.
20.01.240 - Claims against commission merchant, dealer.
20.01.250 - Failure of consignor to file claim, time limitation.
20.01.260 - Director not liable if circumstances prevent ascertainment of creditors—Demand on bond.
20.01.270 - Demand on bond after claims ascertained—Power of director to settle, compromise.
20.01.280 - Action on bond after refusal to pay—New bond, failure to file.
20.01.300 - Verified complaints of consignor—Investigations.
20.01.310 - Oaths, testimony, witnesses, subpoenas—Contempt proceedings—Records as evidence.
20.01.320 - Investigations, examinations, inspections—Search warrants—Subpoenas.
20.01.330 - Denial, revocation, suspension, or condition of licenses, probationary orders—Grounds.
20.01.360 - Order of revocation, suspension.
20.01.370 - Commission merchants—Recordkeeping.
20.01.385 - Failure to comply—Construction of transaction.
20.01.390 - When dealer must pay for products delivered to him or her.
20.01.400 - Broker's memorandum of sale.
20.01.410 - Manifest of cargo—Bill of lading.
20.01.420 - Commission merchant's report of sale to consignor.
20.01.430 - Commission merchant's remittance to consignor.
20.01.460 - Prohibited acts—Penalties.
20.01.465 - Time of sale requirement—Unlawful practice.
20.01.470 - Action to enjoin violation of chapter.
20.01.480 - Violations resulting in improper or nonpayment—Charges.
20.01.482 - Civil infractions—Notice—Misdemeanors.
20.01.484 - Civil infractions—Response to notice.
20.01.486 - Civil infractions—Hearing to contest charge—Order—Appeal.
20.01.488 - Civil infractions—Informal hearing on mitigating circumstances—Order—No appeal.
20.01.490 - Civil infractions—Monetary penalty—Failure to pay, misdemeanor.
20.01.500 - "Grower," "processor" defined—Application of exemption contained in RCW 20.01.030(1).
20.01.510 - Processor's form showing maximum processing capacity.
20.01.520 - Processor to have grower contracts and commitments on file.
20.01.530 - Grower may file form showing crops processor is committed to purchase.
20.01.540 - Committing to purchase more crops than plants can process—Violation.
20.01.550 - Discrimination by processor.
20.01.560 - Effective date of RCW 20.01.500 through 20.01.550.
20.01.570 - Cash or other security in lieu of surety bond.
20.01.610 - Authority to stop vehicle violating chapter—Failure to stop, civil infraction.
20.01.900 - Chapter cumulative and nonexclusive.