Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 17.28 - Mosquito Control Districts.
17.28.185 - Control of mosquitos—Noncompliance by landowner with regulations.

RCW 17.28.185
Control of mosquitos—Noncompliance by landowner with regulations.

(1) Whenever the board finds that the owner has not taken prompt and sufficient action to comply with regulations adopted pursuant to RCW 17.28.175 to control mosquitos originating from the owner's land, the board shall notify the owner that a violation of this chapter exists. The notice shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, or served by personal service. The notice shall provide a reasonable time period for action to be taken to control mosquitos. If the board deems that a public nuisance or threat to public health or welfare caused by the mosquito infestation is sufficiently severe, it may require immediate control action to be taken within forty-eight hours following the time that notification is reasonably expected to have been received by the owner or agent by certified mail or personal service.
(2) If the owner does not take sufficient action to control mosquitos in accordance with the notice, the board may control them, or cause their being controlled, at the expense of the owner. The amount of such expense shall constitute a lien against the property and may be enforced by proceedings on such lien. The owner shall be liable for payment of the expenses, and nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent collection of any judgment on account thereof by any means available pursuant to law, in substitution for enforcement of the lien. Necessary costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the board in carrying out this section, may be recovered at the same time, as a part of the action filed under this section. The venue in proceedings for reimbursement of expenses brought pursuant to this section, including those involving governmental entities, shall be the county in which the real property that is the subject of the action is situated.

[ 1990 c 300 § 3.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 17 - Weeds, Rodents, and Pests

Chapter 17.28 - Mosquito Control Districts.

17.28.010 - Definitions.

17.28.020 - Districts may be organized in counties—Petition, presentment, signatures.

17.28.030 - Petition method—Description of boundaries—Verification of signatures—Resolution to include city.

17.28.040 - Petition method—Publication of petition and notice of meeting.

17.28.050 - Resolution method.

17.28.060 - Hearing—Defective petition—Establishment of boundaries.

17.28.070 - Procedure to include other territory.

17.28.080 - Determination of public necessity and compliance with chapter.

17.28.090 - Declaration establishing and naming district—Election to form district—Establishment of district.

17.28.100 - Election on proposition to levy tax.

17.28.110 - Board of trustees—Composition.

17.28.120 - Board of trustees—Name of board—Qualification of members.

17.28.130 - Board of trustees—Terms—Vacancies.

17.28.140 - Board of trustees—Organization—Officers—Compensation—Expenses.

17.28.150 - Board of trustees—Meetings—Rules—Quorum.

17.28.160 - Powers of district.

17.28.170 - Mosquito breeding places declared public nuisance—Abatement.

17.28.175 - Control of mosquitos—Declaration that owner is responsible.

17.28.185 - Control of mosquitos—Noncompliance by landowner with regulations.

17.28.250 - Interference with entry or work of district—Penalty.

17.28.251 - Borrowing money or issuing warrants in anticipation of revenue.

17.28.252 - Excess levy authorized.

17.28.253 - District boundaries for tax purposes.

17.28.254 - Abatement, extermination declared necessity and benefit to land.

17.28.255 - Classification of property—Assessments.

17.28.256 - Assessments—Roll, hearings, notices, objections, appeal, etc.

17.28.257 - Assessments—Payment, lien, delinquencies, foreclosure, etc.

17.28.258 - County treasurer—Duties.

17.28.260 - General obligation bonds—Excess property tax levies.

17.28.270 - Collection, disposition, of revenue—Depository.

17.28.280 - Withdrawal of funds.

17.28.290 - Matching funds.

17.28.300 - Expenses of special elections.

17.28.310 - Annual certification of assessed valuation.

17.28.320 - Annexation of territory authorized—Consent by city.

17.28.330 - Annexation of territory authorized—Petition—Hearing—Boundaries.

17.28.340 - Annexation of territory authorized—Order of annexation—Election.

17.28.350 - Annexation of territory authorized—Filing of order—Composition of board.

17.28.360 - Consolidation of districts—Initial proceedings.

17.28.370 - Consolidation of districts—Concurrent resolution.

17.28.380 - Consolidation of districts—Election.

17.28.390 - Consolidation of districts—Order of consolidation.

17.28.400 - Consolidation of districts—Composition of board.

17.28.410 - Consolidation of districts—Powers of consolidated district—Indebtedness of former districts.

17.28.420 - Dissolution—Election.

17.28.430 - Dissolution—Result of election to be certified—Certificate of dissolution.

17.28.440 - Dissolution—Disposition of property.

17.28.450 - Dissolution—Collection of taxes to discharge indebtedness.

17.28.900 - Severability—1957 c 153.