Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 17.24 - Insect Pests and Plant Diseases.
17.24.021 - Inspection and investigation.

RCW 17.24.021
Inspection and investigation.

(1) The director may intercept and hold or order held for inspection, or cause to be inspected while in transit or after arrival at their destination, all plants, plant products, bees, or other articles likely to carry plant pests, bee pests, or noxious weeds being moved into this state from another state, territory, or a foreign country or within or through this state for plant and bee pests and disease.
(2) The director may enter upon public and private premises at reasonable times for the purpose of carrying out this chapter. If the director be denied access, the director may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a search warrant authorizing access to such premises. The court may upon such application issue the search warrant for the purposes requested.
(3) The director may adopt rules in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

[ 1991 c 257 § 6.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 17 - Weeds, Rodents, and Pests

Chapter 17.24 - Insect Pests and Plant Diseases.

17.24.003 - Purpose.

17.24.007 - Definitions.

17.24.011 - Regulation of plant, plant product, bee movement, and genetically engineered organisms.

17.24.021 - Inspection and investigation.

17.24.031 - Determination of origin.

17.24.041 - Power to adopt quarantine measures—Rules.

17.24.051 - Introduction of plant pests, noxious weeds, or organisms affecting plant life—Special transit permit for brush, yard waste, or debris generated inside a quarantine area for apple maggot.

17.24.061 - Protection of privileged or confidential information—Procedure—Notice—Declaratory judgment.

17.24.071 - Compliance agreements.

17.24.081 - Prohibited acts.

17.24.091 - Impound and disposition.

17.24.100 - Penalties—Second and subsequent offenses.

17.24.101 - Statewide survey and control activity.

17.24.111 - Director's cooperation with other agencies.

17.24.121 - Acquisition of lands, water supply, or other properties for quarantine locations.

17.24.131 - Requested inspections—Fee for service—Disbursements in lieu of fee.

17.24.141 - Penalties—Criminal and civil penalty.

17.24.151 - Violations—Costs of control.

17.24.161 - Funds for technical and scientific services.

17.24.171 - Determination of imminent danger of infestation of plant pests or plant diseases—Emergency measures—Conditions—Procedures.

17.24.210 - Indemnity contracts for damages resulting from prevention, control, or eradication measures—Authorized—Conditions.

17.24.220 - Sudden oak death syndrome—Coordinated response effort.