Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 13.34 - Juvenile Court Act—Dependency and Termination of Parent-Child Relationship.
13.34.010 - Short title.

RCW 13.34.010
Short title.

This chapter shall be known as the "Juvenile Court Act in Cases Relating to Dependency of a Child and the Termination of a Parent and Child Relationship".

[ 1977 ex.s. c 291 § 29.]

Effective dates—Severability—1977 ex.s. c 291: See notes following RCW 13.04.005.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 13 - Juvenile Courts and Juvenile Offenders

Chapter 13.34 - Juvenile Court Act—Dependency and Termination of Parent-Child Relationship.

13.34.010 - Short title.

13.34.020 - Legislative declaration of family unit as resource to be nurtured—Rights of child.

13.34.025 - Child dependency cases—Coordination of services—Remedial services.

13.34.030 - Definitions.

13.34.035 - Standard court forms—Rules—Administrative office of the courts to develop and establish—Failure to use or follow—Distribution.

13.34.040 - Petition to court to deal with dependent child—Application of federal Indian child welfare act.

13.34.045 - Educational liaison—Identification.

13.34.046 - Educational liaison—Responsibilities—Background checks.

13.34.050 - Court order to take child into custody, when—Hearing.

13.34.055 - Custody by law enforcement officer—Release from liability.

13.34.060 - Shelter care—Placement—Custody—Duties of parties.

13.34.062 - Shelter care—Notice of custody and rights.

13.34.065 - Shelter care—Hearing—Recommendation as to further need—Release.

13.34.067 - Shelter care—Case conference—Service agreement.

13.34.069 - Shelter care—Order and authorization of health care and education records.

13.34.070 - Summons when petition filed—Service procedure—Hearing, when—Contempt upon failure to appear—Required notice regarding Indian children.

13.34.080 - Summons when petition filed—Publication of notice.

13.34.090 - Rights under chapter proceedings.

13.34.092 - Rights under chapter proceedings—Appointment of counsel—Notice.

13.34.094 - Description of services provided to parents.

13.34.096 - Right to be heard—Notice.

13.34.100 - Appointment of guardian ad litem—Background information—Rights—Notification and inquiry—Review and removal.

13.34.102 - Guardian ad litem—Training—Registry—Selection—Substitution—Exception.

13.34.105 - Guardian ad litem—Duties—Immunity—Access to information.

13.34.107 - Guardian ad litem—Ex parte communications—Removal.

13.34.108 - Guardian ad litem—Fees.

13.34.110 - Hearings—Fact-finding and disposition—Time and place, notice.

13.34.115 - Hearings—Public excluded when in the best interests of the child—Notes and records—Video recordings.

13.34.120 - Social study and reports made available at disposition hearing—Contents—Notice to parents.

13.34.125 - Voluntary adoption plan—Consideration of preferences for proposed placement.

13.34.130 - Order of disposition for a dependent child, alternatives—Petition seeking termination of parent-child relationship—Placement with relatives, foster family home, group care facility, qualified residential treatment program, or other suitab...

13.34.132 - Petition seeking termination of parent-child relationship—Requirements.

13.34.134 - Permanent placement of child.

13.34.136 - Permanency plan of care.

13.34.138 - Review hearings—Findings—Duties of parties involved—In-home placement requirements—Housing assistance.

13.34.141 - Entry, order of disposition—Parent, guardian, or custodian of child to engage in services and maintain contact with child—Notice.

13.34.142 - Current placement episode—Calculation.

13.34.145 - Permanency planning hearing—Purpose—Time limits—Goals—Review hearing—Petition for termination of parental rights—Guardianship petition—Agency responsibility to provide services to parents—Due process rights.

13.34.147 - Case review panel—Creation—Duties.

13.34.150 - Modification of orders.

13.34.155 - Concurrent jurisdiction over nonparental actions for child custody—Establishment or modification of parenting plan.

13.34.160 - Order of support for dependent child.

13.34.161 - Order of support for dependent child—Noncompliance—Enforcement of judgment.

13.34.165 - Civil contempt—Grounds—Motion—Penalty—Detention review hearing.

13.34.174 - Order of alcohol or substance abuse diagnostic investigation and evaluation—Treatment plan—Breach of plan—Reports.

13.34.176 - Violation of alcohol or substance abuse treatment conditions—Hearing—Notice—Modification of order.

13.34.180 - Order terminating parent and child relationship—Petition—Filing—Allegations.

13.34.190 - Order terminating parent and child relationship—Findings.

13.34.200 - Order terminating parent and child relationship—Rights of parties when granted.

13.34.210 - Order terminating parent and child relationship—Custody where no one has parental rights.

13.34.212 - Court-appointed attorney for a child in a dependency proceeding.

13.34.215 - Petition reinstating terminated parental rights—Notice—Achievement of permanency plan—Effect of granting the petition—Hearing—Child support liability—Retroactive application—Limitation on liability.

13.34.232 - Guardianship for dependent child—Order, contents—Rights and duties of dependency guardian.

13.34.233 - Guardianship for dependent child—Modification or termination of order—Hearing—Termination of guardianship.

13.34.234 - Guardianship for dependent child—Dependency guardianship subsidies.

13.34.235 - Guardianship for dependent child—Review hearing requirements not applicable—Exception.

13.34.237 - Guardianship for dependent child—Subject to dependency and termination of parent-child relationship provisions—Exceptions—Request to convert dependency guardianship to guardianship—Dismissal of dependency.

13.34.240 - Acts, records, and proceedings of Indian tribe or band given full faith and credit.

13.34.245 - Voluntary consent to foster care placement for Indian child—Validation—Withdrawal of consent—Termination.

13.34.260 - Foster home placement—Parental preferences—Foster parent contact with birth parents encouraged.

13.34.265 - Foster home placement—Considerations.

13.34.267 - Extended foster care services—Maintenance of dependency proceeding—Placement, care of youth—Appointment of counsel—Case plan.

13.34.268 - Extended foster care services—Voluntary placement agreement—Decline—Petition for dependency.

13.34.270 - Child with developmental disability—Out-of-home placement—Permanency planning hearing.

13.34.300 - Relevance of failure to cause juvenile to attend school to neglect petition.

13.34.315 - Health care—Evaluation and treatment.

13.34.320 - Inpatient mental health treatment—When parental consent required—Hearing.

13.34.330 - Inpatient mental health treatment—Placement.

13.34.340 - Release of records—Disclosure to treating physician.

13.34.350 - Dependent children—Information sharing—Guidelines.

13.34.360 - Transfer of newborn to qualified person—Criminal liability—Notification to child protective services—Definitions.

13.34.370 - Evaluation of parties—Selection of evaluators.

13.34.380 - Visitation policies and protocols—Development—Elements.

13.34.385 - Petition for visitation—Relatives of dependent children—Notice—Modification of order—Effect of granting the petition—Retroactive application.

13.34.390 - Comprehensive services for drug-affected and alcohol-affected mothers and infants.

13.34.400 - Child welfare proceedings—Placement—Documentation.

13.34.410 - Psychosexual evaluation.

13.34.420 - Qualified residential treatment program—Requirements.

13.34.425 - Qualified residential treatment program—Placement—Hearing.

13.34.430 - Social study—Required information.

13.34.435 - Washington state center for court research—Attorney-client privilege.

13.34.440 - Federal waivers.

13.34.800 - Drug-affected and alcohol-affected infants—Model project.

13.34.801 - Rules—Definition of "drug-affected infant."

13.34.802 - Rules—Definition of "alcohol-affected infant."

13.34.820 - Permanency for dependent children—Annual report.

13.34.830 - Child protection and child welfare—Racial disproportionality—Evaluation—Report.

13.34.900 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.

13.34.901 - Construction—Prevention services.