(a) Establishment.--There is established an advisory council for the program. The advisory council shall consist of the following members and the Adjutant General, who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex officio member. Members of the advisory council shall be appointed as follows:
(1) Three members appointed by the Governor as follows:
(i) The Deputy Adjutant General - Army, or a designee.
(ii) The Deputy Adjutant General - Air, or a designee.
(iii) The Secretary of Education or a designee.
(2) Three members of the Senate appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the Senate, with two appointees from the majority party and one appointee from the minority party.
(3) Three members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, with two appointees from the majority party and one appointee from the minority party.
(b) Terms.--Each member of the advisory council shall serve for the duration of the term of the appointing authority, provided that each member may be removed for cause by the member's appointing authority.
(c) Chairperson.--The advisory council shall annually elect a chairperson.
(d) Quorum.--Five members of the advisory council shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the advisory council. The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly and at other times at the call of the chairperson.
(e) Compensation.--Members of the advisory council shall receive no compensation for their services but shall receive reimbursement for their necessary and proper expenses for attendance at meetings.
(f) Program operation.--The advisory council shall advise the Adjutant General and the department concerning the operation of the program.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes