Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 93 - Public Library Code
Section 9343 - Basic aid to local libraries

(a) Allocation.--For eligible fiscal years up to and through the 1998-1999 fiscal year, 25% of the Commonwealth's total annual appropriation for the system of State aid established under section 9333 (relating to State system of aid to libraries), or a minimum of 25¢ per capita for each person residing in the municipalities of the libraries which qualify for basic aid, shall be allocated as basic aid.
(b) Minimum financial effort.--
(1) Any local library which makes a minimum financial effort equal to one-half mill, for the municipalities on behalf of which it applies for aid, or $2 per capita for each person residing in those municipalities, whichever is less, and achieves the basic standards, shall qualify for basic State aid. The aid shall not be less than 25¢ for each person residing in the municipalities.
(2) If the allocation for basic aid exceeds the amount necessary to pay the minimum rate, the entire allocation shall be distributed at a per capita rate which shall be determined by dividing the allocation by the number of persons in this Commonwealth on behalf of which local libraries and library systems apply and qualify for basic aid. In the first year in which a library applies for State aid, it shall qualify by making a minimum financial effort equal to one-quarter mill, or $1 per capita for each person residing in the municipalities, whichever is less.
(c) Qualification.--
(1) In each of the succeeding five years, the library shall qualify for maximum State aid only when it increases its financial effort by the following scale of percentages of the difference between the financial effort with which the library initially qualified for State aid and a financial effort equal to one-half mill, or $2 per capita for each person residing in the municipalities for which it applies for aid, whichever is less:
1st succeeding year-20%;
2nd succeeding year-40%;
3rd succeeding year-60%;
4th succeeding year-80%; and
5th succeeding year-100%.
(2) If the increase in any year is less than the percentage specified under paragraph (1), the amount of State aid shall be reduced by a percentage equal to one-fifth of the percentage which the difference between the required increase and the actual increase bears to the required increase multiplied by the number of years of participation in State aid beyond the first year.
(d) Ineligibility.--After the fifth succeeding year, a local library shall not be eligible for further State aid unless it makes a financial effort equal to one-half mill for the municipalities on behalf of which it applies for aid, or $2 per capita for each person residing in those municipalities, whichever is less.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Title 24 - EDUCATION

Chapter 93 - Public Library Code

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 9301 - Scope of chapter

Section 9302 - Definitions

Section 9311 - State Library and State Librarian

Section 9312 - Advisory council

Section 9313 - Statewide library resource centers

Section 9314 - District library centers

Section 9315 - Development of local libraries

Section 9316 - Acquisition of real property for library purposes

Section 9317 - County libraries and library taxes

Section 9318 - Local library governance

Section 9319 - Certification of library personnel

Section 9320 - Collaborative ventures

Section 9331 - Qualification in general

Section 9332 - Waiver of standards

Section 9333 - State system of aid to libraries

Section 9334 - Quality libraries aid

Section 9335 - Incentive for excellence aid

Section 9336 - Equal distribution grants

Section 9337 - County coordination aid

Section 9338 - District library center aid

Section 9339 - Statewide library resource center aid

Section 9340 - Equalization aid

Section 9341 - Transfer of funds among allocations

Section 9342 - Special rules for specific fiscal years

Section 9343 - Basic aid to local libraries

Section 9344 - Incentive aid to local libraries

Section 9351 - Financial support for libraries authorized

Section 9352 - Popular subscription

Section 9353 - Gifts and donations

Section 9371 - Free use of libraries

Section 9372 - Tax exempt status

Section 9373 - Commonwealth publications

Section 9374 - Selection of materials

Section 9375 - Privacy of circulation records

Section 9376 - Damage to library materials