Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 85 - Assessments of Persons and Property
Section 8586 - Limitations

(a) Limit on exclusion.--
(1) In accordance with the limits established on the exclusion for homestead property in Article VIII of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, no governing body of a political subdivision shall authorize an exclusion for homestead property in excess of the amount which is one-half of the median assessed value of homestead property in the political subdivision. The median assessed value of homestead property shall be determined by the information provided to the governing body under section 8584(i) (relating to administration and procedure).
(2) For the purposes of calculating the limit on the exclusion under paragraph (1), a political subdivision that is located in more than one county shall determine the median assessed value of homestead property for the entire political subdivision after dividing the assessed value of each homestead property by the common level ratio of the county in which the homestead property is located.
(b) Prohibition.--The governing body of the political subdivision may not increase the millage rate of its tax on real property to pay for the exclusions authorized by sections 8583 (relating to exclusion for homestead property) and 8585 (relating to exclusion for farmstead property).
(c) Other tax exemption.--Notwithstanding any provision of this subchapter to the contrary, no governing body in a city of the first class shall authorize a homestead property exclusion for property that, for the same tax year to which the homestead property exclusion would otherwise apply, has an exemption from real property taxation under the act of July 9, 1971 (P.L.206, No.34), known as the Improvement of Deteriorating Real Property or Areas Tax Exemption Act.
(Dec. 18, 2013, P.L.1165, No.106, eff. 60 days)

2013 Amendment. Act 106 added subsec. (c).
Cross References. Section 8586 is referred to in sections 8583, 8717 of this title.