Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 59 - Depositions and Witnesses
Section 5950 - Confidential communications involving law enforcement officers

(a) Disclosure.--Except as provided under subsection (c), a critical incident stress management team member who, while in the course of duty, has acquired information from any law enforcement officer in confidence may not be compelled or allowed without the consent of the law enforcement officer to disclose that information in a legal proceeding, trial or investigation before any government unit.
(b) Coparticipants.--Except as provided under subsection (c), a coparticipant who is present during the course of a critical incident stress management team intervention may not be compelled or allowed, without the consent of the affected law enforcement officer, to disclose any communication made during the intervention in a legal proceeding, trial or investigation before a government unit.
(c) Exceptions.--The privilege established under subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply if any of the following apply:
(1) The communication indicates clear and present danger to the law enforcement officer who received critical incident stress management services or to other individuals.
(2) The law enforcement officer who received critical incident stress management services gives express consent to the disclosure.
(3) The law enforcement officer who received critical incident stress management services is deceased and the surviving spouse or the executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased law enforcement officer gives express consent.
(d) Definitions.--As used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
"Coparticipant." An individual who participates in a group critical incident stress management team intervention.
"Critical incident." A situation responded to by a law enforcement officer which presents or involves either the death or serious bodily injury of an individual or the imminent potential of such death or serious bodily injury, or any situation faced by a law enforcement officer in the course of duty which causes or may cause the law enforcement officer to experience unusually strong negative emotional reactions.
"Critical Incident Stress Management Network." A network that meets the requirements of membership with the Pennsylvania Voluntary Critical Incident Stress Management Network as administered by the Department of Health and is registered with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation.
"Critical incident stress management services." Consultation, risk assessment, education, intervention, briefing, defusing, debriefing, onsite services, referral and other crisis intervention services provided by a critical incident stress management team to a law enforcement officer prior to, during or after a critical incident.
"Critical incident stress management team member." An individual who is specially trained to provide critical incident stress management services as a member of a police agency or organization critical incident stress management team that holds membership in the Commonwealth's critical incident stress management network.
"Government unit." The General Assembly and its officers and agencies; the Governor and the departments, boards, commissions, authorities and officers and agencies of the Commonwealth or other instrumentalities thereof; any political subdivision, municipality, school district or other local authority and the departments, boards, commissions, authorities and officers and agencies of such political subdivisions or other instrumentalities thereof; and any court or other officer or agency of the unified judicial system or instrumentality thereof.
"Law enforcement officer." Any of the following:
(1) A member of the Pennsylvania State Police.
(2) Any enforcement officer or investigator employed by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.
(3) A parole agent of the Department of Corrections.
(4) A Capitol Police officer.
(5) A Department of Conservation and Natural Resources ranger.
(6) A drug enforcement agent of the Office of Attorney General whose principal duty is the enforcement of the drug laws of this Commonwealth and a special agent of the Office of Attorney General whose principal duty is the enforcement of the criminal laws of this Commonwealth.
(7) Any member of a port authority or other authority police department.
(8) Any police officer of a county, region, city, borough, town or township.
(9) Any sheriff or deputy sheriff.
(10) A member of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission.
(11) A Pennsylvania Wildlife Conservation Officer.
(12) A member of a campus police force with the power to arrest under section 2416 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929. As used in this paragraph, the term "campus police" has the meaning given in section 302 of the act of November 29, 2004 (P.L.1383, No.180), known as the Uniform Crime Reporting Act.
(13) A member of the Fort Indiantown Gap Police Force.
(July 9, 2010, P.L.381, No.53, eff. 60 days; June 30, 2021, P.L.260, No.59, eff. imd.)

2021 Amendment. Act 59 amended subsec. (d). See section 28 of Act 59 in the appendix to this title for special provisions relating to reference in law.
2010 Amendment. Act 53 added section 5950.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 59 - Depositions and Witnesses

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5901 - Judicial oath

Section 5902 - Effect of religious beliefs

Section 5903 - Compensation and expenses of witnesses

Section 5904 - Subpoena of witnesses

Section 5905 - Subpoenas

Section 5911 - Competency of witnesses generally

Section 5912 - Effect of prior convictions

Section 5913 - Spouses as witnesses against each other

Section 5914 - Confidential communications between spouses

Section 5915 - Testimony by spouse in rebuttal

Section 5916 - Confidential communications to attorney

Section 5917 - Notes of evidence at former trial

Section 5918 - Examination of defendant as to other offenses

Section 5919 - Depositions in criminal matters

Section 5920 - Expert testimony in certain criminal proceedings

Section 5921 - Interest not to disqualify

Section 5922 - Disqualification by perjury

Section 5923 - Confidential communications between spouses

Section 5924 - Spouses as witnesses against each other

Section 5925 - Testimony by married person against spouse in rebuttal

Section 5926 - Testimony by spouse after attack on character or conduct

Section 5927 - Actions by spouse to recover separate property

Section 5928 - Confidential communications to attorney

Section 5929 - Physicians not to disclose information

Section 5930 - Surviving party as witness, in case of death, mental incapacity, etc

Section 5931 - Incompetent witnesses

Section 5932 - Witness competent to testify against interest; to become competent upon release of interest

Section 5933 - Competency of surviving party

Section 5934 - Notes of evidence at former trial

Section 5935 - Examination of person adversely interested

Section 5936 - Medical testimony by deposition

Section 5941 - Persons who may be compelled to testify

Section 5942 - Confidential communications to news reporters

Section 5943 - Confidential communications to clergymen

Section 5944 - Confidential communications to psychiatrists or licensed psychologists

Section 5945 - Confidential communications to school personnel

Section 5945.1 - Confidential communications with sexual assault counselors.

Section 5945.2 - Confidential communications to crime stopper or similar anticrime program

Section 5945.3 - Confidential communications with human trafficking caseworkers

Section 5946 - Competency of certain witnesses where political subdivision is a party

Section 5947 - Immunity of witnesses

Section 5948 - Confidential communications to qualified professionals

Section 5949 - Confidential mediation communications and documents

Section 5950 - Confidential communications involving law enforcement officers

Section 5951 - Confidential communications involving public safety responders and corrections officers

Section 5952 - Confidential communications to peer support members

Section 5961 - Short title of subchapter

Section 5962 - Definitions

Section 5963 - Summoning witness in this Commonwealth to testify in another state

Section 5964 - Witness from another state summoned to testify in this Commonwealth

Section 5965 - Exemption from arrest and service of process

Section 5971 - Short title of subchapter

Section 5972 - Definitions

Section 5973 - Scope of subchapter

Section 5974 - Summoning prisoner in this Commonwealth to testify in another state

Section 5975 - Court order

Section 5976 - Terms and conditions

Section 5977 - Prisoner from another state summoned to testify in this Commonwealth

Section 5978 - Compliance

Section 5979 - Exemption from arrest and service of process

Section 5981 - Declaration of policy

Section 5982 - Definitions

Section 5983 - Rights and services

Section 5984 - Videotaped depositions (Repealed)

Section 5984.1 - Recorded testimony

Section 5985 - Testimony by contemporaneous alternative method

Section 5985.1 - Admissibility of certain statements

Section 5986 - Hearsay

Section 5987 - Use of dolls

Section 5988 - Victims of sexual or physical abuse

Section 5991 - Declaration of policy

Section 5992 - Definitions

Section 5993 - Admissibility of certain statements