No payment provided for in this part shall be reduced on account of any other benefits, now or hereafter provided for, under any workmen's compensation law or any other law, except as otherwise herein provided.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Section 5701 - Return of total accumulated deductions
Section 5701.1 - Transfer of accumulated deductions
Section 5702 - Maximum single life annuity
Section 5703 - Reduction of annuities on account of social security old-age insurance benefits
Section 5704 - Disability annuities
Section 5705 - Member's options
Section 5705.1 - Payment of accumulated deductions resulting from more than one class of service
Section 5706 - Termination of annuities
Section 5708 - Supplemental annuities
Section 5708.1 - Additional supplemental annuities
Section 5708.2 - Further additional supplemental annuities
Section 5708.3 - Supplemental annuities commencing 1994
Section 5708.4 - Special supplemental postretirement adjustment
Section 5708.5 - Supplemental annuities commencing 1998
Section 5708.6 - Supplemental annuities commencing 2002
Section 5708.7 - Supplemental annuities commencing 2003
Section 5708.8 - Special supplemental postretirement adjustment of 2002