Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 54 - Protection of Purchasers
Section 5406 - Purchaser's right to cancel

(a) General rule.--In cases where delivery of a public offering statement is required under section 5401 (relating to applicability; waiver), a declarant shall provide a purchaser of a unit with a copy of the public offering statement and all amendments thereto not later than the date the purchaser executes the contract of sale for such unit or, if no contract of sale is executed, not later than seven days before conveyance of such unit. Unless a purchaser is given the public offering statement, including all the currently effective amendments thereof, within the time period referred to in the preceding sentence, the purchaser, before conveyance, may cancel the contract within seven days, after first receiving the public offering statement and all currently effective amendments. If a public offering statement is amended after the public offering statement has been received by a purchaser of a unit, the amendment shall be provided to the purchaser promptly after it becomes effective. If the amendment materially and adversely affects the rights or obligations or both of the purchaser, then the purchaser, before conveyance, may cancel the contract of sale within seven days after receiving the amendment.
(b) Method and effect of cancellation.--If a purchaser elects to cancel a contract pursuant to subsection (a), the purchaser may do so by hand-delivering notice thereof to the declarant or by mailing notice thereof by prepaid United States mail to the declarant or to the declarant's agent for service of process. Cancellation is without penalty, and all payments made by the purchaser before cancellation shall be refunded promptly.
(c) Penalty for noncompliance by declarant.--If a declarant fails to provide a purchaser to whom a unit is conveyed with a public offering statement and all amendments thereto as required by subsection (a), the purchaser, in addition to any other relief, is entitled to receive from the declarant an amount equal to 5% of the sales price of the unit up to a maximum of $2,000 or actual damages, whichever is the greater amount. A minor omission or error in the public offering statement or an amendment thereto that is not willful shall entitle the purchaser to recover only actual damages, if any.
(Mar. 24, 1998, P.L.206, No.37, eff. 60 days)

1998 Amendment. Act 37 amended subsec. (a).
Cross References. Section 5406 is referred to in sections 5402, 5403 of this title.