Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 53 - Management of Planned Community
Section 5310 - Voting; proxies

(a) Unit owner other than natural person.--If the owner of a unit is a corporation, joint venture, partnership or unincorporated association, the natural person who shall be entitled to cast the vote for that unit shall be the person named in a certificate executed by that entity pursuant to its governing documents. If the owner of a unit is a trust, the trustee or trustees shall be deemed to be the owner for voting purposes. If the ownership of a unit is in more than one person, the natural person who shall be entitled to cast the vote of the unit shall be the person named in a certificate executed by all of the owners of the unit and filed with the secretary of the association or, in the absence of that named person from the meeting or in the event of failure to execute and file such a certificate, the person owning such unit who is present. If more than one of the multiple owners are present, the votes allocated to that unit may be cast only in accordance with their unanimous agreement unless the declaration expressly provides otherwise. There shall be deemed to be unanimous agreement if any one of the multiple owners casts the votes allocated to that unit without protest being made promptly to the person presiding over the meeting by any of the other owners of the unit. Such a certificate shall be valid until revoked by a subsequent certificate similarly executed. Except where execution by owners of a unit in the same manner as a deed is required in this subpart and subject to the provisions of the declaration and bylaws, wherever the approval or disapproval of a unit owner is required by this subpart, the declaration or the bylaws, the approval or disapproval shall be made only by the person who would be entitled to cast the vote of the unit at any meeting of the association.
(b) Proxies.--Votes allocated to a unit may be cast pursuant to a proxy duly executed by a unit owner. If a unit is owned by more than one person, each owner of the unit may vote or register protest to the casting of votes by the other owners of the unit through a duly executed proxy. A unit owner may not revoke a proxy given under this section except by actual notice of revocation to the person presiding over a meeting of the association. A proxy is void if it is not dated or purports to be revocable without notice. A proxy terminates one year after its date unless it specifies a shorter term.
(c) Voting by lessees.--If the declaration requires that votes on specified matters affecting the planned community be cast by lessees rather than unit owners of leased units, all of the following apply:
(1) The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) apply to lessees as if they were unit owners.
(2) Unit owners who have leased their units to other persons may not cast votes on those specified matters.
(3) Lessees are entitled to notice of meetings, access to records and other rights respecting those matters as if they were unit owners.
Unit owners shall also be given notice, in the manner provided in section 5308 (relating to meetings), of all meetings at which lessees may be entitled to vote.
(d) Units owned by association.--No votes allocated to a unit owned by the association may be cast.
(e) Approved methods of voting.--Methods of voting shall be in accordance with the following:
(1) Except to the extent expressly prohibited in an association's declaration or bylaws, the voting rights of a unit owner may be cast or given in the following ways:
(i) in person or by proxy at a meeting of the association;
(ii) by absentee or electronic ballot in accordance with this subpart; or
(iii) by another method of voting expressly provided in the association's declaration or bylaws.
(2) An absentee or electronic ballot may:
(i) Be counted as a unit owner present and voting for the purpose of establishing a quorum, and otherwise, only for agenda items appearing on the ballot.
(ii) Not be counted even if properly delivered, if the unit owner attends the meeting to vote in person. A vote cast at a meeting by a unit owner supersedes a vote submitted by absentee or electronic ballot previously submitted for that agenda item.
(3) For the purposes of this subsection, the term "electronic ballot" means a ballot cast or given by electronic transmission over the Internet, vote management system or the association's community network, whether by direct connection, intranet, telecopier, electronic mail or other technological means, if the identity of the unit owner submitting the ballot can be confirmed and a receipt of the electronic transmission and ballot can be made available to the unit owner.
(f) Acclamation.--Unless the bylaws of the association provide otherwise, in the event that an election for a position on the executive board is uncontested, the officer or chair presiding at the election meeting may declare the nominee elected by acclamation after determining there are no further nominations.
(Nov. 3, 2022, P.L.1750, No.115, eff. 180 days)

2022 Amendment. Act 115 added subsecs. (e) and (f).
Cross References. Section 5310 is referred to in sections 5103, 5222, 5322 of this title.