Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 48 - Agricultural Business Development Center
Section 4805 - Agricultural Business Development Center Advisory Committee

(a) Establishment.--There is established the Agricultural Business Development Center Advisory Committee to advise the secretary with respect to the secretary's responsibilities under this chapter.
(b) Membership.--The advisory committee shall consist of the following members:
(1) The secretary, who shall serve as chairperson.
(2) The secretary of the Department of Community and Economic Development or a designee.
(3) The dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University or a designee.
(4) One representative selected annually from each of the following organizations:
(i) The Pennsylvania Bankers Association.
(ii) A farm credit association servicing clients in this Commonwealth.
(iii) The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts.
(5) The following individuals appointed by the secretary:
(i) A licensed veterinarian whose practice includes food animals.
(ii) A person certified to create nutrient management plans.
(iii) A certified public accountant.
(iv) A financial planner.
(v) An attorney.
(vi) A farmer who has experience with a farm transition or diversification of the agricultural production of a farm.
(c) Terms.--
(1) The term of office for each advisory committee member under subsection (b)(5) shall be three years, except that the initial terms shall be staggered as follows:
(i) Two members shall each serve a term of one year.
(ii) Two members shall each serve a term of two years.
(iii) Two members shall each serve a term of three years.
(2) Advisory committee members may be appointed to successive terms at the discretion of the secretary, except that no member may serve more than two three-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
(d) Duties.--The advisory committee shall meet as often as necessary to advise the secretary on satisfying the purpose of this chapter and establishing and awarding grants under this chapter.
(e) Expenses.--Advisory committee members shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to expenses which are reasonable and necessary in the performance of their duties.

Cross References. Section 4805 is referred to in section 4802 of this title.