This subchapter relates to automotive fuel testing and disclosure.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 41 - Weights and Measures
Section 4101 - Short title of chapter
Section 4105 - Systems of weights and measures
Section 4106 - State standards of weight and measure
Section 4107 - Office and working standards and equipment
Section 4108 - Director and inspectors of weights and measures
Section 4109 - General powers and duties of department
Section 4110 - Specific powers and duties of department; regulations
Section 4111 - Testing and inspections of standards
Section 4112 - General testing and inspections
Section 4113 - Registration of sellers, installers and repairers of weighing and measuring devices
Section 4115 - Training program
Section 4117 - Inspection of packages
Section 4118 - Stop-use, stop-removal and removal orders
Section 4119 - Disposition of correct and incorrect apparatus
Section 4120 - Police powers; right of entry and stoppage
Section 4121 - Powers and duties of director and inspector
Section 4123 - City and county standards and equipment
Section 4124 - Concurrent jurisdiction
Section 4125 - Division of responsibilities
Section 4126 - Duty of owners of incorrect apparatus
Section 4127 - Method of sale of commodities
Section 4128 - Packages; declarations of quantity and origin; variations; exemptions
Section 4129 - Declarations of unit price on random packages
Section 4130 - Misleading packages
Section 4131 - Advertising packages for sale
Section 4132 - Sale by net weight
Section 4133 - Misrepresentation of price
Section 4134 - Meat, poultry and seafood
Section 4135 - Butter, oleomargarine and margarine
Section 4136 - Fluid dairy products
Section 4137 - Flour, cornmeal and hominy grits
Section 4139 - Construction of contracts
Section 4140 - Hindering or obstructing officer; penalties
Section 4141 - Impersonation of officer; penalties
Section 4142 - Prohibited acts
Section 4143 - Presumptive evidence
Section 4150 - Enforcement and regulations
Section 4152 - Weighmasters' certificates
Section 4153 - Preparation of weighmaster's certificate
Section 4154 - Use of approved weighing device required
Section 4155 - Scale requirement
Section 4156 - Disposition of copies of certificates
Section 4157 - License required; definition
Section 4158 - Suspension or revocation of licenses
Section 4159 - Prohibited acts
Section 4160 - Sales by weight
Section 4161 - Separation required
Section 4162 - Substitution of another purchaser in weighmaster's certificate
Section 4163 - Authorization to inspect and direct to nearest scales
Section 4164 - Weighmaster's certificate required
Section 4166 - Exception for boatloads or railroad carloads
Section 4167 - Rules and regulations
Section 4168 - Sales by employer-producer to employees
Section 4169 - Existing licenses
Section 4170 - Approval of types of weights and measures and weighing and measuring devices
Section 4171 - Submission of types for approval
Section 4172 - Certificates of approval; notice of disapproval; appeals
Section 4173 - Manufacture, sale or use of unapproved weights, measures and devices
Section 4174 - Marking of approved weights and measures
Section 4175 - Marking of weights and measures "not legal for trade."
Section 4176 - Rules and regulations
Section 4177 - Sealing of approved weights and measures
Section 4181 - Small deliveries
Section 4183 - Enforcement of chapter, rules and regulations
Section 4187.1 - Scope of subchapter
Section 4187.3 - Automotive Fuel Testing and Disclosure Program
Section 4187.4 - Standards for automotive fuel
Section 4187.5 - Automotive fuel rating, disclosure and labeling requirements
Section 4187.6 - Investigations
Section 4187.7 - Violations and penalties
Section 4190 - Rules and regulations
Section 4191 - Offenses and penalties
Section 4192 - Temporary or permanent injunctions