Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 33 - Administration and Personal Representatives
Section 3319 - Power of attorney; delegation of power over subscription rights and fractional shares; authorized delegations

(a) Power of attorney.--A personal representative may convey real estate, transfer title to personal estate, or perform any other act of administration by an attorney or agent under a power of attorney. Nothing in this subsection authorizes the delegation of any discretionary power.
(b) Delegation of power over subscription rights and fractional shares.--Where there is more than one personal representative, one or more may delegate to another the power to decide whether rights to subscribe to stock should be sold or should be exercised, and also the power to decide whether a fractional share of stock should be sold or should be rounded out to a whole share through the purchase of an additional fraction, and also the power to carry out any such decision. Any delegation may extend to all subscription rights and fractional shares from time to time received by the personal representatives on account of stock held by them, or may be limited to any extent specified in the delegation. No exercise of any delegated power shall be valid, unless:
(1) the stock on which the subscription rights or fractional shares are issued are listed or traded on the New York Stock Exchange or any other exchange approved by the Department of Banking; and
(2) the shares held by the personal representatives on which the subscription rights or fractional shares are issued constitute less than 5% of the total outstanding shares of the same class of the same corporation.
(c) Delegation authorized by governing instrument.--Nothing in this section precludes a delegation authorized by the governing instrument.
(Oct. 12, 1999, P.L.422, No.39, eff. 60 days)

1999 Amendment. Act 39 amended subsec. (a). See section 13(8) of Act 39 in the appendix to this title for special provisions relating to applicability.
Cross References. Section 3319 is referred to in sections 5144, 5521 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 33 - Administration and Personal Representatives

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 3301 - Duty of personal representative

Section 3302 - Valuations

Section 3303 - Supplemental inventory

Section 3304 - Claims against personal representative

Section 3305 - Objections to inventory

Section 3311 - Possession of real and personal estate; exception

Section 3312 - Renunciation of right to administer property

Section 3313 - Liability insurance

Section 3314 - Continuation of business

Section 3315 - Incorporation of or formation of entity to operate estate's business

Section 3316 - Investment of funds

Section 3316.1 - Set-aside

Section 3317 - Claims against co-fiduciary

Section 3318 - Revival of judgments against personal representative

Section 3319 - Power of attorney; delegation of power over subscription rights and fractional shares; authorized delegations

Section 3320 - Voting stock by proxy

Section 3321 - Nominee registration; corporate fiduciary as agent; deposit of securities in a clearing corporation; book-entry securities

Section 3322 - Acceptance of deed in lieu of foreclosure

Section 3323 - Compromise of controversies

Section 3324 - Death or incapacity of fiduciary

Section 3325 - Administrator C.T.A

Section 3326 - Administrator D.B.N. and D.B.N.C.T.A

Section 3327 - Surviving or remaining personal representatives

Section 3328 - Disagreement of personal representatives

Section 3329 - Effect of revocation of letters, probate of will, later will or codicil

Section 3330 - Notice of devise or bequest to corporation or association

Section 3331 - Liability of personal representative on contracts

Section 3332 - Inherent powers and duties

Section 3351 - Power to sell

Section 3352 - Power to lease

Section 3353 - Order of court

Section 3354 - Power given in governing instrument

Section 3355 - Restraint of sale

Section 3356 - Purchase by personal representative

Section 3357 - Title of purchaser

Section 3358 - Collateral attack

Section 3359 - Record of proceedings; county where real estate lies

Section 3360 - Contracts, inadequacy of consideration or better offer; brokers' commissions

Section 3371 - Actions which survive

Section 3372 - Substitution of personal representative in pending action or proceedings

Section 3373 - Action by or against personal representative

Section 3374 - Death or removal of fiduciary

Section 3375 - Abatement of action for failure to take out letters

Section 3376 - Limitations against debt due estate

Section 3377 - Execution on judgments

Section 3381 - Liens and charges existing at death not impaired

Section 3382 - Judgments which are liens at death

Section 3383 - Statutes of limitations; claims not barred at death

Section 3384 - Notice of claim

Section 3384.1 - Notice after settlor of revocable trust has died

Section 3385 - Limitation upon claims

Section 3386 - Failure to present claim at audit

Section 3387 - Claims not due; certain to become due

Section 3388 - Claims not certain to become due

Section 3389 - Claims subject to litigation in other courts

Section 3390 - Specific performance of contracts

Section 3391 - Proceeding against personal representative

Section 3392 - Classification and order of payment

Section 3393 - Notice to Commonwealth and political subdivisions