The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
"Dissemination." The act of transmitting, distributing, advising, spreading, communicating, conveying or making known.
"Private wire." Any and all service equipment, facilities, conduits, poles, wires, circuits, systems by which or by means of which service is furnished for communication purposes, either through the medium of telephone, telegraph, Morse, teletypewriter, loudspeaker or any other means, or by which the voice or electrical impulses are sent over a wire, and which services are contracted for or leased for service between two or more points specifically designated, and are not connected to or available for general telegraphic or telephonic exchange or toll service, and shall include such services known as "special contract leased wire service," "leased line," "private line," "private system," "Morse line," "private wire," but shall not include the usual and customary telephone service by which the subscriber may be connected at each separate call to any other telephone designated by him only through the general telephone exchange system or toll service, and shall not include private wires used for fire or burglar alarm purposes, nor telegraph messenger call boxes and circuits used in connection therewith, time clock circuits used for furnishing correct time service, nor telegraph teleprinters when these teleprinters terminate in the telegraph companies' offices and are not directly connected between two customers.
"Public utility." A person, partnership, association or corporation, now or hereafter owning or operating in this Commonwealth, equipment or facilities for conveying or transmitting messages or communications by telephone or telegraph to the public for compensation.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 29 - Telephone and Telegraph Wires
Section 2902 - Private wire for gambling information prohibited
Section 2903 - Written contract for private wire
Section 2904 - Joint use of telephone and telegraph facilities
Section 2905 - Telephone message services
Section 2906 - Dissemination of telephone numbers and other identifying information
Section 2907 - State correctional institutions
Section 2911 - Legislative findings and declarations
Section 2912 - Availability of adequate coin telephone service
Section 2913 - Minimum service requirement