(a) Assessment.--
(1) By April 1, 2009, the department shall complete a study to identify suitable geological formations, including sites within or in proximity to the Medina, Tuscarora or Oriskany Sandstone formation for the location of a State network.
(2) By June 1, 2009, the department, in consultation with the commission, shall hire one or more independent experts pursuant to 62 Pa.C.S. Pt. I (relating to Commonwealth Procurement Code), as necessary, to conduct an assessment of the following:
(i) Estimates of capital requirements and expenditures necessary for the establishment, operation and maintenance of a State network.
(ii) The collection of data to allow a safety assessment.
(iii) An assessment of all potential risk to individuals, property and the environment associated with the geological sequestration of carbon dioxide in a State network. The assessment, which shall be completed by October 1, 2009, shall include an analysis of the following:
(A) Existing Federal and State regulatory standards for the storage of carbon dioxide.
(B) Factors contained in the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Vulnerability Evaluation Framework for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide (EPA 430-R-08-009, dated July 10, 2008).
(C) The different types of insurance, bonds, other instruments and recommended levels of insurance which should be carried by the operator of the State network during the construction and operation of the State network.
(D) The availability of commercial insurance.
(E) Models for the establishment of a Commonwealth fund to provide protection against risk to be funded by the operator.
(b) Transmission of study and assessment.--
(1) The department shall submit the study conducted under subsection (a)(1) to the Governor, the chairman and minority chairman of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the Senate, the chairman and minority chairman of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the House of Representatives and the department no later than May 1, 2009.
(2) The independent expert shall submit the final assessment under subsection (a)(2) to the Governor, the chairman and minority chairman of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the Senate, the chairman and minority chairman of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the House of Representatives and the department no later than November 1, 2009.
(c) Department.--The following shall apply:
(1) The department shall review the assessment submitted under subsection (a)(2) and all geologic sequestration requirements associated with a State network, including geological site characterization, modeling and verification of fluid movement, corrective action, well construction, operation, mechanical integrity testing, monitoring and site closure.
(2) Following the review under paragraph (1), the department may conduct a pilot project to determine the viability of establishing a State network in this Commonwealth.
(d) Definitions.--As used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
"Carbon dioxide sequestration." The storage of carbon dioxide in a supercritical phase within a geological subsurface formation such as a deep saline aquifer with suitable cap rock, sealing faults and anticlines that includes compression, dehydration and leak detection monitoring equipment and pipelines to transport carbon dioxide captured by an advanced coal combustion with limited carbon emissions plant to an underground storage site. The term shall not include use of the carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery.
"Department." The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources of the Commonwealth.
"State network." A carbon dioxide sequestration network established on lands owned by the Commonwealth, or lands on which the Commonwealth has acquired the right to store carbon dioxide, that have been designated by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the storage of carbon dioxide.
(Oct. 15, 2008, P.L.1592, No.129, eff. 30 days)
2008 Amendment. Act 129 added section 2815. See the preamble to Act 129 of 2008 in the appendix to this title for special provisions relating to legislative findings and declarations.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 28 - Restructuring of Electric Utility Industry
Section 2801 - Short title of chapter
Section 2802 - Declaration of policy
Section 2804 - Standards for restructuring of electric industry
Section 2805 - Regionalism and reciprocity
Section 2806 - Implementation, pilot programs and performance-based rates
Section 2806.1 - Energy efficiency and conservation program
Section 2806.2 - Energy efficiency and conservation
Section 2807 - Duties of electric distribution companies
Section 2808 - Competitive transition charge
Section 2809 - Requirements for electric generation suppliers
Section 2810 - Revenue-neutral reconciliation
Section 2811 - Market power remediation
Section 2812 - Approval of transition bonds
Section 2813 - Procurement of power