(a) Procedure.--A creditor that files for a judgment by confession under section 2737(3) (relating to powers and duties of the office of the prothonotary) shall comply with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure regarding confession of judgment, including any notice provisions. A debtor who has been incorrectly identified and had a confession or judgment entered against him may petition the court for costs and reasonable attorney fees as determined by the court.
(b) Effect on judgment.--A judgment shall not be stricken or opened because of a creditor's failure to provide a correctly identified debtor with instructions pursuant to this section regarding procedures to follow to strike a judgment or regarding any rights available to an incorrectly identified debtor.
(Dec. 20, 2000, P.L.742, No.105, eff. 60 days; Nov. 29, 2004, P.L.1364, No.176, eff. imd.)
2004 Amendment. Section 3 of Act 176 provided that the addition of subsec. (b) is intended to clarify and confirm the original intent of the General Assembly in adding section 2737.1 in Act 105 of 2000. Section 3 further provided that to the extent necessary to clarify the meaning and interpretation of section 2737.1, the addition of subsection (b) shall apply retroactively to causes of action which arose on or before the effective date of section 3.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 27 - Office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
Section 2701 - Scope and purpose of chapter
Section 2702 - Place of filing of documents
Section 2703 - Notice of transfer of functions and duties
Section 2705 - Responsibility for reports to executive agencies
Section 2732 - Selection of prothonotary
Section 2734 - Office of the prothonotary
Section 2736 - Matters or documents filed in the office of the prothonotary
Section 2737 - Powers and duties of the office of the prothonotary
Section 2737.1 - Incorrect debtor identified
Section 2738 - Criminal, probate, estates and fiduciary matters
Section 2751 - Clerk of the courts
Section 2752 - Selection of clerk of the courts
Section 2754 - Office of the clerk of the courts
Section 2756 - Matters or documents filed in the office of the clerk of the courts
Section 2757 - Powers and duties of the office of the clerk of the courts
Section 2771 - Clerk of the orphans' court division
Section 2772 - Selection of clerk of the orphans' court division
Section 2774 - Office of the clerk of the orphans' court division
Section 2776 - Matters or documents filed in the office of the clerk of the orphans' court division
Section 2777 - Powers and duties of the office of the clerk of the orphans' court division