Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 23 - Domestic Animals
Section 2321 - Dangerous transmissible diseases

(a) Specific dangerous transmissible diseases.--The following transmissible diseases are dangerous transmissible diseases within the meaning of this chapter:
(1) Actinomycosis, an infectious disease of cattle and man caused by Actinomyces bovis.
(2) African horse sickness, an infectious disease of horses caused by a reovirus (AHSV).
(3) African swine fever, an infectious disease of swine caused by a virus (ASFV).
(4) Anaplasmosis, an infectious disease of cattle, deer and camelids caused by Anaplasma marginale.
(5) Anthrax, an infectious disease of animals and man caused by Bacillis anthracis.
(6) Avian influenza, an infectious disease of poultry caused by Type A. influenza virus.
(7) Babesiosis (piroplasmosis), an infectious disease of cattle, equidae, deer and bison caused by Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovis, Babesia equi or Babesia coballi.
(8) Blackleg, an infectious disease of ruminants caused by Clostridium chauvoei.
(9) Bluetongue, an infectious disease of cattle, sheep, goats and cervidae caused by an orbivirus (BTV).
(10) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), an infectious disease of cattle caused by a protein-like agent.
(11) Bovine Virus Diarrhea - type 2, an infectious disease of cattle caused by a virus (BVD).
(12) Brucellosis, an infectious disease of animals and man caused by Brucella abortus, Brucella suis, Brucella melitensis or Brucella ovis.
(13) Chlamydiosis (psittacosis), an infectious disease of birds and man caused by Chlamydia psittaci.
(14) Chronic respiratory disease of poultry (CRD), an infectious disease of poultry caused by Mycoplasma synoviae or Mycoplasma gallisepticum.
(15) Contagious equine metritis (CEM), an infectious disease of equine caused by Hemophilus equigenitalis.
(16) Contagious pleuropneumonia (CBPP), an infectious disease of cattle caused by Mycoplasma mycoides.
(17) Dourine, an infectious disease of equines caused by Trypanosoma equiperdum.
(18) Duck viral enteritis (DVE, duck plague), an infectious disease of ducks caused by a herpes virus (DVEV).
(19) Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), an infectious disease of cattle and deer caused by a virus (EHDV).
(20) Equine encephalitis, an infectious disease of equines and man caused by an alphavirus: Venezuelan (VEE), Western (WEE) or Eastern (EEE).
(21) Equine infectious anemia (EIA, swamp fever), an infectious disease of equines caused by a virus (EIAV).
(22) Foot and mouth disease (FMD), an infectious disease of cattle, sheep, goats, swine and deer caused by an aphthovirus (FMDV).
(23) Glanders, an infectious disease of horses caused by Pseudomonas mallei.
(24) Heartwater disease, an infectious disease of cattle caused by a rickettsia, Cowdria ruminatum.
(25) Hog cholera, an infectious disease of swine caused by a pestivirus (HCV).
(26) Listeriosis, an infectious disease of cattle, sheep and man caused by Listeria monocytogenes.
(27) Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), an infectious disease of cattle caused by a virus (MCFV).
(28) Newcastle disease, an infectious disease of poultry caused by a virus.
(29) Paratuberculosis (Johnes disease), an infectious disease of cattle, sheep, goats and deer caused by Mycobacterium paratuberculosis.
(30) Pseudorabies, an infectious disease of swine, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and cats caused by Herpesvirus suis.
(31) Psoroptic mange, an infectious disease of cattle and sheep caused by psoroptes mites.
(32) Rabies, an infectious disease of cattle, dogs, cats, sheep, horses and man caused by a virus.
(33) Rift Valley fever, an infectious disease of sheep caused by a virus (RVFV).
(34) Rinderpest, an infectious disease of ruminants and swine caused by a mobillivirus (RDV).
(35) Salmonellosis, an infection of animals and man caused by various Salmonella species: S. pullorum (poultry), S. typhimurium (cattle, equine and man), S. dublin (cattle and man), S. gallinarum (poultry) and S. cholerasuis (swine).
(36) Scrapie, an infectious disease of sheep and goats caused by a virus-like agent.
(37) Screwworm (miasis), a wound infection of animals and man caused by Cochliomyia hominivorax.
(38) Tuberculosis, an infectious disease of cattle, bison, sheep, goats, swine, horses, cervidae, camelids and man caused by Mycobacterium bovis, M. avium or M. tuberculosis.
(39) Vesicular exanthema, an infectious disease of swine, certain aquatic animals and man caused by a calicivirus (VEV).
(40) Vesicular stomatitis, an infectious disease of cattle, sheep and swine caused by a virus.
(b) Designation of additional dangerous transmissible diseases through regulation.--The department shall have the authority to promulgate regulations that designate other transmissible diseases to be dangerous transmissible diseases under this chapter if such other transmissible diseases present a danger to public health, to domestic animal health, to the safety or quality of the food supply or to the economic well-being of the domestic animal industries. The department shall also have the authority to withdraw the designation of a particular transmissible disease as a dangerous transmissible disease under this chapter if the transmissible disease no longer presents a danger to public health, to domestic animal health, to the safety or quality of the food supply or to the economic well-being of the domestic animal industries.
(c) Department of Health; notification and consultation.--The department shall inform the Department of Health of the outbreak of a domestic animal disease which may threaten human health and shall, in consultation with the Department of Health, determine the public health risk associated with the domestic animal disease outbreak and the appropriate action to manage such risk. Additions or deletions of domestic animal diseases of public health significance to or from the list of dangerous transmissible diseases shall be jointly determined by the department and the Department of Health.
(d) Designation of additional dangerous transmissible diseases through temporary order.--Upon the determination that a transmissible disease not listed in subsection (a) and not designated a dangerous transmissible disease through regulation under subsection (b) presents a danger to public health, to domestic animal health, to the safety or quality of the food supply or to the economic well-being of the domestic animal industries, the department shall issue a temporary order proclaiming that transmissible disease to be a dangerous transmissible disease within the meaning of this chapter. This chapter shall be applicable to that dangerous transmissible disease as of the date of actual or constructive notice of the order or any later date specified in that order. The department shall publish such an order in the Pennsylvania Bulletin within 20 days of its issuance. Publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin shall effect constructive notice. The temporary order shall remain in effect for a period not to exceed one year, unless reissued, or until the transmissible disease is designated to be a dangerous transmissible disease through regulation under subsection (b), whichever occurs first.
(e) Regulations.--The department may establish regulations addressing the specific discovery, prevention, reporting, testing, control and eradication measures which it determines are necessary with respect to any dangerous transmissible disease.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 23 - Domestic Animals

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 2301 - Short title of chapter

Section 2302 - Finding, policy and purpose

Section 2303 - Definitions

Section 2304 - Diagnostic services and research

Section 2305 - Keeping and handling of domestic animals

Section 2311 - General authority

Section 2312 - Adoption of form of identification

Section 2313 - Certified copies

Section 2314 - Brand, tattoo or other form of identification as proof of ownership

Section 2315 - Disputes in custody or ownership

Section 2316 - Sale or assignment of form of identification

Section 2317 - Violations and penalty

Section 2318 - Fees and forfeiture

Section 2321 - Dangerous transmissible diseases

Section 2322 - Neoplastic diseases, metabolic diseases and heritable diseases

Section 2323 - Health requirements

Section 2324 - Safety of domestic animal feed

Section 2325 - Use of biologicals, antibiotics, genetic material, chemicals, diagnostic agents and other substances

Section 2326 - Sanitation

Section 2327 - Disease surveillance and detection

Section 2328 - Entry on premises

Section 2329 - Quarantine

Section 2330 - Condemnation

Section 2331 - Indemnification

Section 2332 - Depopulation incentive

Section 2333 - Restriction on payment of indemnification and depopulation incentive

Section 2334 - Report on insurance or cost-sharing program

Section 2335 - Contract growers

Section 2341 - General authority

Section 2342 - License of dealers and haulers

Section 2343 - Licensure of agents

Section 2344 - Verification of application

Section 2345 - License fees

Section 2346 - Term of license

Section 2347 - Posting and display of license

Section 2348 - Denial, suspension or revocation of license

Section 2349 - Records and inspections

Section 2351 - General authority

Section 2352 - Disposal of dead domestic animals

Section 2353 - Disposal of animal waste

Section 2354 - Licensure requirement of dead domestic animal disposal businesses

Section 2355 - Licensing procedure

Section 2356 - Conditions of licensure

Section 2357 - Denial, suspension or revocation of license

Section 2361 - General authority

Section 2362 - Humane methods of slaughtering domestic animals

Section 2371 - Licensure requirement

Section 2372 - Application and fee

Section 2373 - Issuance of license

Section 2374 - Term of license and renewal

Section 2375 - Posting of license

Section 2376 - Heating certain garbage before feeding

Section 2377 - Prohibitions and conditions

Section 2378 - Inspections

Section 2379 - Notice to remedy and denial, suspension or revocation of license

Section 2380.1 - Definitions

Section 2380.2 - License required

Section 2380.3 - Application

Section 2380.4 - Issuance

Section 2380.5 - Term; renewal

Section 2380.6 - Keeping and handling of cervids

Section 2380.7 - Periodic inspections

Section 2380.8 - Violations by licensees

Section 2380.9 - Game and Wildlife Code and regulations

Section 2381 - Cooperation

Section 2382 - Regulations

Section 2383 - Enforcement and penalties

Section 2384 - Disposition of fees, fines and civil penalties

Section 2385 - Interference with officer or employee of department

Section 2386 - Civil remedy

Section 2387 - Inapplicability of penal cruelty to animals statutes

Section 2388 - Exemption for governmental entities

Section 2389 - Preemption of local laws and regulations

Section 2390 - Regulation of swine hunting preserves