Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 22 - Natural Gas Competition
Section 2203 - Standards for restructuring of natural gas utility industry

The following interdependent standards shall govern the commission's actions in adopting rules, orders or policies and in reviewing, assessing and approving each natural gas distribution company's restructuring filings and overseeing the transition process and regulation of the restructured natural gas utility industry:
(1) The commission shall adopt and enforce standards as necessary to ensure continuation of the safety and reliability of the natural gas supply and distribution service to all retail gas customers. In adopting the standards, the commission shall consider the absence of any applicable industry standards and practices or adopt standards in conformity with industry standards and practices meeting the standards of this chapter. The application of such standards shall be in a manner that incorporates the operating requirements of the different natural gas distribution companies.
(2) Consistent with section 2204 (relating to implementation), the commission shall allow retail gas customers to choose among natural gas suppliers and natural gas distribution companies to the extent that they offer such natural gas supply services. Retail gas customers shall be able to choose from these suppliers a variety of products, including, but not limited to, different supply and pricing options, and services that evolve as the competitive marketplace matures. Neither any natural gas supplier nor any natural gas distribution company shall offer interruptible gas service to any essential human needs retail gas customer lacking installed and operable alternative fuel capability or to any residential retail gas customer.
(3) The commission shall require natural gas distribution companies to unbundle natural gas supply services such that separate charges for the services can be set forth in tariffs and on retail gas customers' bills. In its restructuring filing, the natural gas distribution company shall establish system reliability standards and capacity contract mitigation parameters and address the unbundling of commodity, capacity, storage, balancing and aggregator services. The commission may address the unbundling of other services only through a rulemaking. In conducting the rulemaking, the commission shall consider the impact of such unbundling on the labor force, the creation of stranded costs, safety, reliability, consumer protections, universal service and the potential for unbundling to offer savings, new products and additional choices or services to retail gas customers. The commission's decisions shall assure that standards and procedures for safety and reliability, consumer protections and universal service are maintained at levels consistent with this chapter.
(4) Consistent with the provisions of section 2204, the commission shall require that a natural gas distribution company that owns or operates jurisdictional distribution facilities shall provide distribution service to all retail gas customers in its service territory and to all natural gas suppliers, affiliated or nonaffiliated, on nondiscriminatory rates, terms of access and other conditions.
(5) The commission shall require that restructuring of the natural gas utility industry be implemented in a manner that does not unreasonably discriminate against one customer class for the benefit of another.
(6) After notice and hearings, the commission shall establish for each natural gas distribution company an appropriate nonbypassable, competitively neutral cost-recovery mechanism which is designed to recover fully the natural gas distribution company's universal service and energy conservation costs over the life of these programs. Except as provided in paragraph (10), policies, activities and services under this paragraph shall be funded and spent in each natural gas distribution company's service territory. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit public funding or voluntary funding by third parties of a natural gas distribution company's universal service and energy conservation programs.
(7) The commission shall, at a minimum, continue the level and nature of the consumers protections, policies and services within its jurisdiction that are in existence as of the effective date of this chapter to assist low-income retail gas customers to afford natural gas services.
(8) The commission shall ensure that universal service and energy conservation policies, activities and services are appropriately funded and available in each natural gas distribution service territory. The commission shall encourage the use of community-based organizations that have the necessary technical and administrative experience to be the direct providers of services or programs which reduce energy consumption or otherwise assist low-income retail gas customers to afford natural gas service. Programs under this paragraph shall be subject to the administrative oversight of the commission, which shall ensure that the programs are operated in a cost-effective manner.
(9) Each natural gas distribution company shall set forth in its restructuring filing an initial proposal to meet its universal service and energy conservation obligations.
(10) Consistent with paragraph (7), the commission shall convene a task force to review universal service programs and their funding. The task force shall issue a report to the commission by December 31, 1999, and annually thereafter. Recommendations regarding the use of general State revenue shall be concurrently forwarded to the General Assembly.
(11) The commission shall continue to regulate rates for natural gas distribution services for new and existing retail gas customers in accordance with Chapter 13 (relating to rates and rate making) and this chapter.
(12) The commission shall make its determinations pursuant to this chapter and shall adopt such orders or regulations as necessary and appropriate to ensure that natural gas suppliers meet their supply and reliability obligations, including, but not limited to, establishing penalties for failure to deliver natural gas and revoking licenses. Any affected entity may at any time petition the commission to amend or rescind any such order or regulation issued or promulgated under this chapter.
(13) Each natural gas distribution company shall set forth in its restructuring filing an initial proposal to meet its employee transition obligations precipitated by this chapter.
(14) The natural gas distribution company may continue to provide natural gas service to its customers under all tariff rate schedules and riders incorporated into its tariff, and policies or programs, existing on the effective date of this chapter.
(15) Beginning May 1, 1999, and continuing for a 36-month period thereafter, if a natural gas distribution company lays off or terminates any of its employees, except for just cause, the natural gas distribution company shall:
(i) Provide the commission with sufficient information to show that with the reduction of employees the company will still be able to ensure the safety and reliability of natural gas distribution service to all retail gas customers, as provided for by the commission under paragraph (1).
(ii) Provide at least 60 days' written notice of such layoff or termination to the company's employees' authorized bargaining representative.

Cross References. Section 2203 is referred to in sections 1403, 2202, 2211 of this title.