Any borough may, by ordinance, lay out sidewalks, gutters and surface water drains upon land abutting the sides of State highways and upon land abutting the sides of public roads, where the roads are outside the borough limits, but the land upon which the sidewalks, gutters and surface water drains are to be laid out is within the borough limits.
Cross References. Section 1802 is referred to in section 1805 of this title.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Section 1801 - Power to lay out, establish and compel construction of sidewalks
Section 1802 - Sidewalks on land abutting State highways and along roads outside borough
Section 1803 - Establishment of grades
Section 1804 - Boroughs may pay all or part of cost of grading and curbing