(a) General rule.--Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), the Supreme Court and all agencies or units of the unified judicial system when exercising the power to adopt general rules or other orders in the nature of regulations pursuant to the authority of the Supreme Court under section 1721 (relating to delegation of powers) shall be an agency within the meaning of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), known as the "Commonwealth Documents Law," and shall be subject to all of the provisions of such act except section 205 (relating to approval as to legality). All such general rules and orders shall be published pursuant to Part II of Title 45 (relating to publication and effectiveness of Commonwealth Documents).
(b) Scope.--The provisions of subsection (a) shall apply only to a rule or order adopted pursuant to the following provisions of this title or which is otherwise based in whole or in part upon authority conferred by any provision of this title or by other statutory authority:
Section 503 (relating to reassignment of matters).
Section 1722(b) (relating to enforcement and effect of orders and process).
Section 1722(c) (relating to time limitations).
Section 1725 (relating to establishment of fees and charges).
Section 1726 (relating to establishment of taxable costs).
Section 1728 (relating to recognition of related organizations).
The provisions of subsection (a) shall also apply to other rules and orders to the extent prescribed by general rule.
(Apr. 28, 1978, P.L.202, No.53, eff. 60 days)
1978 Amendment. Act 53 amended subsec. (a).
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 17 - Governance of the System
Section 1701 - General supervisory and administrative authority of the Supreme Court
Section 1702 - Rule making procedures
Section 1703 - Meeting procedures
Section 1721 - Delegation of powers
Section 1722 - Adoption of administrative and procedural rules
Section 1723 - General supervisory and administrative authority
Section 1724 - Personnel of the system
Section 1725 - Establishment of fees and charges
Section 1725.2 - Assumption of summary conviction costs by county
Section 1725.3 - Criminal laboratory and paramedic user fee
Section 1725.4 - Fee increases and automation fee
Section 1725.5 - Booking center fee
Section 1725.6 - Countywide booking center plan
Section 1725.7 - Petition for expungement or order for limited access fee
Section 1726 - Establishment of taxable costs
Section 1726.1 - Forensic examination costs for sexual offenses
Section 1726.2 - Criminal prosecutions involving domestic violence
Section 1727 - Budget and financial matters
Section 1728 - Recognition of related organizations
Section 1729 - Conferences and institutes
Section 1730 - Boards, councils, commissions and committees