Each registered elector shall be assigned a single and unique SURE registration number in accordance with sections 1328 (relating to approval of registration applications) and 1514 (relating to conversion of registration records). Once assigned, a SURE registration number shall not be changed, modified or altered.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 13 - Voter Registration
Section 1301 - Qualifications to register
Section 1302 - Residence of electors
Section 1321 - Methods of voter registration
Section 1322 - In-person voter registration
Section 1323 - Application with driver's license application
Section 1324 - Application by mail
Section 1325 - Government agencies
Section 1326 - Time (Repealed)
Section 1327 - Preparation and distribution of applications
Section 1328 - Approval of registration applications