Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 13 - Marriage License
Section 1304 - Restrictions on issuance of license

(a) Examinations and tests for syphilis.--(Repealed).
(b) Minors.--
(1) No marriage license may be issued if either of the applicants for a license is under 18 years of age.
(2) (Deleted by amendment).
(c) Incompetent persons.--No marriage license may be issued if either of the applicants for a license is weak minded, insane, of unsound mind or is under guardianship as a person of unsound mind unless the court decides that it is for the best interest of the applicant and the general public to issue the license and authorizes the issuance of the license.
(d) Persons under influence of alcohol or drugs.--No marriage license may be issued if, at the time of making application, either of the applicants is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
(e) Marriage to relatives.--No marriage license may be issued to applicants within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity which are as follows:
A man may not marry his mother.
A man may not marry the sister of his father.
A man may not marry the sister of his mother.
A man may not marry his sister.
A man may not marry his daughter.
A man may not marry the daughter of his son or daughter.
A man may not marry his first cousin.
A woman may not marry her father.
A woman may not marry the brother of her father.
A woman may not marry the brother of her mother.
A woman may not marry her brother.
A woman may not marry her son.
A woman may not marry the son of her son or daughter.
A woman may not marry her first cousin.
(Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.555, No.79, eff. 60 days; June 25, 1997, P.L.331, No.35, eff. imd.; May 8, 2020, P.L.121, No.18, eff. 60 days)

2020 Amendment. Act 18 amended subsec. (b).
1997 Repeal. Act 35 repealed subsec. (a).
1993 Amendment. Act 79 amended subsec. (b).
Cross References. Section 1304 is referred to in sections 1306, 3304 of this title; section 1201 of Title 4 (Amusements); section 8204 of Title 74 (Transportation).