Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 11 - Fireworks
Section 1102 - Use of display fireworks

(a) Prohibition.--No display fireworks shall be ignited within 300 feet of a facility that meets the requirements of section 1107 (relating to sales locations).
(b) Permit.--Permission shall be given by the governing body of a municipality under reasonable rules and regulations for displays of display fireworks to be held within the municipality. After permission is granted, purchase, possession and use of display fireworks shall be lawful for the use outlined in the permit only. Permits shall not be transferable.
(c) Limitations.--Each use of display fireworks shall be:
(1) handled by a competent operator at least 21 years of age who demonstrates evidence of fireworks handling and safety training; and
(2) of a character and so located, discharged or fired as, in the opinion of the chief of the fire department or other appropriate officer as may be designated by the governing body of the municipality, after proper inspection, to not be hazardous to property or endanger any person.
(d) Insurance.--The governing body of the municipality shall require a permittee to carry insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 conditioned for the payment of all damages which may be caused to a person or property by reason of the use of display fireworks and arising from an act of the permittee or an agent, an employee or a subcontractor of the permittee.
(e) Permit extension.--A municipality may grant an extension for a permit issued under this section to a new date for displays canceled due to unfavorable weather or other circumstances beyond the control of the permittee.