(a) Recipients.--Money that is allocated to recipients by the department shall be used only for approved projects in accordance with this chapter, program parameters and grant agreements.
(b) Violations.--It shall be unlawful for a person to violate:
(1) the terms or provisions of this chapter;
(2) the program parameters developed under this chapter; or
(3) a signed grant agreement established under this chapter.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 105 - Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
Section 10501 - Declaration of purpose
Section 10502.1 - Establishment of program
Section 10504 - Eligible applicants and projects
Section 10505 - Allocation of money
Section 10506 - Use of grant money by recipients
Section 10507 - Audit and recordkeeping
Section 10508 - Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant Fund