Oregon constitution
article XI-b: state payment of irrigation and drainage district interest

Structure Oregon constitution

Oregon constitution


Article I: bill of rights

Article II: suffrage and elections

Article III: distribution of powers

Article IV: legislative branch

Article V: executive branch

Article VI: administrative department

Article VII: judicial branch

Article VIII: education and school lands

Article IX: finance

Article X: the militia

article X-a: catastrophic disasters

Article XI: corporations and internal improvements

article XI-a: farm and home loans to veterans

article XI-b: state payment of irrigation and drainage district interest

article XI-C: world war veterans' state aid sinking fund

article XI-D: state power development

article XI-e: state reforestation

article XI-f(1): higher education building projects

article XI-f(2): veterans' bonus

article XI-g: higher education institutions and activities; community colleges

article XI-h: pollution control

article XI-I(1): water development projects

article XI-I(2): multifamily housing for elderly and disabled

article XI-j: small scale local energy loans

article XI-k: guarantee of bonded indebtedness of education districts

article XI-L: oregon health and science university

article XI-M: seismic rehabilitation of public education buildings

article XI-n: seismic rehabilitation of emergency services buildings

article XI-o: pension liabilities

article XI-p: school district capital costs

article XI-q: real or personal owned or operated by state

Article XII: state printing

Article XIII: salaries

Article XIV: seat of government

Article XV: miscellaneous

Article XVI: boundaries

Article XVII: amendments and revisions

Article XVIII: schedule