Oklahoma Statutes
Title 8. Cemeteries
§8-214. Annual report - Annual license fee.

Every burial association doing business in the State of Oklahoma under the provisions of Sections 201 et seq. of this title shall, annually, on or before the last day of June, report under oath of the president and secretary of said association to the Oklahoma State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors, the total income, less refunds, received by the association from its member during the preceding calendar year and shall at the same time pay to the Board an annual license fee equal to one percent (1%) of the said total income, less refunds, as a condition precedent to the issuance of the annual license, or the renewal of said license, to the association. The Board may, if it deems that the Oklahoma State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors Administration and Enforcement Fund is or will be insufficient to meet the expenses of the new license year, increase the annual license fee to an amount not exceeding four percent (4%) of said total income. Any burial association failing to make such returns and payments promptly and correctly shall forfeit and pay to the Board in addition to said fees, the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00). In the event any such burial association so fails or neglects to make returns or payments within sixty (60) days, the Board shall notify the burial association and its agents that they have no authority to do business in the state and the Board shall request the Attorney General to proceed to collect said fees and penalties and interest thereon, by an action at law.

Laws 1953, p. 133, § 14; Laws 1978, c. 222, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 1978; Laws 1985, c. 142, § 2, emerg. eff. June 7, 1985; Laws 1992, c. 147, § 7, eff. July 1, 1992.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 8. Cemeteries

§8-1. Laws governing - Powers and duties.

§8-1a. Burial charges - Failure to pay.

§8-2. Fraternal and church cemeteries.

§8-3. Real estate-Limitation on amount-Sale of lots-Other property-Application of income.

§8-3.1. Definitions.

§8-4. Surveys - Plat - Acknowledgment - Recording - Fee.

§8-5. Powers.

§8-6. Lots - Inalienability - Descent - Release of interests.

§8-7. Exemptions.

§8-8. Appropriation of net proceeds from lot sales.

§8-9. Retention of portion of proceeds by benevolent, religious and charitable institutions.

§8-10. Payment of debts and obligations.

§8-11. Rights of lot owners in old grounds.

§8-12. Election of officers - Votes and eligibility of lot owners - Control by original corporators or successors.

§8-13. Superintendent - Duties - Election - Term - Eligibility - Supervision and control - Salary.

§8-14. Trustees or directors - Regular meetings - Election of officers - Appropriation of lot sale proceeds - Special meetings.

§8-15. Members' meetings - Notices - Quorum - Special meetings.

§8-16. Trustees' or directors' powers and duties - Accounts - Regulations - Payment of debts - Application of lot sale proceeds.

§8-17. Investment of surplus funds - Tax exemption - Preservation of properties and funds.

§8-18. Violation of provisions - Penalties.

§8-31. Conveyance to Board of County Commissioners - Conveyance to corporation when formed.

§8-36. Refusal of interment because of race, color or national origin prohibited.

§8-37. Agreements void.

§8-88. Disposition of bodies of deceased inmates or patients of state institutions.

§8-88.1. Receipt of bodies by State Anatomical Board.

§8-142. Partial invalidity.

§8-143. Maintenance and improvement of certain cemeteries by county commissioners.

§8-144. Acceptance and use of monies and other items.

§8-181. Declaration of policy.

§8-182. Acquisition of existing cemeteries - Written reports - Hearings - Determination - Exceptions.

§8-183. Certificate of authority - Application - Investigation - Public hearing - Expenses.

§8-184. Penalty.

§8-185. Conveyance of county lands for cemetery purposes.

§8-186. Ingress to and egress from certain cemeteries.

§8-187. Abandoned cemetery on privately owned land - Visitation rights.

§8-188. Unused burial sites – Reversion to cemetery.

§8-201. Short title of Act.

§8-202. Definitions.

§8-203.1. State Burial Board abolished - Transfer of duties and authority to State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors.

§8-204. State Burial Board Administration and Enforcement Fund abolished - Transfer of funds.

§8-205. Exemption from insurance laws - Operating expenses and trust fund - Mutual character - Members - Articles of agreement - Fees and assessments.

§8-206. Investment of trust funds.

§8-207. Licenses.

§8-208. Burial agreements.

§8-209. Treasurer's bond.

§8-210. Reimbursement of trust fund.

§8-211. Inspections and examinations - Costs.

§8-212. Misrepresentations.

§8-213. Discrimination.

§8-214. Annual report - Annual license fee.

§8-215. Injunction against continuation of business.

§8-216. Application for receiver.

§8-217. Merger, consolidation or reinsurance.

§8-218. Burial agents, who are.

§8-219. Burial agent license - Necessity.

§8-220. Application for burial agent license and proceedings thereon.

§8-221. Issuance of agent's licenses on association's application - Fee - Renewals.

§8-222. Revocation or refusal to renew agent's license.

§8-223. Procedure for revocation or refusal to renew agent's license.

§8-224. Burial agreements issued only through resident agents.

§8-225. Solicitors deemed agents of association.

§8-226. Depositions, witnesses and evidence.

§8-227. Application of law to existing associations.

§8-228. Foreign associations or corporations.

§8-229. Rules and regulations.

§8-230. Effective date - Exemption of certain existing associations - Bond of Treasurer.

§8-230.1. Dissolution of burial association.

§8-230.2. Dissolution of unincorporated burial association.

§8-231. Violations of act - Punishment.