The word "imitation" shall not be used in the name of a product which is in semblance of honey whether or not it contains any honey. The label for a product which is not in semblance of honey and which contains honey may include the word "honey" in the name of the product and the relative position of the word "honey" in the product name, and in the list of ingredients, when required, shall be determined by its prominence as an ingredient in the product.
Laws 1975, c. 68, § 3.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
Title 78. Trademarks and Labels
§78-23. Application for registration.
§78-24. Certificate of registration.
§78-30. Fraudulent registration.
§78-56. Collection of unwanted clothing via public receptacle for resale.
§78-74. Sale of imitation American Indian arts and crafts as being authentic prohibited.
§78-82. Substitutes and mixtures not to be labeled as honey.
§78-83. Word "imitation" not to be used.
§78-83.1. Imported honey - Labeling - Exemptions.
§78-87. Injunctions - Court orders.
§78-90. Means of preserving trade secrets.
§78-91. Limitation of actions.
§78-92. Operation and effect of act - Exemptions.