Oklahoma Statutes
Title 64. Public Lands
§64-1014. Investment of permanent school funds in real property owned or acquired by state or Tourism and Recreation Department and under jurisdiction of Tourism and Recreation Commission.

A. The Commissioners of the Land Office may invest the permanent school funds in real property owned or acquired by the State of Oklahoma or the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department and under the jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission. The Commissioners of the Land Office shall not invest more than three percent (3%) of the total value of the permanent school funds in connection with this investment.

B. The Commissioners of the Land Office are authorized to acquire, exchange, and grant any real property under its jurisdiction as is necessary to carry out the investment in the real property.
C. The Commissioners of the Land Office may carry out the investment as authorized in this section only if the investment complies with all provisions of the Oklahoma Constitution related to preservation and use of the permanent school fund and with all other trust requirements under law related to investment of the fund.
D. Any investment in or acquisition, exchange or grant of any real property by the Commissioners of the Land Office relating to the Texoma State Park, Lake Texoma Lodge or any real property in the area owned by the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department shall be subject to the following provisions:
1. Employees at Texoma State Park and/or Lake Texoma Lodge who have a minimum of two (2) years’ continuous service with the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department at Texoma State Park and/or Lake Texoma Lodge on the date of the facilities’ closure shall have the opportunity to obtain employment with any successor operator of a resort or park facility located on the lands held by the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department on the effective date of this act, provided such employees are qualified and eligible for any such employment. Further, the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department is hereby directed to develop a severance package for all such employees affected by any closure of facilities as provided for in this section;
2. Any investment in or acquisition, exchange or grant of real property authorized by this section shall ensure a fair return to the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department to be distributed as provided for in paragraph 3 of this subsection;
3. All proceeds to the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department from any such investment in or acquisition, exchange or grant of state property in the park shall be reinvested in the Texoma area in projects that enhance the visitor experience or augment the public facilities available to visitors as provided for in Section 1852.3 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
4. Any such investment in or acquisition, exchange or grant of state property must lead to the highest and best use of the property;
5. Existing concessionaires in and around the park shall be consulted and given opportunities to participate in any and all business opportunities and improvements resulting from such investment in or acquisition, exchange or grant of real property. The private investments of existing concessionaires in and around the park shall be given due consideration by any state agency that is a party to any investment in or acquisition, exchange or grant of real property authorized by this act; and
6. Any such investment in or acquisition, exchange or grant of any real property shall include a provision to ensure the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation grants to the Lake Texoma Association the real property that includes the association’s headquarters and that the association be allowed to remain at its current location.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 394, § 1, emerg. eff. June 3, 2004. Renumbered from § 51.1 of this title by Laws 2010, c. 41, § 66, emerg. eff. April 2, 2010.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 64. Public Lands

§64-1001. Commissioners of the Land Office - Personnel.

§64-1002. Administration of state school lands - Powers and duties.

§64-1002A. Exchange of land for other properties.

§64-1003. Public project and programs using federal, state or local funds, nonprofit rural water districts and certain rural water districts - Easements.

§64-1004. Retention of realtors to secure tenants in commercial leasing of trust property.

§64-1005. Administration of Office – Appointment and duties of Secretary.

§64-1006. Commissioners of the Land Office - Secretary - Employees.

§64-1007. Division heads under supervision of Secretary.

§64-1008. Accounting system.

§64-1009. Commissioners of the Land Office Fund - Deposit of funds - Use of funds.

§64-1010. Employee real estate appraiser license - Payment of fee.

§64-1011. Revolving fund created - Payments into fund - Payments from fund – Cash fund.

§64-1012. Fees and resolutions.

§64-1013. Investment of permanent school funds and other educational funds.

§64-1014. Investment of permanent school funds in real property owned or acquired by state or Tourism and Recreation Department and under jurisdiction of Tourism and Recreation Commission.

§64-1015. Appraisals and determining fair market value.

§64-1016. Appraisers - Prohibited activities - Violations.

§64-1017. False statements or affidavits – Perjury - Penalty.

§64-1018. Destruction of timber or improvements - Unlawful entry - Damages.

§64-1019. Lien on crops to secure rentals.

§64-1020. Sale of oil, gas or mineral leases.

§64-1021. Fee on natural gas sold to state or political subdivision.

§64-1022. Reservation and retention of oil, gas and other minerals under certain lands.

§64-1023. Trust property - Commercial, agricultural and mineral leases.

§64-1024. Bribes - Duty to report - Discharge for failure to report.

§64-1025. Embezzlement - Discharge upon conviction.

§64-1026. Records - Destroying or forging a felony.

§64-1027. Statutes of limitation - Prosecutions.

§64-1029. Cash Journal - Checks and drafts - Endorsement - Penalty.

§64-1030. Handling of mail - Entry on reception record - Disposition of cash and equivalents – Lock box services.

§64-1031. Internal auditor.

§64-1032. Acquisition of title to land – Certification to county treasurer - Removal from tax list – Cancellation of taxes.

§64-1033. Recordation of instruments - Fees.

§64-1034. Record of proceedings - Approval - Number of concurring members required.

§64-1035. Secretary - Duties - Financial statement to Governor and Legislature.

§64-1036. Accounts and records of Land Office – Audits – Filing copies of audits.

§64-1037. Partial invalidity.

§64-1038. Power of Commissioners to sue and be sued – Attorney General to represent.

§64-1039. Checks, warrants or vouchers - Remaining unpaid for three years.

§64-1040. Certain lands to be sold.

§64-1041. Disposition of proceeds.

§64-1042. Limitations of purchase.

§64-1043. Preference right of lessees.

§64-1044. Record for taxation - Tax sales.

§64-1045. Cancellation of certificate - Redemption.

§64-1046. Conditions imposed follow land.

§64-1047. Notice of sale.

§64-1048. Irrigation and flood control projects - Sale of lands.

§64-1049. Oil and gas - Reservation - Lease.

§64-1050. Lessee - Preference right.

§64-1051. Failure to pay bid - Reimbursement of lessee.

§64-1052. Appraisement.

§64-1053. Public auction - Extension of time.

§64-1054. Notice of sale - Publication.

§64-1055. Deed - Reservation of oil and gas.

§64-1056. All public lands subject to lease.

§64-1057. Commissioners of the Land Office - Delinquency – Collection procedures.

§64-1058. Assignment of lease as security.

§64-1059. Removal of crops and improvements.

§64-1060. Records made public.

§64-1061. Term of lease.

§64-1062. Appraisement of land - Rules and regulations.

§64-1063. Leases authorized - Duration, terms and conditions - Public competition - Assignment.

§64-1064. School lands - Leasing for oil and gas.

§64-1065. Lease of surface interest to reserve mineral deposits.

§64-1066. Community oil and gas lease.

§64-1067. Lessee liable to surface holder for damages.

§64-1068. Condemnation under certain conditions.

§64-1069. Bonuses, royalties and delayed rental income - Multiyear Education Distribution Stabilization Revolving Fund.

§64-1070. Leasing authorized.

§64-1071. Mode of leasing.

§64-1072. Contracts authorized.

§64-1073. Royalty proceeds from sale of oil and gas production.

§64-1074. Division of proceeds of sales and leases.

§64-1075. New College Fund - Designation.

§64-1076. Proceeds made available.

§64-1078. Apportionment of income among institutions.

§64-1079. Receipts to constitute Public Building Fund - Transfer from General Revenue Fund.

§64-1081. Lease for oil and gas development.

§64-1082. Notice by publication.

§64-1083. Abandoned municipality - Definition - Oil and gas leases thereon.

§64-1084. County separate school lands - Leases.

§64-1085. State lands - Contracts for use - Damages.

§64-1086. Execution of instruments - Approval by Governor.

§64-1087. Negotiations and conveyances in lieu of condemnation proceedings.

§64-1088. Partial invalidity.

§64-1089. Rights and powers cumulative.

§64-1090. Prospecting - Permits.

§64-1091. Notice and sale of lease.

§64-1092. Prospectors liable for damages to surface.

§64-1093. Rules and regulations.

§64-1094. Violations and penalty.

§64-1095. Provisions shall not affect other uses of land.