Oklahoma Statutes
Title 46. Mortgages
§46-47. Closing of sale - Deed.

A. The sale shall be closed at a time and under reasonable conditions specified by the mortgagee at the time of the sale. Upon receipt of payment in form satisfactory to the mortgagee, the mortgagee shall execute and deliver a deed, without warranty, to the purchaser that is in substantial compliance with the form for such a deed prepared by the Administrative Director of the Courts with the assistance and approval of the Oklahoma Supreme Court and which identifies the mortgagee's and other interests foreclosed and the parties involved, indicates where the documents evidencing those interests are recorded, and recites that the deed is executed by the mortgagee exercising a power of sale after a breach or default and sale under this act. Signature and title or authority of the person signing the deed as grantor is sufficient proof of the signer's authority to sign. Further proof is not required even though the signer is also named as grantee in the deed. The mortgagee's deed shall raise a presumption of compliance with the requirements of this act regarding the exercise of the power of sale and the sale of the property, including the giving of the notice of intention to foreclose and of sale and the conduct of the sale. Such deed shall constitute conclusive evidence of the meeting of such requirements in favor of purchasers for value and without actual notice so long as the failure to meet those requirements would otherwise render the sale only voidable and, even if the sale is void, after the passage of two (2) years from the date of the recording of the deed.

B. The mortgagee's deed, pursuant to compliance with the provisions of this act, shall operate to convey to the purchaser the title, interest and claim of the mortgagee and of the mortgagor and their respective successors in interest, and of all persons claiming an interest in the property sold which was acquired subsequent to the recording of the mortgage pursuant to which the power of sale is exercised and prior to delivery of the mortgagee's deed, or who join in the exercise of the power of sale. Such conveyance shall be absolute, without right of redemption and clear of all liens, claims, or interests to the extent provided in this section, if the record shows that all necessary parties were duly notified or served with process as provided for herein and except for any statutory right of redemption which may be held by the United States of America under authority of Section 2410 of Title 28 of the United States Code, as amended.
Added by Laws 1986, c. 319, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 1986.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 46. Mortgages

§46-1. Absolute deed as mortgage.

§46-1.1. Deed of trust subject to mortgage laws.

§46-2. Conveyance by holder of deed intended as security as assignment.

§46-3. Form of mortgage.

§46-4. Further agreements - Foreclosure - Waiver of appraisement - Assignment of rents and profits as additional security.

§46-4.1. Mortgages securing extension of credit made primarily for agricultural purposes - Waiver of appraisement - Assignment of rents and profits as additional security.

§46-5. Mortgage follows property passing by succession or will.

§46-6. Formalities similar to deeds.

§46-7. Record is notice.

§46-8. Grant intended as mortgage recorded as mortgage.

§46-10. Separate instrument recorded.

§46-11. Defeasance must be recorded.

§46-12. Assignment - Unrecorded - Payment.

§46-13. Assignments of existing mortgages - Recording within four months - Mortgages on record for six months.

§46-14. Release by attorney.

§46-15. Holder must release - Penalty - Definitions.

§46-16. How released.

§46-17. Mortgages, deeds of trust, etc. made by certain corporations covering real or personal property - Filing in Office of Secretary of State - Refiling - Fees.

§46-18. Certificate of county treasurer.

§46-19. Definitions.

§46-20. Issuance of title protection document - Notice - Waiver.

§46-21. Violation - Penalty.

§46-40. Short title.

§46-41. Scope of act.

§46-42. Definitions.

§46-43. Power of sale - Requirements - Sale procedure - Deficiency - Redemption - Writ of assistance - Foreclosure.

§46-44. Notice of intent to foreclose by power of sale.

§46-45. Notice of sale - Time and place of sale.

§46-46. Sale of property - Postponed, continued, changed or relocated sale.

§46-47. Closing of sale - Deed.

§46-48. Disposition of sale proceeds.

§46-49. Termination of power of sale proceeding.

§46-201. Citation.

§46-202. Indefinite reference to mortgage in subsequent deed or mortgage - Effect.

§46-203. Indefinite reference defined.

§46-204. Application.

§46-301. Foreclosure - Limitations - Cessation of lien - Extension agreements - Notice - Record marketable title - Application of act.

§46-302. Abandoned or vacated property - Motion to protect and preserve - Motion and hearing procedure.

§46-311. Short title - Oklahoma First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Act.

§46-312. Definitions.

§46-313. Designation of account – Designation of beneficiary.

§46-314. Duties of account holders.

§46-315. Duties and liabilities of financial institutions.

§46-316. Deduction from taxable income – Exclusion from taxable income.

§46-317. Withdrawal of funds for other purposes - Penalty.

§46-318. Oklahoma Tax Commission forms.