Added by Laws 2019, c. 408, § 137, eff. Oct. 1, 2019.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§44-3. Reference to repealed clauses.
§44-6. Honorary staff of the Governor.
§44-21.1. Personnel - Unclassified service.
§44-22. Administration of military matters.
§44-24. Adjutant General - Eligibility - Appointment.
§44-25. Rank of Adjutant General - Assistants.
§44-26. Duties of the Adjutant General.
§44-26.1. Financial donations to the Adjutant General.
§44-27. Compensation of personnel.
§44-41. Composition of Militia - Classes.
§44-43. Eligibility as commissioned officers - Qualifications.
§44-45. Oath of commissioned officers.
§44-48. Discharge of enlisted men.
§44-49. Application of Army customs - Regulations and usage.
§44-71. Duty to attend assembly - Refusal of employer to permit attendance - Drills, exercises, etc.
§44-72. Ordering into active service.
§44-73. Local commanding officer - Order into service in emergency.
§44-74. Compensation and benefits.
§44-75. Hospital and medical treatment.
§44-77. State funding for insurance premiums.
§44-112. Suits for recovery of property.
§44-113. Seizure and report of property illegally possessed, etc.
§44-114. Accounts - Settlement.
§44-115. Bond of officers accountable for or receiving military property.
§44-116. Accounting by officer before receiving payments.
§44-117. Issue and use of property.
§44-192. Rules and procedures for establishing and awarding medals, ribbons, and certificates.
§44-208.1. Civil law protections - Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.
§44-209. Leave of absence to public officers and employees.
§44-210. Assault on member or body of National Guard or person assisting them.
§44-211. Martial law - Arrests and subpoenas.
§44-212. Deadly force – Immunity from personal liability.
§44-218. Acceptance or purchase of title to real estate.
§44-219. State not to be financially responsible.
§44-220. Building and loan association loans authorized.
§44-221. Provisions for National Guard when in service.
§44-223. Privilege from arrest.
§44-224. Misdemeanor to interfere with Militia.
§44-227. Architect - Selection - Contract by Adjutant General.
§44-228. Deed or lease by county commissioners to Adjutant General.
§44-229. Authorizing to order National Guard beyond borders of state - Law governing - Jurisdiction.
§44-230. Police officers (OMD) - Powers and duties.
§44-231a. Fire protection agreements.
§44-231b. Protection of assets vital to national security.
§44-232.1. Contracts to lease or rent facilities.
§44-232.4. Rules and regulations for use and oversight of facilities.
§44-233.2. Agreement with United States.
§44-233.5. Conveyance of sites by political subdivisions.
§44-233.7. Oklahoma Military Department Revolving Fund.
§44-233.10. Purchase of replacement commercial funds.
§44-233.10a. Purchase of computer hardware or software.
§44-233.11. Contracts for professional services.
§44-233.12. Qualifying federal programs to be regarded as individual purchasing entities.
§44-233.13. Authority to purchase products through a General Services Administration contract.
§44-233.14. Military Justice Revolving Fund.
§44-235. Creation of Oklahoma National Guard Museum.
§44-235.1. Oklahoma National Guard Museum Fund.
§44-235.2. Acceptance of gifts for the Oklahoma National Guard Museum.
§44-237. Oklahoma National Guard Relief Program.
§44-241. Governor authorized to organize, maintain, etc. - Uniform.
§44-242. Designation - Composition - Distinct from National Guard - Place of service.
§44-245. Persons not to be commissioned or enlisted.
§44-247. Term of enlistment - Oath upon enlistment.
§44-248. Exemption from arrest, jury duty and service on posse comitatus.
§44-250. Short title - Oklahoma State Guard Act.
§44-800. Short title - Oklahoma Uniform Code of Military Justice.
§44-802. Persons subject to the Oklahoma Uniform Code of Military Justice.
§44-803. Jurisdiction to try certain personnel.
§44-805. Territorial applicability of Oklahoma Uniform Code of Military Justice.
§44-806A. Investigation and disposition of matters pertaining to the fitness of military judges.
§44-806B. Rights of the victim of an offense under the Oklahoma Uniform Code of Military Justice.
§44-808. Warrant of arrest, issuance, contents, service.
§44-809. Imposition of restraint.
§44-810. Restraint of persons charged.
§44-811. Place of confinement, reports and receiving of prisoners.
§44-813. Punishment prohibited before trial.
§44-814. Delivery of offenders to civil authorities.
§44-815. Commanding officer's nonjudicial punishment.
§44-816. Courts-martial classified.
§44-817. Jurisdiction of courts-martial in general.
§44-818. General courts-martial.
§44-819. Jurisdiction of special courts-martial.
§44-820. Jurisdiction and appeals of summary courts-martial.
§44-822. Who may convene general courts-martial.
§44-823. Who may convene special courts-martial.
§44-824. Who may convene summary courts-martial.
§44-825. Who may serve on courts-martial.
§44-826. Military trial judge of a general or special court-martial.
§44-826A. Military magistrates.
§44-827. Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel.
§44-828. Detail or employment of reporters and interpreters.
§44-829. Assembly and impaneling of members - Detail of new members and military judges.
§44-830. Charges and specifications.
§44-830A. Certain proceedings conducted before referral.
§44-831. Compulsory self-incrimination prohibited.
§44-832. Preliminary hearing required before referral to general court-martial.
§44-833. Disposition guidance.
§44-834. Advice to convening authority before referral for trial.
§44-835. Service of charges - Commencement of trial.
§44-836. Procedure for courts-martial.
§44-837. Unlawfully influencing action of court.
§44-838. Duties of trial counsel and defense counsel.
§44-843. Statute of limitations.
§44-845. Pleas of the accused.
§44-846. Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence in trials by court-martial.
§44-847. Refusal to appear or testify.
§44-850. Admissibility of sworn testimony from records of courts of inquiry.
§44-850A. Defense of lack of mental responsibility.
§44-852. Votes required for conviction, sentencing and other matters.
§44-853. Findings and sentencing.
§44-855. Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited.
§44-857. Effective date of sentences.
§44-858. Execution of confinement.
§44-858A. Sentences - Reduction in enlisted grade.
§44-858B. Sentences - Forfeiture of pay and allowances during confinement.
§44-858C. Enforcement of fines or adjudication of pecuniary liability.
§44-859. Error of law - Lesser included offense.
§44-860. Posttrial processing in general and special courts-martial.
§44-860A. Limited authority to act on sentence in specified posttrial circumstances.
§44-861. Waiver of right to appeal - Withdrawal of appeal.
§44-862. Appeal by the State of Oklahoma.
§44-864. Judge advocate review of finding of guilty in summary court-martial.
§44-865. Transmittal and review of records.
§44-866. Military Court of Appeals for state military forces.
§44-867. Review by the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals.
§44-869. Review by State Judge Advocate.
§44-872. Vacation of suspension.
§44-873. Petition for a new trial.
§44-874. Remission and suspension.
§44-876. Finality of proceedings, findings, and sentences.
§44-876A. Leave required to be taken pending review of certain court-martial convictions.
§44-876B. Lack of mental capacity or mental responsibility.
§44-878. Accessory after the fact.
§44-879. Conviction of offense charged, lesser included offenses.
§44-882. Soliciting commission of offenses.
§44-884. Breach of medical quarantine.
§44-886. Absence without leave.
§44-887. Missing movement - Jumping from vessel.
§44-887A. Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape.
§44-888. Contempt toward officials.
§44-889. Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer - Assault of superior commissioned officer.
§44-890. Willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer.
§44-891. Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, or noncommissioned officer.
§44-892. Failure to obey order or regulation.
§44-893. Cruelty and maltreatment.
§44-895. Offenses by sentinel or lookout.
§44-895A. Disrespect toward sentinel or lookout.
§44-896. Release of prisoner without authority - Drinking with prisoner.
§44-898. Misconduct as prisoner.
§44-899. Misbehavior before the enemy.
§44-900. Subordinate compelling surrender.
§44-901. Improper use of countersign.
§44-903C. Unlawful disclosure of confidential information.
§44-904. Public records offenses.
§44-904A. Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation.
§44-904B. Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation.
§44-905A. False or unauthorized pass offenses.
§44-906A. Wearing unauthorized insignia, decoration, badge, ribbon, device, or lapel button.
§44-907. False official statements - False swearing.
§44-908. Military property-loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition.
§44-908A. Captured or abandoned property.
§44-909. Property other than military property - Waste, spoilage, or destruction.
§44-910. Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft.
§44-912. Drunkenness and other incapacitation offenses.
§44-912A. Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances.
§44-914. Endangerment offenses.
§44-916. Riot or breach of peace.
§44-917. Provoking speeches or gestures.
§44-917A. Wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images.
§44-920. Sexual assault generally.
§44-920C. Other sexual misconduct.
§44-921. Larceny and wrongful appropriation.
§44-924. Frauds against the government.
§44-931A. Subornation of perjury.
§44-931B. Obstructing justice.
§44-931C. Misprision of serious offense.
§44-931D. Wrongful refusal to testify.
§44-931F. Noncompliance with procedural rules.
§44-931G. Wrongful interference with adverse administrative proceeding.
§44-933. Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.
§44-936. Authority to administer oaths.
§44-937. Articles to be explained.
§44-938. Complaints of wrongs.
§44-939. Redress of injuries to property.
§44-940. Delegation by the Governor.
§44-940A. Precedence of regulations.
§44-940B. Publication by Secretary of State.
§44-941. Payment of fees, costs and expenses - Military Justice Fund.
§44-942. Payment and collection of fines.
§44-943. Uniformity of interpretation.
§44-944. Immunity for duties performed under Code.
§44-945. Jurisdiction not extended to certain crimes.
§44-946. Continuances for military service.
§44-4300. Short title - Oklahoma Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.
§44-4302. Construction with other laws.
§44-4304. Termination of entitlement to benefits.
§44-4311. Employment rights – Discrimination by employer.
§44-4312. Reemployment rights and benefits.
§44-4313. Employees of state government or political subdivisions - Reemployment.
§44-4315. State agency or political subdivision procedures for ensuring rights apply to employees.
§44-4316. Reemployment – Retention of seniority and other rights and benefits.
§44-4317. Continuation of health coverage.
§44-4321. Assistance from Commissioner of Labor.
§44-4322. Refusal to comply – Complaint process.
§44-4323. Action for relief – Referral to district attorney.
§44-4326. Investigatory powers – Subpoenas – District court writs.
§44-4331. Authority to prescribe regulations.
§44-4332. Annual report by the Commissioner of Labor.
§44-4333. Informing persons and employers of rights, benefits, and obligations.
§44-4334. Notice of rights, benefits, and obligations to be posted by employer.
§44-4335. Training to be provided by state agencies and political subdivisions.