A. A fiduciary with respect to the retirement system shall not cause the retirement system to engage in a transaction if the fiduciary knows or should know that such transaction constitutes a direct or indirect:
1. Sale or exchange, or leasing of any property from the retirement system to a party in interest for less than adequate consideration or from a party in interest to the retirement system for more than adequate consideration;
2. Lending of money or other extension of credit from the retirement system to a party in interest without the receipt of adequate security and a reasonable rate of interest, or from a party in interest to the retirement system with provision of excessive security or an unreasonably high rate of interest;
3. Furnishing of goods, services or facilities from the retirement system to a party in interest for less than adequate consideration, or from a party in interest to the retirement system for more than adequate consideration; or
4. Transfer to, or use by or for the benefit of, a party in interest of any assets of the retirement system for less than adequate consideration.
B. A fiduciary with respect to the retirement system shall not:
1. Deal with the assets of the retirement system in the fiduciary's own interest or for the fiduciary's own account;
2. In the fiduciary's individual or any other capacity act in any transaction involving the retirement system on behalf of a party whose interests are adverse to the interests of the retirement system or the interests of its participants or beneficiaries; or
3. Receive any consideration for the fiduciary's own personal account from any party dealing with the retirement system in connection with a transaction involving the assets of the retirement system.
C. A fiduciary with respect to the retirement system may:
1. Invest all or part of the assets of the retirement system in deposits which bear a reasonable interest rate in a bank or similar financial institution supervised by the United States or a state, if such bank or other institution is a fiduciary of such plan; or
2. Provide any ancillary service by a bank or similar financial institution supervised by the United States or a state, if such bank or other institution is a fiduciary of such plan.
D. A person or a financial institution is a fiduciary with respect to the retirement system to the extent that the person or the financial institution:
1. Exercises any discretionary authority or discretionary control respecting management of the retirement system or exercises any authority or control respecting management or disposition of the assets of the retirement system;
2. Renders investment advice for a fee or other compensation direct or indirect, with respect to any monies or other property of the retirement system, or has any authority or responsibility to do so; or
3. Has any discretionary authority or discretionary responsibility in the administration of the retirement system.
Added by Laws 1989, c. 124, § 6, eff. July 1, 1989.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
Title 19. Counties and County Officers
§19-3. Powers of county exercised by board of commissioners - Contracts while not acting as a board.
§19-4. County to sue or be sued in name of board.
§19-6. Payment of judgment against county.
§19-7. County Government Council.
§19-8. Public works contracts.
§19-8.2. Authority to adopt or amend county home rule charter.
§19-8.4. Provisions of charter.
§19-8.5. Charter provision contrary to or inconsistent with sovereignty and public policy.
§19-11. Vote by people - Taxable property - Area - Population.
§19-12. Petition - Proclamation calling election - Counties excepted.
§19-14. Form of ballot - Election of officers.
§19-15. Election supplies - How furnished.
§19-16. Election commissioners - Qualifications - Oath.
§19-17. Duties of commissioners - Substitutes.
§19-18. Booths and conveniences - Election officers - How appointed - Oath - Fees.
§19-19. Voting - Electors' affidavits - Form.
§19-20. Count - Canvass of returns.
§19-21. Returns and ballot boxes - Custody of same - Report to Governor.
§19-22. Proclamation of Governor - Designation of county seat - Officers.
§19-23. Selection of permanent county seats.
§19-24. Supreme Court to decide controversies.
§19-26. Election expenses - How paid - Commissioners' compensation.
§19-27. Challengers - Watchers - Poll book holders - How appointed.
§19-28. Official neglect - Felony.
§19-29. What constitutes bribery.
§19-31. Vote for transfer of territory.
§19-32. Vote to accept new territory.
§19-33. Division of assets and liabilities.
§19-34. County commissioners may settle differences.
§19-35. Meetings of commissioners to settle differences.
§19-36. Change in watercourse bounding counties as not changing taxable situs of property.
§19-61. Jurisdiction and powers of Supreme Court - Summons - Scope of inquiry.
§19-62. Method of division - Agreements as to division.
§19-63. Parties to action - Duties of district attorney.
§19-64. Commissioners may institute certain actions.
§19-65. Penalty for refusing to pay over monies.
§19-72. Election - How called.
§19-73. Form of election petition.
§19-74. Notice of election - Tickets and candidates.
§19-75. Form of petition for place on ticket.
§19-76. Special election board.
§19-78. Special election commissioners - Oath.
§19-80. Assignments - Duties of - Vacancies.
§19-81. Booths and conveniences - Precinct boards.
§19-82. Qualifications of voters - Form of affidavit.
§19-83. Canvass of vote - Declaration of result.
§19-84. Two-thirds vote required to relocate - Second election.
§19-85. Elections not oftener than once in ten years.
§19-86. Duties of special commissioners.
§19-87. Jurisdiction of contests in Supreme Court.
§19-88. Cases given precedence and passed on speedily.
§19-89. Compensation of election officials - How expenses borne.
§19-90. Challengers and watchers - Authority.
§19-112. Violation of act a felony.
§19-113. Treasurer's bondsmen liable for securities - Approval of securities.
§19-114. Securities - Deposit with State Treasurer.
§19-115. Duplicate deposit slip or receipt filed with county clerk.
§19-116. Duty of county clerk.
§19-117. Fiscal agent to account monthly.
§19-118. Treasurer's checks and drafts to show purpose of payment - Duplicate attached to voucher.
§19-119. County clerk to make proper charges and credits.
§19-120. Violation of statute - Penalty.
§19-121. Daily deposit by county treasurer - Security.
§19-123. Deposit in bank where treasurer or commissioners have pecuniary interest prohibited.
§19-124. Provisions cumulative.
§19-130.1. Commission on County Government Personnel Education and Training - Creation - Membership.
§19-130.2. Duties of Commission.
§19-130.3. Meetings - Chair - Quorum - Reimbursement.
§19-130.5. Objectives of education and training programs.
§19-130.6. Support staff - Other training programs - Expenses.
§19-131.1. Registration requirements for candidates for county offices.
§19-136. County clerk - Office hours - Sign.
§19-137.2. Appointment - Salary - Assistants.
§19-137.3. Liability insurance - Counties of 300,000 population.
§19-138.1a. Office created - Office space and equipment - Training - Tort liability.
§19-138.2. Appointment of county indigent defender and assistants.
§19-138.3. Determination of need for county indigent defender and assistants.
§19-138.4. Compensation - Private practice.
§19-138.6. Secretaries - Investigators - Salary.
§19-138.7. Conflict of interest - Reassignment of case.
§19-138.7a. Fees for attorneys defending death penalty cases.
§19-138.8. Expert witness compensation.
§19-138.9. Counties of 200,000 or more.
§19-138.10. Payment and collection of costs.
§19-138.11. Short title - County Campaign Finance and Financial Disclosure Act.
§19-138.13. Campaign committee organization statements.
§19-138.14. County political committee organization statements.
§19-138.15. Contributions and expenditures reports.
§19-138.16. Organization statements and contribution and expenditure reports - Public records.
§19-138.17. Financial interest statements.
§19-138.18. Financial interest statements - Public records.
§19-148. Population, how determined.
§19-153. Salaries - Payment periods.
§19-154. Surety bonds - Premiums - Payment by county.
§19-155.1. See the following versions:
§19-155.1v1. Destruction of certain records filed in county assessor's offices - Digitizing.
§19-155.2. Destruction of certain old records in clerk's office.
§19-155.3. Intangible tax records - Destruction.
§19-155.5. See the following versions:
§19-155.5v1. Destruction of certain reccords after digitizing.
§19-155.5v2. Destruction of certain reccords after reproduction and storage.
§19-155.6. Request by State Library.
§19-155.7. See the following versions:
§19-155.7v2. County records - Reproduction and storage.
§19-160. Extra help and travel expenses - Payment from separate budget items.
§19-162. Deputies - Appointment - Compensation and salaries - Appropriations.
§19-163. Reimbursement for traveling expenses.
§19-164. Private automobiles - Reimbursement for use.
§19-168. Volunteer - Protection of sovereign immunity - Travel and training expenses.
§19-169. Performance-based adjustment program.
§19-171. Audit by State Auditor and Inspector - Scope of audit - County government financial audits.
§19-173. Special audit fund - Payments made from.
§19-174. Reports - Copies - Officers filed with.
§19-174.1. Publication of notice of filing of audit report - Posting of certificate of completion.
§19-174.2. Cost of publication.
§19-176. Partial invalidity - Effect.
§19-177.2. Use of ad valorem levy for county audit - Lapse and cancellation of unexpended balance.
§19-177.4. Expense of typing, binding and distribution of audit reports.
§19-177.5. Annual defined - Audit of current acounts.
§19-177.6. Audit of property accounts.
§19-178.1. Inventory - Continuous inventory - Accounting.
§19-178.2. Duty of officers and employees to conform to law.
§19-178.3. Custodian of records, files and reports - Destruction.
§19-178.4. Systems and forms - Audit and verification of accounts.
§19-180.58. Application and purpose of act - Legislative determination.
§19-180.59. County assessor's certificate controlling as to valuations.
§19-180.60. Federal census controlling as to population.
§19-180.61. Classification of officers.
§19-180.63. Increase to basic salary.
§19-180.63d. Withholding of salary increase.
§19-180.63e. Certain increases or decreases in salaries of county officers prohibited.
§19-180.64B. Appropriations and payments.
§19-180.64F. Definition of "a major fraction thereof".
§19-180.65. Deputies and other help.
§19-180.67. Act to be comprehensive salary code.
§19-180.68. Date changes in salaries and rates of pay to take effect.
§19-180.84. Longevity pay program.
§19-180.87. Direct deposit payment system.
§19-180.90. National disaster leave.
§19-211. Suits brought by Commissioners of Land Office.
§19-212. Land Office suits - Duties - Instructions of Commissioners.
§19-213. Land Office suits - Failure of district attorney.
§19-215.1. Office created - Method of filling - Number.
§19-215.2. District Attorney - Qualifications.
§19-215.5. Advice to county officers.
§19-215.8. Candidate for other office.
§19-215.9. First assistant - Temporary appointments - Vacancies.
§19-215.10. Receipts for monies received.
§19-215.11. Payments to county treasurer.
§19-215.12. Failure to account or pay over.
§19-215.16. Powers and duties of district attorney.
§19-215.19. Office of county attorney abolished.
§19-215.20. Election of district attorney - Tenure.
§19-215.22. Destruction of certain records - Reproduction of records.
§19-215.25. County officer or employee - Legal defense services.
§19-215.26. Defense duties - Evidence.
§19-215.28. District Attorneys Council.
§19-215.30. Salaries and expenses.
§19-215.31. Retirement and pensions - Staff and other personnel salaries - Leave time payments.
§19-215.33. Victim-witness coordinator training.
§19-215.34. Assistant district attorneys.
§19-215.35A. District attorney investigators - Certification as peace officers.
§19-215.35B. Administration of payrolls and claims.
§19-215.35C. Compensation of district attorney personnel determined by district attorney.
§19-215.36. Boards of county commissioners to provide certain facilities and services.
§19-215.37A. Maintenance and operating expenses.
§19-215.37B. Certification of funds available for operation of district attorney's office.
§19-215.37C. Estimate of needs.
§19-215.37E. Approval of appropriation requests.
§19-215.37G. Purchases from district attorney appropriations.
§19-215.37H. Temporary appropriations - Availability of funds.
§19-215.37I. Report of expenditures or encumbrances - Reimbursement.
§19-215.37J. Exemptions from reimbursement provisions.
§19-215.37L. Forms and procedures.
§19-215.37M. Contracts with private attorneys.
§19-215.38. Travel expenses - Allocation of funds.
§19-215.40. District Attorneys Evidence Fund.
§19-220. Court Clerk's Revolving Fund – Administrative fee – District Court Revolving Fund.
§19-221. Clerks of court - Consolidation of offices - Court clerk to perform duties.
§19-225. Consolidation of offices of register of deeds and county clerk.
§19-241.1. Potential state taxes list issued to building permit applicants.
§19-242. Appointment of deputies.
§19-244. Records and accounts.
§19-247. Accounts must be filed within two years - Exception.
§19-248. Duty when new township organized.
§19-251. Accounts with county treasurer.
§19-252. Charges and credits - How stated.
§19-257. List and signatures of county officers to Secretary of State.
§19-261. Instruments filed for record - Printed or typed name of signer.
§19-262. Bankruptcy petitions, orders and decrees to be filed.
§19-263. Copies of bankruptcy orders to be constructive notice after filing.
§19-264. Release of filed information over telephone - Fees.
§19-265. County Clerk's Lien Fee Account.
§19-266. Fees - Charges to state governmental entities.
§19-269. Election concerning tax question - Copy of ballot to state Auditor and Inspector.
§19-270. Confidentiality of Department of Defense Form 214 - Duties - Liability.
§19-271. Employment of general counsel.
§19-284. Care of records - Fixtures and furniture.
§19-286. Maintenance of records for storage.
§19-288. Plat records - Digitizing.
§19-288.1. Duty to file and index plats.
§19-288.2. Filing plats located outside corporate limits of city or town.
§19-288.3. Filing of plats in digital electronic format.
§19-290. Chattel mortgage record.
§19-291. Numerical index of deeds.
§19-292. Fee must be paid in advance.
§19-293. Duty when instrument offered for record.
§19-294. Duty to index old records.
§19-297. Record of certificate showing Indian lands exempt from taxation.
§19-298. Recordable instruments - Filing.
§19-298.1. Electronic documents – Acceptability for filing.
§19-299. Land parcel identifier system.
§19-321. County commissioners' districts - Reapportionment - Maps and resolutions depository.
§19-326. Meetings - Passing on bills and claims.
§19-327. Chairman elected each year.
§19-328. Powers and duties of chairman.
§19-330. Certified copies of proceedings evidence.
§19-331. May punish contempts and issue process.
§19-332. Account with county treasurer.
§19-333. Record of orders and decisions - Commissioner not serving another term - Duties.
§19-333.1. Violation of Section 333.
§19-334. Records relating to bridges and roads.
§19-335. Record of warrants on county treasurer - Numbering of warrants.
§19-336. Warrants uncalled for to be canceled.
§19-337. Record of canceled warrants.
§19-339. General powers of commissioners.
§19-339.1. Sale of county-owned property to Oklahoma Historical Society.
§19-339.3. Disposition of funds.
§19-339.4. Environmental remediation of land.
§19-339.5. Landfills - Restrictions and enforcement.
§19-339.6. Curfew for juveniles - Fine - Community service.
§19-339.7. Community service program assessment.
§19-339.8. Debt collection services.
§19-340. Investigation of officers - Allowance of compensation, etc.
§19-342. May sell unused lands of county.
§19-344. Sale of real estate – Public auction or sealed bids.
§19-345. Annual statement to be published.
§19-346. County map to be made.
§19-348. Place and manner of holding sessions.
§19-350. Holidays county offices to close - Designation.
§19-351.1. Agreements for fire protection services by municipalities - Charges.
§19-353.1. Counseling services for certain persons.
§19-354. Transportation and distribution of commodities donated to county or school district.
§19-357. Provisions cumulative.
§19-358. Transportation of scouts and supervisors.
§19-359. Improvements upon school grounds.
§19-360. Dilapidated buildings in unincorporated areas - Tearing down and removal.
§19-365. Solid waste management – Authority of political subdivisions – Condemnation proceedings.
§19-372. Minimum standards for operation and equipment - Personnel - Charges - Audits.
§19-376. Electronic data processing equipment authorized - Manner of handling.
§19-377. IT staff and data processing technicians.
§19-378. Contracts with public trust.
§19-381. Questions to be submitted to popular vote.
§19-382. Additional tax voted, when.
§19-383. Mode of submitting questions to voters.
§19-385. Proceedings when proposition carries.
§19-386. Additional levy a distinct fund.
§19-387. Unexpended balance of special fund.
§19-388. Ballot Title - Authorization.
§19-389. Notice of petition to raise taxes or assessments.
§19-401. Rental of quarters - Attendants, fuel, light and stationery.
§19-401.1. Courtroom, office space and other facilities in city other than county seat.
§19-402. Courtrooms rented to be approved by court.
§19-421. Entry on minutes - Matters to be entered.
§19-421.1. Trade-in of certain property - Procedure for sale of certain county property.
§19-421.2. Surplus machinery, equipment or vehicles - Transfer to political subdivisions.
§19-421.3. Obtaining surplus road and bridge building equipment.
§19-431. Right of appeal - Bond - Appeal on demand of freeholders - Appeal by taxpayer.
§19-432. Time and manner of taking appeal - Folio of papers.
§19-433. Appeal, when filed and tried.
§19-434. Docketing of appeals - Determination de novo.
§19-435. Order of district court.
§19-441. Officers to account to commissioners - Payments and receipts.
§19-442. Examination of treasurer's tax records.
§19-443. Suit against delinquent officers.
§19-444. Publication of proceedings.
§19-445. Clerk to make report of proceedings for publication.
§19-447. Board to furnish supplies to officers.
§19-448. Failure to perform duty - Penalty.
§19-449. Incapacity as creating vacancy.
§19-450. Determination of existence of vacancy - Jurisdiction and proceedings.
§19-451. Purchase of boat for official business - Mileage.
§19-452. Counties over 200,000 population - Appointment of employees and assistants.
§19-453. School guards - Qualifications and tenure - Salary.
§19-455. County reward fund - Providing evidence.
§19-456. Oklahoma County and City Energy Conservation Act - Short title.
§19-457. Oklahoma County and City Energy Conservation Act - Definitions.
§19-458. Energy conservation contracts and lease-purchase agreements.
§19-460.2. County Energy District Authority - Establishment.
§19-460.2a. County Energy District Authority.
§19-460.3. Trustees - Time and place for meetings.
§19-460.4. Trustees - County Energy District Authority - Duties.
§19-460.5. Application - Loans - Property lien.
§19-460.7. Property owners - Energy audit.
§19-510. County sheriff - Qualifications.
§19-513.1. Training for jailers.
§19-514. Service of process, etc.
§19-514.1. Sheriff's Service Fee Account.
§19-514.2. Sheriff's Commissary Account.
§19-514.3. Fingerprinting fee.
§19-514.5. Collection of administrative costs.
§19-516. Duty and powers as peace officer.
§19-517. New sheriff, delivery to.
§19-517.1. Maintenance and disposal of departmental records – Digitizing.
§19-518. Retiring sheriff to complete action on papers in hand.
§19-519. Misconduct of former sheriff's deputy or jailer.
§19-520. Sheriff's executors or administrators liable.
§19-521. Writs - How served on sheriff.
§19-522. May not recommend or act as attorney - List of attorneys posted.
§19-523. Failure to make returns - Penalty.
§19-527. Employment of legal counsel authorized.
§19-528. Authority to employ attorney.
§19-529. Law enforcement grants.
§19-531. Inmate Trust Fund Checking Account.
§19-532. Short title - Debt to Society Act of 2016.
§19-533. Debt to society work release or community service program.
§19-545. Service of district court work or other court work.
§19-548. Appointments and revocations to be written – Public list maintained - Exception.
§19-555. Retired sheriffs and deputies - Emergencies.
§19-556. County law enforcement - Support services.
§19-570. Abolition of office of county surveyor.
§19-622. Bond of county treasurer.
§19-623. General duties - Direct deposit system.
§19-624. Receipts for money received.
§19-626. Inspection of books, accounts and vouchers - Settlement with county commissioners.
§19-627. County, city, town or school district - Insurance of buildings and property.
§19-630. Monthly payments into State Treasury.
§19-631. Failure, neglect or refusal to comply - Penalty - Removal from office.
§19-632. Action for neglect of county treasurer.
§19-633. Payment Register - Recording of interest.
§19-635. Action against treasurer failing to make settlement.
§19-636. Suspension of treasurer during action.
§19-637. When additional security required of treasurer.
§19-638. Failure to give additional bond vacates office.
§19-642. Treasurer's cash book and accounts.
§19-643. Treasurer's receipts.
§19-644.1. Clerk to keep duplicate of treasurer's collections and deposits.
§19-646. Reimbursement of county officers replacing stolen funds.
§19-681. County treasurer official depository.
§19-683. Monies, how credited and withdrawn.
§19-684. Time for payment to county treasury - Report of receipts.
§19-685. County treasurer may bring suit.
§19-686. Penalty for violation.
§19-691. Refund or payment only on voucher of county clerk.
§19-692. Filing and auditing of claims.
§19-693. Rules and regulations - Forms.
§19-731. Tax levy to provide for buildings - Vote.
§19-732. Buildings to be erected when fund sufficient.
§19-733. Advertisement for bids - Bids - Bond of contractor.
§19-734. Contracts for sites, purchases, repairs, etc. - Bonds - Elections.
§19-735. Conditions of calling election.
§19-737. Majority vote necessary - Sale of bonds.
§19-740. Use of sinking fund - Warrants against estimated proceeds of tax levy.
§19-744. Use of private prison contractors.
§19-745. Sale of courthouse - Appraisal - Leaseback - New facilities.
§19-746. Liability for cost of medical care of persons in custody.
§19-746.1. Medical Expense Liability Revolving Fund.
§19-751. Governing bodies of cities authorized to contract with county commissioners.
§19-752. County commissioners authorized to contract with governing body of city.
§19-753. Use of property owned by city or county.
§19-754. Use of proceeds of sale of property by city or county.
§19-755. Effect of partial invalidity.
§19-756. Powers of cities and counties not limited by act.
§19-761. Insurance proceeds - Use to restore building or records.
§19-762. Insurance - Courthouse fund - Use of to purchase equipment and supplies.
§19-763. Funds - Use of without appropriation.
§19-764. Assessment lists and rolls - Replacing - Deputy county assessors.
§19-765. Proclamation - Publication and posting - Persons holding tax receipts - Duty.
§19-766. Taxes - Action to foreclose lien.
§19-767. Audits - Destroyed records - Apportionment of cash on hand.
§19-768. State Auditor and Inspector - Budgets and estimates - Delivery to county clerk.
§19-769. Courthouse fund and other monies - Purchase of material without bids.
§19-770. Board of county commissioners - Powers and duties to be additional.
§19-782. Resolution of necessity - Petition - Notice of election.
§19-783. Holding of election - Ballots.
§19-784. Issuance and sale of self-liquidating or general obligation bonds.
§19-785. Issuance of bonds - Interest.
§19-786. Tax levy - Annual report - Estimate of needs - Issuance of revenue bonds.
§19-789. Board of control - Lease to public trust or other authorized organization.
§19-792. Medical staff - Admissions - Rules and regulations.
§19-793. Purchase of building - Gifts.
§19-794. Audit of financial books and records.
§19-796. Financial assistance programs.
§19-863.3. Discontinuance of existing commission - Establishment of new commission - Procedure.
§19-863.5. Commission membership - Appointment and tenure - Compensation - Vacancies—Removal.
§19-863.6. Chairman - Meetings - Rules - Employees - Fees - Financial assistance.
§19-863.7. Master plan - Public hearing.
§19-863.8. Approval of plans after adoption of master plan.
§19-863.9. Subdivision plats - Rules and regulations.
§19-863.10. Transfer or sale of lands.
§19-863.11. Building line or set-back regulations - Considerations - Hearings.
§19-863.12. Enforcement of building line and set-back regulations - Appeals - Modification.
§19-863.13. Zoning powers - Structures and equipment exempt.
§19-863.13A. Board of county commissioners may establish fines and penalties.
§19-863.14. Division into districts or zones.
§19-863.15. Recommendations by commission.
§19-863.16. Existing nonconforming uses.
§19-863.17. Amendment or repeal of regulations - Hearing and notice.
§19-863.18. Permits - Enforcement of regulations.
§19-863.19A. Extraterritorial application of zoning powers.
§19-863.20. County board of adjustment.
§19-863.21. Appeals to board - Powers and duties.
§19-863.22. Judicial review in district court.
§19-863.23. Appeals to district court from acts of the commission.
§19-863.24. Zoning regulations to govern.
§19-863.25. Fees - Farm homes and buildings exempt - Schedules.
§19-863.26. Notice of public hearings.
§19-863.27. Validation of existing plans, ordinances, etc.
§19-863.28. Violations and penalties.
§19-863.29. Exclusive control by commission - Transfer of records, etc.
§19-863.30. County electrical code - Definitions.
§19-863.31. Electrical and elevator construction contractors - Examination and renewal fees.
§19-863.32. Joint city-county electrical examining and appeal board.
§19-863.33. Examinations - Certificates - Issuance without examination.
§19-863.35. Classes of licenses - Fees.
§19-863.37. Necessity for license - Applications - Contents - Violations.
§19-863.38. Electrical inspector - Deputies - Duties - Fees.
§19-863.39. Standards of safety.
§19-863.40. Plumbing inspector - Qualifications - Duties.
§19-863.41. Increase in population.
§19-863.42. Inspection by county inspector continued.
§19-863.43. Partial invalidity.
§19-863.44. Building and/or fire codes.
§19-863.44A. High-Rise Safety Act of 1975.
§19-863.44D. Sprinkler systems required - Exceptions.
§19-863.44F. Provisions as cumulative.
§19-863.45. County building inspector.
§19-863.46. Agreements with cities.
§19-863.48. Penalties - Injunction.
§19-864.1. Joint city-county electrical examining and appeals board - Authorization.
§19-864.3. Creation - Board - Duties - Review of Decisions - Expenses of operation.
§19-864.4. Certificates of competency - Examinations.
§19-864.5. Examination fees - Renewals.
§19-864.6. Apprentices - Registration - Limitations.
§19-864.7. Classes of licenses.
§19-864.9. License - Application.
§19-864.10. Electrical inspector - Selection - Duties.
§19-864.11. Manner of installation.
§19-864.12. Manufacturers and assemblers.
§19-864.13. Annexed territory.
§19-864.16. Identification of contractors.
§19-865.51. County planning commission and county board of adjustment authorized.
§19-865.52. Resolution of board - Majority vote of people.
§19-865.53. Territorial jurisdiction.
§19-865.55. Commission membership.
§19-865.56. Cooperation and assistance.
§19-865.57. Coordinated physical development.
§19-865.58. Adoption and amendment of plan - Notice and hearing - Public record.
§19-865.59. Proposed improvements - Recommendations by commission.
§19-865.60. Rules and regulations for enforcement.
§19-865.62. County board of adjustment.
§19-865.63. Appeals to county board of adjustment.
§19-865.64. Appeals to district court and Supreme Court.
§19-865.66. Notice of public hearings.
§19-865.67A. Board of county commissioners may establish fines and penalties.
§19-865.68. Exclusive control.
§19-865.69. Existing county planning commissions - Advisory agency.
§19-866.1. Metropolitan area planning commission - County board of adjustment.
§19-866.2. City and county powers.
§19-866.4. Territorial jurisdiction.
§19-866.5. Establishment of planning commission.
§19-866.7. Commission membership - Appointment and tenure - Compensation - Vacancies - Removal.
§19-866.8. Chairman - Meetings - Rules - Employees - Fees.
§19-866.9. Submission of proposals and plans - Advice and cooperation of other agencies.
§19-866.10. Metropolitan comprehensive plan.
§19-866.11. Submission of proposed improvement plans for commission recommendations.
§19-866.12. Plats and subdivisions - Rules and regulations.
§19-866.13. Recording of plats or deeds - Approval.
§19-866.15. Enforcement of building line regulations - Appeals - Modification.
§19-866.16. Zoning powers - Exemptions.
§19-866.16A. Board of county commissioners may establish fines and penalties.
§19-866.17. Division into districts or zones.
§19-866.18. Recommendations by commission.
§19-866.19. Termination of nonconforming uses.
§19-866.20. Amendment or repeal of regulations - Notice and hearing.
§19-866.21. Permits required - Administration of rules and regulations.
§19-866.22. County Board of Adjustment.
§19-866.23. Appeals to board - Powers and duties.
§19-866.24. Appeals to district court.
§19-866.25. Zoning regulations to govern.
§19-866.26. Construction codes.
§19-866.28. Building permit fees - Inspection fees.
§19-866.29. Notice of public hearings.
§19-866.30. Exemptions from zoning regulations.
§19-866.31. Validation of existing plans, ordinances, etc.
§19-866.32. Violations and penalties.
§19-866.33. Exclusive control by commission - Transfer of records, etc.
§19-866.34. Continued operation after population increase.
§19-866.35. Contracts with city-county planning commissions.
§19-868.1. Creation of county planning commission and board of adjustment.
§19-868.2. Personnel of county planning commission.
§19-868.3. Personnel and procedure of county board of adjustment.
§19-868.4. Staff and finances - Fees.
§19-868.5. Procedure of county planning commission.
§19-868.7. Submission of proposed improvements to county planning commission.
§19-868.8. Approval of plat of subdivided lands - Rules and regulations.
§19-868.9. Building law regulations.
§19-868.10. Enforcement - Appeals - Modification.
§19-868.11. Zoning by board of county commissioners.
§19-868.11A. Board of county commissioners may establish fines and penalties.
§19-868.12. Zoning regulations defined.
§19-868.13. Outdoor advertising structures.
§19-868.15. Procedure for adoption of zoning regulations.
§19-868.16. Amendment of zoning regulations.
§19-868.17. Enforcement by county engineer.
§19-868.17A. Building and fire codes for unincorporated areas.
§19-868.18. Appeals to county board of adjustment.
§19-868.19. Appeals to district court and Supreme Court.
§19-868.20. Conflicts between cities or towns and county.
§19-868.22. Counties in which applicable.
§19-869.1. Lake area planning commission - Power to create.
§19-869.2. Resolution creating.
§19-869.4. Jurisdiction of commission.
§19-869.6. Administration of zoning regulations - Board of adjustment.
§19-869.7. Violations - Penalties.
§19-871. Proposal for organization - Powers.
§19-872.1. Annexation of territory.
§19-873. Conduct of election - Canvass of votes - Order organizing district.
§19-875. Meetings of board - Records - Right of entry - Acquisition of property - Contracts.
§19-876. Title to property - Sale of sewerage system - Election - Dissolution.
§19-877. Conveyances - Actions and suits.
§19-879. Bylaws, rules and regulations - Public, district and private sewer lines.
§19-880. Subdistrict sewers - Petition - Profiles, plans and specifications - Contracts.
§19-881. Computation and apportionment of cost - Assessment - Special assessment bonds.
§19-882. Collection of installments - Delinquency - Lien of assessments - Foreclosure - Sale.
§19-883. Suit to set aside assessment or bond - Limitation - New assessment.
§19-884. General plan of proposed operation - Bonds.
§19-887. Annual assessment by county assessor.
§19-888. Equalization of assessments - Notice of meeting.
§19-889. Hearing and determination of objections - Changes.
§19-891. Costs and expenses - Paid out of construction fund.
§19-894. Presentation and allowance of claims - Warrants.
§19-896. Approval of bonds by Supreme Court.
§19-897. County clerks to record instruments without fee.
§19-898.1. Consolidation with adjacent city or town.
§19-898.2. Request for consolidation - Election - Terms - Ordinance.
§19-898.3. Property of city or town upon consolidation - Former district offices vacated.
§19-898.4. Assumption of legal bonded indebtedness.
§19-898.5. Compliance with former district bond resolutions.
§19-898.7. Mineral rights not affected.
§19-901.1. Organization authorized.
§19-901.2. Petition - Map - Notice, hearing and order - Name - Calling election.
§19-901.3. Notice of election - Qualifications of voters.
§19-901.4. Conduct of election - Returns and canvass of votes - Order.
§19-901.5. Board of directors - Elections - Vacancies.
§19-901.5A. Election procedures in lieu of election procedures set out in Section 901.5.
§19-901.6. Chairman, clerk and treasurer.
§19-901.7. Powers and duties of directors.
§19-901.7a. Fire chief for certain districts – Qualifications - Duties.
§19-901.8. Meetings - Regulation and prevention of fire hazards.
§19-901.11. Fire protection district appraisal record.
§19-901.14. Formulation of plan.
§19-901.16. Requisites of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness.
§19-901.18. Payment of bonds and other evidences of indebtedness and interest.
§19-901.19. Levy of assessments.
§19-901.20. Collection of assessments.
§19-901.21. Claims against district.
§19-901.22. Including additional territory.
§19-901.23. Withdrawal of territory from district.
§19-901.23a. Annexation of all or a portion of a fire protection district - Requirements.
§19-901.24. Dissolution of district.
§19-901.25. Contracts for fire protection service.
§19-901.25a. Inclusion of contiguous districts.
§19-901.27. Audits - Order - Petition - Cost.
§19-901.29. Expenses of audit.
§19-901.30-2.1. Subpoena of witnesses and documents - Notice and service - Rules - Hearings.
§19-901.30-2.2. Unfair labor practices - Complaint - Order to cease and desist - Restraining order.
§19-901.30-2. Collective bargaining - Bargaining agent - Hearing - Election.
§19-901.30-3. Agreement on contract - Submission to arbitration - Selection of arbitrators.
§19-901.30-5. Decision factors - Responsibility for fees and expenses.
§19-901.30-6. Special election to select offer.
§19-901.30-7. Negotiated collective bargaining agreement - Required provisions - Disputes.
§19-901.30-8. Appropriation of monies required by collective bargaining - Notice - Time limitation.
§19-901.30-9. Violations - Penalties.
§19-901.33. Application of act.
§19-901.35. Advice and services of State Auditor and Inspector.
§19-901.36. Annual financial statement.
§19-901.37. Budgets - Format - Budget summary - Estimate of revenues - Determination of needs.
§19-901.41. Accounts and accounting - Budgets - Needs assessment.
§19-901.42. Hearing on proposed budget.
§19-901.43. Adoption of budget.
§19-901.45. Funds - Prohibited acts - Liability.
§19-901.46. Funds and accounts.
§19-901.47. Classification of estimated revenue and appropriation expenditures.
§19-901.48. Transfer of appropriation between accounts.
§19-901.49. Amendment of budget - Supplemental appropriations.
§19-901.50. Rules and regulations.
§19-901.57. Administration of grants.
§19-901.58. Rural Fire Defense Equipment Revolving Fund.
§19-901.59. Purchase of equipment - Acquisition of storage space.
§19-901.60. Sale of equipment - Rules and regulations.
§19-902.2. Creation and organization of district.
§19-902.3. Petition - Deposit - Filing - Hearing - Orders - Election.
§19-902.4. Notice of election - Qualified voters.
§19-902.5. Conduct of election - Certification of results - Orders.
§19-902.7. Officers of board of directors - Term - Compensation.
§19-902.8. Powers and duties of board of directors.
§19-902.9. Regular meetings - Special meetings - Quorum - Voting - Records.
§19-902.10. Actions and proceedings to enforce act.
§19-902.11. Rural road improvement district property record.
§19-902.12. Bond election - Resolution - Notice - Conduct of election - Canvass of returns.
§19-902.12b. Financing of improvements on pay-as-you-go basis.
§19-902.16. Additional assessments - Calling of election.
§19-902.18. Powers and duties concerning supervision and control of county roads.
§19-902.19. Formation of district without bonded indebtedness or tax levies.
§19-902.20. Conduct of district organization elections.
§19-902.21. Election of district directors - Qualifications - Notice.
§19-902.22. Fraud or irregularities in election - Dispute procedure.
§19-904.1. Creation of county jail trust authority - Election.
§19-904.2. Board of directors - Officers.
§19-904.3. Powers and duties of board.
§19-904.5. Authority to sue and be sued.
§19-904.6. Plan of operation - Election on funding.
§19-904.8. Dissolution of the authority.
§19-904.9. Annual audits required.
§19-905.2. Regional jail districts - Powers - County duties - Termination.
§19-905.3. Regional jail districts - Powers.
§19-905.4. Regional jail commission - Commissioners - Tenure - Compensation.
§19-905.5. Regional jail director - Compensation - Authority.
§19-931. Authorization to establish and maintain.
§19-932. Dedication of lands and buildings.
§19-933. Period of dedication - Resolution.
§19-934. Joint establishment of recreational system.
§19-935. Provisions as cumulative.
§19-941. Counties over 300,000 population - Installation and operation of parking lot.
§19-942. Penalty for failure to pay fee.
§19-951. Fund and system authorized.
§19-952. Control and management.
§19-952.2. Payment of certain expenses and costs.
§19-953. Contributions by county - Use of funds - Return of employee funds.
§19-953.1. Board of trustees - Counties having a population in excess of 675,000.
§19-953.1A. Board of trustees - Counties having a population of 675,000 or less.
§19-953.2. Fiduciaries - Power and authority - Restrictions.
§19-954. Annual appropriation - Maximum contributions.
§19-955. Prorating in case of insufficiencies.
§19-956.2. Alternative method of determining retirement benefits - Vesting restrictions.
§19-957-1. County retirement system — Eligibility – Contribution limits.
§19-958. Necessary provisions by resolution.
§19-960. Payment of certain employer's contributions from court fund.
§19-961. Employees whose salaries are paid in whole or in part from Law Library Fund.
§19-965. Defined benefit retirement plan - Amendment or modification - Impact statement.
§19-971. Election to establish – Creation of fund – Contributions – Definitions.
§19-1002. Purpose - Commission created.
§19-1003. Counties authorized to act - Contract with cities - Resolution of necessity.
§19-1004. Commission membership - Tenure - Vacancies - Compensation - Expenses.
§19-1005. Chairman - Meetings - Quorum - Fee schedule - Financial assistance.
§19-1007. Annual budget, contributions and expenditures - Tax levy.
§19-1008. Powers of commission.
§19-1009. Bringing in other cities, towns or school districts.
§19-1010. Retirement system - Workers' compensation.
§19-1101. Authorization to establish countywide programs - Financing.
§19-1102. Purposes for which funds may be expended.
§19-1103. Advisory committee - Duties and responsibilities.
§19-1103.1. Executive director - Contract for services - Salary.
§19-1104. Cooperation with other counties, agencies, etc.
§19-1201. Ambulance Service Districts Act.
§19-1204. Petition for creation of district - Contents.
§19-1206. Determination by board - Declaration of incorporation.
§19-1207. Board of directors - Bylaws.
§19-1208. Governing body - Meetings - Vacancies - Rules and regulations.
§19-1210. Proportionate payment of costs.
§19-1211. Annexation of additional area.
§19-1212. Notice of annexation petition.
§19-1213. Hearing and determination of annexation petition.
§19-1214. Terms of board members - Annual meetings of residents.
§19-1216. Operation and repair of equipment - Compensation - Budgets - Audits.
§19-1217. Dissolution of districts.
§19-1218. Sale of facilities and property.
§19-1219. Release of area from district.
§19-1221. Consolidation of districts.
§19-1230. Change of grade of road, street, etc. - Permanent improvement - Powers of commissioners.
§19-1231. Compensation of abutting record title holders - Failure to compensate.
§19-1233. Consulting engineer - Bond attorneys' or fiscal agents' services.
§19-1234. Notice to affected record title holders - Protests.
§19-1235. Contest of improvement.
§19-1236. Petition for improvement - Sufficiency.
§19-1237. Powers of commissioners relative to petition for improvement - Revision of assessments.
§19-1239. Awarding of contracts - Excessive costs.
§19-1241. County assessor - Duty to appraise and apportion - Reports.
§19-1242. Objections to appraisement or apportionment - Hearing - Notice - Time.
§19-1243. Review of appraisement and apportionment - Objections to proposed assessment.
§19-1246. Street intersections and alley crossings - Improvement costs - State aid.
§19-1247. Payment of assessments - Interest - Levy of assessment - Assessment resolution - Liens.
§19-1248. Road assessment record.
§19-1250. Installments - Payment - Collecting agent - Duties.
§19-1252. Penalties for delinquent taxes - Disposition.
§19-1253. Grounds for sustaining action against board of county commissioners.
§19-1254. Acceptance of improvements.
§19-1255. Improvement of existing roads, streets, avenues, alleys, or lanes - Application of act.
§19-1257. Road Improvement Bonds.
§19-1258. Proceeds from sale of bonds – Disbursement – Payment of contractor.
§19-1259. Registration of bonds - Transfer or assignment.
§19-1262. Transferees or assignees - Obligations.
§19-1263. Application of Sections 1230 through 1262.
§19-1264. Annexation to road improvement district.
§19-1275. Authority to issue bond.
§19-1276. Election - Resolution - Notice - Ballots.
§19-1277. Issuance and sale of bonds - Competitive bids - Deposit of proceeds.
§19-1279. Levy of taxes to pay principal and interest on bond.
§19-1301. Vacation and sick leave plan.
§19-1402. Purpose of County Budget Act.
§19-1405. Accounting records and financial statements - Establishment and maintenance.
§19-1406. Maintenance of funds and account groups.
§19-1407. County budget board - Membership - Officers - Vacancies - Meetings.
§19-1408. Preparation of budget for each fund.
§19-1409. Adoption of budget - Capital projects fund budget - Reserve fund.
§19-1410. Fund budgets required - Format - Contents.
§19-1411. Estimate of revenues and expenditures.
§19-1412. Public hearings - Notice.
§19-1413. Adoption of budget - Filing - Appropriations.
§19-1414. Examination of budgets - Powers and duties of excise board.
§19-1415. Protests - Status of budget - Examination.
§19-1417. Classifying estimated revenues and expenditures.
§19-1418. Transfer of appropriations.
§19-1419. Transfer of special fund, debt service and special assessment fund balances.
§19-1420. Supplemental appropriations - Amendment of budget.
§19-1421. Implementation and administration of act.
§19-1500.1. County purchasing agent – Powers – Electronic commerce.
§19-1501. Duties of county purchasing agent - Requisition of purchase orders.
§19-1503. Department receiving officers to be designated.
§19-1504. Duties of receiving officer.
§19-1505. Procedures for the operation of county government.
§19-1505.2. Exception to purchasing procedures for public trusts.
§19-1506. Sheriff or deputy sheriff authorized to make certain travel purchases by credit card.
§19-1507. Number of credit cards issued and amount of charges allowed.
§19-1605. Application for license - Contents.
§19-1606. Forms for applications for license and license certificate.
§19-1607. Agents of transient merchants.
§19-1609. Issuance of license - Transferability - Validity.
§19-1610. Violations - Misdemeanor.
§19-1705. Advice on procedural and technical matters.
§19-1706. Annual financial statement.
§19-1706.1. Payment of audit expenses.
§19-1707. Organization of board.
§19-1708. Preparation of annual budget for each fund.
§19-1710. Sinking fund levy - Formula - Intent of act.
§19-1710.1. Emergency medical service districts – Ambulance services.
§19-1711. Computation of levy for each fund - Procedure.
§19-1713. Accounting of monies.
§19-1715. Adoption of budget - Filing - Effective date - Review of budget.
§19-1716. Protests against budget.
§19-1717. Prohibitions on expenditures - Violations - Penalties.
§19-1718. Funds and account groups to be maintained.
§19-1719. Classification of estimated revenues and appropriation expenditures.
§19-1720. Transfer of unexpended or unencumbered appropriation or funds in special fund.
§19-1721. Amendment of budget.
§19-1722. Rules and regulations - Forms.