Oklahoma Statutes
Title 16. Conveyances
§16-73. Claims prior to date of root title as null and void.

Subject to matters stated in Section 2 hereof, such marketable record title shall be held by its owner and shall be taken by any person dealing with the land free and clear of all interests, claims or charges whatsoever, the existence of which depends upon any act, transaction, event or omission that occurred prior to the effective date of the root of title. All such interests, claims or charges, however denominated, whether legal or equitable, present or future, whether such interests, claims or charges are asserted by a person sui juris or under a disability, whether such person is within or without the state, whether such person is natural or corporate, or is private or governmental, are hereby declared to be null and void.

Added by Laws 1963, c. 31, § 3.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 16. Conveyances

§16-1. Persons who may convey - Married persons - Legal entities.

§16-2. Witness not necessary.

§16-3. Attorney-in-fact.

§16-4. Necessity of writing and signing - Veterans' loans - Homestead - Joinder of husband and wife - Effect of record for 10 years.

§16-5. Validation of conveyances.

§16-6. When husband or wife may convey homestead.

§16-7. Husband or wife of incapacitated spouse may sell, convey, lease or mortgage homestead held in joint tenancy.

§16-8. Verified petition to be filed.

§16-9. Copy of petition to be served.

§16-9.1. Notice of sale - Orders.

§16-10. Order of sale to be entered of record.

§16-11. Estoppel by receiving benefits.

§16-11A. Constructive mortgage - Exemptions.

§16-12. Officers' deeds recorded.

§16-13. Conveyance of separate property.

§16-14. Terms defined.

§16-15. Necessity of acknowledgment and recording - Condition for judgment lien to be binding against third persons.

§16-16. Instruments filed for record as constructive notice.

§16-16.1. Filing of special improvement district assessment in office of county clerk.

§16-17. After-acquired title.

§16-18. Quitclaim conveys what.

§16-19. Warranty deed conveys what - Implied terms.

§16-20. Power of attorney - Execution - Recording.

§16-21. Revocation of power of attorney.

§16-22. Judgment for recovery of land - When effective against grantors.

§16-23. Notice of suit to grantor.

§16-24. Defense by warrantor - Recovery by warrantee.

§16-25. Failure to defend - Recovery.

§16-26. Acknowledgment before recording.

§16-27a. Instruments recorded for five (5) years valid notwithstanding defects - Evidence.

§16-28. Instruments to be printed or handwritten in English – Electronic filing.

§16-29. Fee simple - Exception.

§16-30. Will recorded.

§16-31. Judgment recorded.

§16-32. Minor may hold real estate - Estates to commence in future.

§16-33. Form of acknowledgment.

§16-34. Execution by mark.

§16-35. Acknowledgment to be under seal - Before whom taken.

§16-36. Legalizing acknowledgments heretofore taken.

§16-37. Foreign acknowledgments legalized.

§16-37a. Foreign acknowledgments validated.

§16-37b. Foreign execution and acknowledgments validated - Exceptions.

§16-38. Acknowledgments before deputy clerk of district court validated.

§16-39. Justice of the Peace - Acknowledgments validated.

§16-39a. Record of deeds, mortgages, etc., where acknowledgment defective - Validation.

§16-40. Form of warranty deed.

§16-41. Form of quitclaim deed.

§16-42. Form of sheriff's deed.

§16-43. Recording of instruments and judgments affecting real estate situated in more than one county.

§16-53. Recorded signed documents - Rebuttable presumptions.

§16-61. Definitions.

§16-62. Purchasers for value of real estate - Reliance upon status of title as reflected by county records and by decrees and judgements of courts.

§16-63. Notice of claim.

§16-66. Purpose.

§16-67. Claim and purchase of severed mineral interest through recorded affidavit of death and heirship.

§16-68. Abolition of doctrine of constructive possession.

§16-71. Marketable record title defined.

§16-72. Title subject to certain interests and defects.

§16-73. Claims prior to date of root title as null and void.

§16-74. Filing of notice of claim - Disability or lack of knowledge - Thirty-year possession as deemed equivalent to filing notice.

§16-75. Contents and recording of notice - Sham legal process.

§16-76. Exceptions to application of act - Stray instruments - Root of title - Severed mineral interests.

§16-77. Operation of statutes of limitations or recording statutes unaffected.

§16-78. Definitions.

§16-79. Penalties for filing slanderous notices of claims - Quiet title action independent of criminal action.

§16-80. Construction.

§16-82. Recording of affidavit - Rebuttable presumption.

§16-83. Matters to which affidavit may relate.

§16-84. Description of land - Recording fee - Indexing.

§16-85. False statements - Penalties.

§16-86.1. Short title.

§16-86.2. Definitions.

§16-86.3. Validity of electronic documents.

§16-86.4. Recording of documents.

§16-86.5. Administration and standards.

§16-86.6. Uniformity of application and construction.

§16-86.7. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.

§16-87. Recordation of electronic documents in tangible form.

§16-91. Corporations may convey by attorney.

§16-92. Instrument by corporation valid.

§16-93. Manner of execution by corporation.

§16-95. Acknowledgment by corporation - Form.

§16-96. Mechanic's materialman's lien statement - Execution, attestation, seal or acknowledgement not required - Release.

§16-201. Citation.

§16-202. Rights and duties of parties.

§16-203. Uniform law.