A creditor shall not sell any individual or group credit life, accident and health or unemployment insurance product on a prepaid single premium basis in conjunction with a subsection 10 mortgage referred to in subsection (10) of Section 1-301 of Title 14A of the Oklahoma Statutes unless the following conditions are met:
"Insurance Notice To Obligor
Credit Insurance Cancellation
Today’s Date
Added by Laws 2003, c. 330, § 12, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
Title 14A. Consumer Credit Code
§14A-1-102. Purposes - Rules of construction.
§14A-1-103. Supplementary general principles of law applicable.
§14A-1-104. Construction against implicit repeal.
§14A-1-106. Change in dollar amount used in certain sections.
§14A-1-107. Waiver - Agreement to forego rights - Settlement of claims.
§14A-1-108. Effect of act on powers of organizations.
§14A-1-109. Discrimination in extension of credit on basis of sex or marital status prohibited.
§14A-1-110. Use of cash discounts.
§14A-1-111. Location of amendments.
§14A-1-201. Territorial application.
§14A-1-201A. Extraterritorial application.
§14A-1-301. General definitions.
§14A-1-302. Definition: "Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act".
§14A-1-303. Index of definitions in act.
§14A-2-103. Definitions in article.
§14A-2-104. Definition: "Consumer credit sale".
§14A-2-106. Definition: "Consumer lease".
§14A-2-107. Definition: "Seller".
§14A-2-108. Definition: "Revolving charge account".
§14A-2-109. Definition: "Credit service charge".
§14A-2-110. Definition: "Cash price".
§14A-2-111. Definition: "Amount financed".
§14A-2-112. Sale of motor vehicles - Taking security in other vehicles.
§14A-2-201. Credit service charge for consumer credit sales other than revolving charge accounts.
§14A-2-202. Additional charges.
§14A-2-202.1. Return of dishonored check, negotiable order of withdrawal or share draft - fee.
§14A-2-202.2. Over-the-limit charge.
§14A-2-203. Delinquency charges.
§14A-2-205. Credit service charge on refinancing.
§14A-2-206. Credit service charge on consolidation.
§14A-2-207. Credit service charge for revolving charge accounts.
§14A-2-208. Advances to perform covenants of buyer.
§14A-2-210. Rebate upon prepayment.
§14A-2-211. Discounts inducing payment by cash, check or similar means.
§14A-2-301. Applicability - Information required.
§14A-2-301.1. Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act disclosure.
§14A-2-304. Calculation of rate to be disclosed.
§14A-2-305. Sales made by telephone or mail.
§14A-2-306. Consumer credit sales not pursuant to revolving charge account.
§14A-2-309. Estimates of disclosures.
§14A-2-310. Revolving charge accounts.
§14A-2-310.1. Disclosure in credit and charge card applications and solicitation.
§14A-2-402. Use of multiple agreements.
§14A-2-403. Certain negotiable instruments prohibited.
§14A-2-404. When assignee not subject to defense.
§14A-2-406. Restriction on liability in consumer lease.
§14A-2-407. Security in sales or leases.
§14A-2-409. Debt secured by cross-collateral.
§14A-2-410. No assignment of earnings.
§14A-2-412. Notice of assignment.
§14A-2-414. Limitation on default charges.
§14A-2-415. Authorization to confess judgment prohibited.
§14A-2-416. Change in terms of revolving charge accounts.
§14A-2-417. Surcharge for use of credit or debit card.
§14A-2-501. Definition: "Home solicitation sale".
§14A-2-502. Buyer's right to cancel.
§14A-2-503. Form of agreement or offer - Statement of buyer's rights.
§14A-2-504. Restoration of down payment - Retention of cancellation fee.
§14A-2-505. Duty of buyer - No compensation for services prior to cancellation.
§14A-2-601. Sales subject to act by agreement of parties.
§14A-2-605. Credit service charge for other sales.
§14A-3-103. Definitions in artlcle.
§14A-3-104. Definition: "Consumer Loan".
§14A-3-105. Definition: "Loan primarily secured by an interest in land".
§14A-3-106. Definition: "Loan".
§14A-3-107. Definitions: "Lender"; "Precomputed"; "Principal".
§14A-3-108. Definition: "Revolving loan account".
§14A-3-109. Definition: "Loan finance charge".
§14A-3-201. Loan finance charge for consumer loans other than supervised loans.
§14A-3-202. Additional charges.
§14A-3-202.1. Return of dishonored check, negotiable order of withdrawal or share draft - Fee.
§14A-3-203. Delinquency charges.
§14A-3-203.1. Credit to finance medical goods and services - Contract for delinquency charges.
§14A-3-203.2. Revolving loan credit card accounts - Additional charges.
§14A-3-205. Loan finance charge on refinancing.
§14A-3-206. Loan finance charge on consolidation.
§14A-3-207. Conversion to revolving loan account.
§14A-3-208. Advances to perform covenants of debtor.
§14A-3-210. Revolving charge accounts.
§14A-3-301. Applicability - Information required.
§14A-3-301.1. Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act disclosure.
§14A-3-302.1. Disclosure of fee for dishonored check, negotiable order of withdrawal or share draft.
§14A-3-302.2. Disclosure of over-the-limit fees.
§14A-3-304. Calculation of rate to be disclosed.
§14A-3-305. Loans made by telephone or mail.
§14A-3-306. Consumer loans not pursuant to revolving loan account.
§14A-3-309. Revolving loan accounts.
§14A-3-309.1. Disclosure in credit and charge card applications and solicitation.
§14A-3-309.4. Additional disclosures for subsection 10 mortgages.
§14A-3-309.5. Additional disclosures for reverse mortgages.
§14A-3-310. Estimates of disclosures.
§14A-3-313. Notification to borrower of transfer of residential mortgage loan.
§14A-3-403. No assignment of earnings.
§14A-3-405. Limitation on default charges.
§14A-3-406. Notice of assignment.
§14A-3-407. Authorization to confess judgment prohibited.
§14A-3-408. Change in terms of revolving loan accounts.
§14A-3-409. Use of multiple agreements.
§14A-3-410. Subsection 10 mortgages – Limitations and restrictions - Preemption.
§14A-3-411. Refinancing loan to subsection 10 mortgage – Borrower’s interest.
§14A-3-501. Definitions: "Supervised loan"; "Supervised lender".
§14A-3-502. Authority to make supervised loans - Administrative actions against unlicensed persons.
§14A-3-504. Issuance or denial of license to make supervised loans.
§14A-3-505. Hearing examiner - Powers - Reinstatement - Certain disclosures required of licensee.
§14A-3-506. Examination of licensees - Access to records - Investigations.
§14A-3-507. Application of Administrative Procedure Act to Part.
§14A-3-508A. Loan finance charge for supervised loans.
§14A-3-508B. Loan finance charge for loans with principal of Three Thousand Dollars or less.
§14A-3-508C. Electronic payment processing convenience fee.
§14A-3-509. Use of multiple agreements or split loans.
§14A-3-510. Restrictions on interest in land as security.
§14A-3-511. Regular schedule of payments - Maximum loan term.
§14A-3-512. Conduct of business other than making loans.
§14A-3-513. Application of other provisions.
§14A-3-515. Restrictions on interest in motor vehicles as security.
§14A-3-601. Loans subject to act by agreement of parties.
§14A-3-605. Loan finance charge for other loans.
§14A-3-701. Short title – Oklahoma Private Student Loan Transparency and Improvement Act.
§14A-3-703. Prohibition on gifts – Revenue sharing.
§14A-3-704. Restrictions on private educational lenders.
§14A-3-705. Private educational loan application disclosures – Cancellation period.
§14A-3-802. Nonapplicability of act.
§14A-3-803. Agreement required.
§14A-3-805. Form of agreement - Requirement of existing legal claim.
§14A-3-806. Right of rescission.
§14A-3-809. License required - Application.
§14A-3-810. Bond - Letter of credit.
§14A-3-811. Issuance of license.
§14A-3-813. Renewal of license.
§14A-3-814. Prohibited activities or conduct.
§14A-3-817. Application of act.
§14A-4-102. Scope - Applicability to parties.
§14A-4-103. Definition: "Consumer credit insurance".
§14A-4-104. Creditor's provision of and charge for insurance - Excess amount of charge.
§14A-4-105. Conditions applying to insurance to be provided by creditor.
§14A-4-106. Unconscionability.
§14A-4-107. Maximum charge by creditor for insurance.
§14A-4-108. Refund or credit required - Amount.
§14A-4-109. Existing insurance - Choice of insurer.
§14A-4-111. Cooperation between Administrator and Insurance Department.
§14A-4-112. Administrative action of Insurance Department.
§14A-4-201. Term of insurance.
§14A-4-202. Amount of insurance.
§14A-4-203. Filing and approval of rates and forms.
§14A-4-301. Property insurance.
§14A-4-302. Insurance on creditor's interest only.
§14A-4-303. Liability insurance.
§14A-4-304. Cancellation by creditor.
§14A-5-103. Restrictions on deficiency judgments in consumer credit sales.
§14A-5-104. No garnishment before judgment.
§14A-5-105. Limitation on garnishment.
§14A-5-106. No discharge from employment for garnishment.
§14A-5-107. Extortionate extensions of credit.
§14A-5-108. Unconscionability.
§14A-5-201. Consumer credit sales and consumer loans.
§14A-5-202. Effect of violations on rights of parties.
§14A-5-203. Civil liability for violation of disclosure provisions.
§14A-5-204. Right to rescind certain transactions.
§14A-5-205. Refunds and penalties as set-off to obligation.
§14A-5-301. Willful violations.
§14A-5-302. Disclosure violations.
§14A-6-104. Powers and duties of Administrator.
§14A-6-105. Administrative enforcement powers with respect to supervised financial institutions.
§14A-6-106. Investigatory powers.
§14A-6-107. Application of Administrative Procedure Act.
§14A-6-108. Administrative enforcement orders - Review.
§14A-6-109. Assurance of discontinuance.
§14A-6-110. Injunctions against violations of act.
§14A-6-111. Injunctions against unconscionable agreements and fraudulent or unconscionable conduct.
§14A-6-113. Civil actions by Administrator.
§14A-6-115. Debtors' remedies not affected.
§14A-6-116. Report on conclusion of examination – Preservation of examinations and reports.
§14A-6-117. Designation as public records – Other records confidential.
§14A-6-117.1. Availability of data to agencies with direct supervisory authority.
§14A-6-301. Consumer Credit Administrative Expenses Revolving Fund.
§14A-6-302. Commission on Consumer Credit - Prescription of fees.
§14A-6-303. Deposit of fees in Consumer Credit Administrative Expenses Revolving Fund.
§14A-6-502. Members of Commission.
§14A-6-503. Appointment of Commission members - Terms of office - Bipartisan composition.
§14A-6-504. Chairman - Meetings - Quorum - Minutes - Reports - Records - Rules and regulations.
§14A-6-506. Qualifications and remuneration of administrator.
§14A-6-507. Deputy Administrator.
§14A-6-509. Internal organization.
§14A-6-510. Employees - Duties - Compensation.
§14A-9-101. Time of taking effect - Provisions for transition.