Oklahoma Statutes
Title 13. Common Carriers
§13-176.11. Reports.

A. Within thirty (30) days after the expiration of an order, or each extension thereof, entered under Section 176.7 of this title, or the denial of an order approving an interception, the judge of competent jurisdiction shall file a sealed, written report with the Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals that includes the following information:

1. The fact that an order or extension was applied for;
2. The kind of order or extension applied for;
3. The fact that the order or extension was granted as applied for, was modified, or was denied;
4. The period of interceptions authorized by the order, and the number and duration of any extensions of the order;
5. The offense specified in the order or application, or extension of an order;
6. The identity of the law enforcement officer and the agency making the request for the application and the district attorney requesting the Attorney General to make the application; and
7. The nature of the facilities from which or the place where communications were to be intercepted.
B. In January of each year, the Attorney General shall file a sealed, written report with the Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals that includes the following information:
1. Regarding an order or extension:
2. A general description of the interceptions made under such order or extension, including:
3. The number of arrests resulting from interceptions made under such order or extension, and the offenses for which arrests were made;
4. The number of trials resulting from such interceptions;
5. The number of motions to suppress made with respect to such interceptions, and the number granted or denied;
6. The number of convictions resulting from such interceptions and the offenses for which the convictions were obtained and a general assessment of the importance of the interceptions; and
7. The information required by paragraphs 2 through 6 of this subsection with respect to orders or extensions obtained in a preceding calendar year.
C. The Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals shall maintain the reports submitted pursuant to this section as confidential records which shall not be disclosed or made public absent an order from the Presiding Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 343, § 11. Amended by Laws 2022, c. 92, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2022.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 13. Common Carriers

§13-1. Contract of carriage defined.

§13-2. Gratuitous carriers - Rules governing.

§13-3. Duty to complete undertaking.

§13-4. Common carrier defined.

§13-5. Duty to accept and carry.

§13-6. Preference to state and United States.

§13-7. Starting time and place.

§13-8. Compensation.

§13-9. Railroad and express companies - Excessive rates.

§13-10. Telegraph and telephone companies - Excessive rates.

§13-11. Rate schedules - Inspection.

§13-12. Overcharges - Penalty.

§13-13. Concealing rate schedules - Penalty.

§13-14. Limitation of obligations.

§13-15. Exoneration from liability.

§13-16. Acceptance of ticket, etc., as assent to contract.

§13-31. Gratuitous carriers - Care required.

§13-32. Carriers for reward - Care and skill required.

§13-33. Duty to provide safe and fit vehicles.

§13-34. Overcrowding or overloading.

§13-35. Passengers - Accommodations - Treatment - Attention.

§13-36. Speed - Delay - Deviation.

§13-37. Luggage - Duty to carry - Charges.

§13-38. Luggage defined.

§13-39. Liability for luggage.

§13-40. Carriage and delivery of luggage.

§13-41. Vehicles for accommodation of passengers.

§13-42. Seats - Overloading.

§13-43. Power to make and enforce rules.

§13-44. Time for payment of fares.

§13-45. Ejection of passengers.

§13-46. Lien on luggage for fare.

§13-61. Definitions.

§13-62. Care and diligence required.

§13-66. Place of delivery.

§13-67. Notice to consignee - Safekeeping pending removal.

§13-68. Exoneration from liability - Storage of freight - Notice to consignee.

§13-71. Application to hotel keepers and warehousemen.

§13-111. Time for payment.

§13-112. Liability of consignor.

§13-113. Liability of consignee.

§13-114. Natural increase.

§13-115. Apportionment of freightage.

§13-116. Apportionment on acceptance of part of freight.

§13-117. Apportionment according to distance.

§13-118. Extra carriage.

§13-131. Liability for loss or injury - Exceptions.

§13-132. Liability for negligence in excepted cases.

§13-133. Liability for delays.

§13-134. Precious metals and other valuables - Liability for loss or injury - Notice of nature of freight.

§13-151. Coal - Statement of weight in bill of lading.

§13-152. Coal - Reweighing at destination - Liability for deficiencies or shrinkage.

§13-153. Connecting carrier - Reweighing on transfer.

§13-154. Consignee - Reweighing at destination - Liability of carrier.

§13-155. Failure to weigh - False weights - Penalties.

§13-156. Weighing interstate shipments.

§13-157. Method of weighing - Stencil weights.

§13-176.1. Short title.

§13-176.2. Definitions.

§13-176.3. Prohibited acts - Felonies – Penalties - Venue.

§13-176.4. Acts not prohibited.

§13-176.5. Seizure and forfeiture of certain devices.

§13-176.6. Use of certain intercepted communications as evidence prohibited.

§13-176.7. Court order authorizing interception of communications.

§13-176.8. Disclosure of information.

§13-176.9. Application for court order - Contents - Additional evidence - Ex parte order - Specifications of order - Time limitations - Reports - Emergency oral authorization.

§13-176.10. Recording intercepted communication - Seal - Inventory - Inspection - Violation.

§13-176.11. Reports.

§13-176.12. Conditions for use of intercepted communication as evidence or disclosure at trial.

§13-176.13. Suppression of intercepted communication or evidence derived therefrom.

§13-176.14. State's right to appeal certain orders.

§13-177.1. Definitions.

§13-177.2. Installation or use of pen register or trap and trace device without court order - Exceptions - Penalty.

§13-177.3. Application for order or extension of order.

§13-177.4. Court order - Contents - Duration.

§13-177.5. Assistance of service provider, landlord, custodian or other person - Compensation - Liability - Defense.

§13-177.6. Search warrant for installation or use of tracking device - Period of monitoring - Service of warrant upon affected persons.

§13-178. Short title - Kelsey Smith Act – Wireless telecommunications carriers to provide call location information to law enforcement.

§13-201. Free choice of sureties by employees.

§13-202. Sureties - Residence - Corporations.

§13-203. Term - Cancellation - Notice.

§13-204. Penalty - Invalidity of bond.