A. No officer or employee in the classified service of a statutory strong-mayor-council city may actively influence, or actively attempt to influence, or work actively for, the nomination, election or defeat of any candidate for mayor or councilmember; but this shall not prohibit the ordinary exercise of one's right as a citizen to express his opinions and to vote. An officer or employee who violates this section shall be removed from office or position either by the authority normally having power to remove him, or, after adequate opportunity for a public hearing, by the personnel board. An officer or employee who violates this section shall not hold any office or position in the city government for a period of four (4) years thereafter.
B. A qualified elector of the city may bring an alleged violation of this section before the personnel board for consideration and determination. Alleged violations shall be made in the form of a sworn complaint charging an officer or employee with such violation. The complaint shall be filed with the secretary or chairman of the personnel board and shall be accompanied by a deposit of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for payment of costs. If the personnel board finds to its satisfaction that the officer or employee has violated this section prohibiting political activity, it shall remove him from office or position, and the money deposit shall be returned to the complainant.
Laws 1977, c. 256, § 11-123, eff. July 1, 1978.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§11-1-103. Saving vested rights.
§11-1-110. Municipal employees - Forfeiture of retirement benefits.
§11-2-101. Incorporation of a municipality.
§11-2-102. Name of incorporated town or city.
§11-2-103. Municipality to be surveyed and platted.
§11-2-104. Restrictions on territory included in proposed municipality or plat.
§11-2-105. Division into wards - Number of wards.
§11-2-106. Incorporation procedure for municipality situated in two or more counties.
§11-2-107. Effect of incorporation - Filing - Judicial notice - Challenges.
§11-3-101. Petition for incorporation of town - Notice - Contents.
§11-3-102. Hearing on petition - Order of commissioners calling for election on question.
§11-3-103. Notice of election.
§11-3-104. Conduct of election - Ballots.
§11-3-105. Canvassing returns - Statement of result - Order of incorporation.
§11-3-106. Notice of election of town officers - Fees and expenses.
§11-3-107. Officers to be elected.
§11-4-101. Petition for incorporation of city - Contents.
§11-4-102. Order calling for election on question - Notice.
§11-4-103. Alternative procedure for incorporated towns.
§11-4-104. Conduct of election - Ballots.
§11-4-105. Canvassing returns - Certification of results - Order of incorporation.
§11-4-106. Notice of election of city officers - Fees and expenses.
§11-4-107. Officers to be elected.
§11-5-101. City incorporating as a town - Procedure.
§11-5-102. Order calling for election on question - Notice.
§11-5-103. Election on city incorporating as town - Ballots.
§11-5-105. Town officers to be elected.
§11-5-106. Indebtedness assumed by incorporated town.
§11-6-101. Proposal for consolidation - Terms and conditions - Approval by governing bodies.
§11-6-102. Ballots - Election on question.
§11-6-103. Record of consolidation.
§11-6-104. Property and obligations after consolidation.
§11-7-101. Dissolution of municipality - Application - Notice of election on question.
§11-7-102. Conduct of election - Results.
§11-7-103. Disposition of property - Payment of debts and liabilities - Contract rights.
§11-7-104. Real property owned by municipality at time of dissolution.
§11-7-105. Involuntary dissolution - Grounds - Petition in district court.
§11-7-106. Involuntary dissolution - Notice of hearing.
§11-7-107. Involuntary dissolution - Hearing and order.
§11-8-101. Qualifications for elected office.
§11-8-104. Who may administer oaths.
§11-8-105. Certain officers to give bond.
§11-8-106. Nepotism - Dual office holding.
§11-8-107. Removal of officers.
§11-8-108. Absence from governing body meetings.
§11-8-109. Vacancies in office.
§11-8-110. Candidacy of municipal officer for county or state office - Resignation.
§11-8-111. Abstinence in voting in certain meetings.
§11-8-112. Resignation of municipal officer.
§11-8-114. Institute - Statewide organization to conduct.
§11-8-115. Professional services - Independent contractor presumption.
§11-8-116. Part-time city manager or planner
§11-9-101. Statutory aldermanic form of government.
§11-9-103. Qualifications of governing body members.
§11-9-104. Mayor - Duties as president of council.
§11-9-105. Mayor- Duties as chief executive officer.
§11-9-106. Mayor - Signing ordinances - Veto power.
§11-9-107. Election of council president - Duties.
§11-9-108. Powers vested in council - Designated powers.
§11-9-109. Council - Meetings.
§11-9-110. Council - Quorum - Rules and voting.
§11-9-111. Vacancy in the office of mayor.
§11-9-112. City clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-9-113. City treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-9-114. Marshal and street commissioner.
§11-9-115. Merger or consolidation of city offices.
§11-9-116. Compensation of elective officers.
§11-9-117. Appointments and removals.
§11-9-118. City officials and employees - Suspension or removal - Successors.
§11-10-101. Statutory council-manager form of government.
§11-10-103. Qualifications of councilmembers.
§11-10-104. Election of mayor and vice-mayor.
§11-10-105. Duties of mayor and vice-mayor.
§11-10-106. Powers vested in council - Designated powers.
§11-10-107. Limitation of council authority to act through city manager.
§11-10-108. Council - Meetings.
§11-10-109. Council - Quorum - Rules and voting.
§11-10-110. Vacancy in the office of mayor or vice-mayor.
§11-10-111. Compensation of elective officers.
§11-10-112. City manager - Appointment by council.
§11-10-113. City manager - Duties.
§11-10-114. Designation of acting city manager.
§11-10-115. Suspension or removal of city manager.
§11-10-117. City clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-10-118. City treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-10-119. Departments included in council-manager government.
§11-10-120. Appointments and removals.
§11-10-121. City officials and employees - Suspension or removal - Successors.
§11-11-101. Strong-mayor-council form of government.
§11-11-103. Qualifications of governing body members.
§11-11-104. Election of vice-mayor - Duties.
§11-11-105. Mayor - Duties as president of council - Temporary council president.
§11-11-106. Mayor - Duties as chief executive officer.
§11-11-107. Mayor - Additional offices or duties.
§11-11-108. Powers vested in council - Designated powers.
§11-11-109. Council - Meetings.
§11-11-110. Council - Quorum - Rules.
§11-11-111. Vacancy in the office of mayor or vice-mayor.
§11-11-112. Compensation of elective officers.
§11-11-113. City clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-11-114. Appointment of temporary clerk of council.
§11-11-115. City treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-11-116. Purchases and sales by mayor - Competitive bidding - Transfer of mayor's powers.
§11-11-117. Departments and agencies.
§11-11-118. Appointments and removals - Personnel department.
§11-11-119. Personnel board - Membership and tenure.
§11-11-120. Personnel board - Officers and meetings.
§11-11-121. Classified and unclassified service.
§11-11-122. Political appointments or promotions prohibited - Review of alleged violations.
§11-11-124. City officials and employees - Suspension or removal - Successors.
§11-11-125. Removal of employees in classified service - Procedure.
§11-12-101. Statutory town board of trustees form of government.
§11-12-102. Governing body - Board of trustees - Terms.
§11-12-103. Qualifications of trustees.
§11-12-103.1. Nomination and election of at large trustees - Ordinance - Petition.
§11-12-103.2. Notice of at large election of trustees - Ballot - Candidate elected.
§11-12-104. Election of mayor.
§11-12-105. Duties of the mayor - Acting mayor.
§11-12-106. Powers vested in board of trustees - Designated powers.
§11-12-107. Board of trustees - Meetings.
§11-12-108. Board of trustees - Quorum - Rules and voting.
§11-12-109. Town clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-12-110. Town treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§11-12-111. Chief of police - Creation and duties.
§11-12-112. Departments and agencies - Merger or consolidation of town offices.
§11-12-113. Compensation of town elective officers.
§11-12-114. Appointments and removals.
§11-13-101. Municipalities may adopt charter.
§11-13-102. Procedure for adopting charters - Petition or governing body resolution.
§11-13-103. Election on question and board of freeholders.
§11-13-104. Canvassing returns - Certification of results.
§11-13-105. Preparation of charter.
§11-13-106. Notice of charter election.
§11-13-107. Charter election - Certification of results - Approval by Governor.
§11-13-108. Deposit of copies for record - Judicial notice.
§11-13-109. Charter controls over conflicting laws.
§11-13-110. Payment of expenses for framing and adopting charter.
§11-13-111. Charter amendments - Procedure.
§11-13-112. Revocation or abolishment of charter - Adopting statutory form - Procedure.
§11-13-114. Special charter provisions relating to abandonment of municipal charters.
§11-13-115. Compensation of elective city officers.
§11-13-116. Ordinances relating to elected law enforcement officers.
§11-14-101. Municipal ordinances - Authority.
§11-14-101.1. Rent control - Prohibition.
§11-14-102. Ordinances - Procedure governing passage.
§11-14-103. Effective date of municipal ordinances - Emergency measures.
§11-14-104. Style of ordinances - Title and subject - Enacting clause
§11-14-105. Ordinance book - Entries.
§11-14-106. Publication of ordinances.
§11-14-107. Publication of certain codes and ordinances by title and summary of contents.
§11-14-108. Codification of municipal ordinances.
§11-14-109. Mandatory compilation of penal ordinances.
§11-14-110. Notice and filing of penal ordinance compilation - Judicial notice.
§11-14-111. Enforcement and penalties for violation of municipal ordinances.
§11-14-111.1. Retention of penalty assessments or other state fees.
§11-14-113. Liability for cost of medical care to defendant in custody of municipal officer.
§11-14-114. Municipal governing body - Rewards - Reward fund.
§11-15-101. Initiative and Referendum - Powers.
§11-15-102. Procedure for initiative and referendum in municipalities.
§11-15-103. Petition - Form - Signatures - Time for filing.
§11-15-104. Publication announcing the filing of petition - Protests.
§11-15-106. Appeal on question of ballot title - Procedure.
§11-15-107. Presentation of petition to mayor.
§11-15-108. Consideration of initiative petitions by governing body - Submission to voters.
§11-15-109. Time for submission of measures to voters.
§11-15-110. Conflicting measures proposed by governing body.
§11-16-101. Notice of municipal elections.
§11-16-103. General municipal elections - When held.
§11-16-104. Conduct of general municipal elections.
§11-16-105. What candidate's name may be placed on general election ballot.
§11-16-105.1. Elections to be nonpartisan - Primary elections in nonpartisan elections abolished.
§11-16-106. Unopposed candidates in general election.
§11-16-107. Primary elections - When held.
§11-16-108. Conduct of primary elections.
§11-16-109. Eligibility and manner of becoming party candidate.
§11-16-110. Nonpartisan candidates.
§11-16-111. Unopposed candidates in primary election.
§11-16-112. Special elections - Questions which may be submitted.
§11-16-113. Special election ballot - Preparation and arrangement.
§11-16-114. Conduct of special elections held for electing officers.
§11-16-201. Aldermanic cities with one councilmember per ward - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§11-16-202. First election held in aldermanic cities with one councilmember per ward.
§11-16-203. Aldermanic cities with two councilmembers per ward - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§11-16-205. Towns - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§11-16-206. First election held in town.
§11-16-207. Aldermanic cities and towns - Appointment of certain officials after submission to vote.
§11-16-208. Council-manager cities - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§11-16-209. First election held in council-manager city.
§11-16-210. Strong-mayor-council cities - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§11-16-211. First election held in strong-mayor-council city.
§11-16-303. Time for town meeting - Purpose - Special town meetings.
§11-16-304. Notice - Publication - Posting - Contents.
§11-16-307. Voting eligibility - Town meeting pollbook - Illegal voting - Penalty.
§11-16-308. Election of municipal officers.
§11-16-309. Filing of list of municipal officers elected - Notification of changes in list.
§11-16-310. Contest of election by nominee.
§11-16-313. Impossibility of determining winner - Special town meeting to fill contested office.
§11-17-101. Borrowing or appropriating monies - Investments - Deposit of monies.
§11-17-102. Payment of invoice or account - Petty cash accounts.
§11-17-103. Actions against municipality.
§11-17-104. Liability for voting unlawful claims.
§11-17-105. Annual financial statement audit or agreed-upon-procedures engagement.
§11-17-105.1. Filing of audit or agreed-upon-procedures report - Form.
§11-17-106.1. Independent audit reports relating to federal awards compliance - Form required.
§11-17-107. Failure to file audit or agreed-upon-procedures report.
§11-17-107A. Special Investigative Unit Auditing Revolving Fund.
§11-17-109. Capital improvement fund - Authority to create.
§11-17-110. Capital improvements - Definitions.
§11-17-112. Manufacturing establishments and public utilities - Exemption from municipal taxation.
§11-17-113. Publication of city financial statements.
§11-17-114. Vendor invoices and contract estimates - Payment procedures - Uniform jackets.
§11-17-115. Reverse auction bidding – Procedure – Public disclosure - Remedies.
§11-17-115.1. Use of reverse auction bidding to obtain acquisitions or award contracts.
§11-17-115.2. Short title - Municipal Government COVID-19 Emergency Budget Act – Temporary budget.
§11-17-203. Application of act.
§11-17-206. Requirements and contents of budget.
§11-17-207. Monies received and expended must be accounted for by fund or account.
§11-17-208. Public hearing on proposed budget - Notice - Copies of proposed budget.
§11-17-210. Protests - Failure to protest - Examination of filed budget.
§11-17-212. Funds - Establishment - Kinds.
§11-17-213. Funds - Classification of revenues and expenditures.
§11-17-214. Funds - Operating reserve.
§11-17-216. Supplemental appropriations to funds - Amendment of budget.
§11-17-217. Purpose-based budget - Definitions.
§11-17-218. Purpose-based budget - Procedures.
§11-17-301. Municipal Fiscal Impact Act - Fiscal impact statement.
§11-18-101. Procedure for changing form of government - Petition or governing body resolution.
§11-18-102. Election on question - Notice.
§11-18-103. Ballots - Certification of results - Order.
§11-18-104. Effective date of new form - First elections - Transition of officers.
§11-19-101. Procedure for changing name - Petition or governing body resolution.
§11-19-102. Election on question - Notice.
§11-19-103. Ballots - Certification of results - Order.
§11-19-104. Record and publication of change.
§11-20-101. Review of wards after each federal census.
§11-20-102. Procedure for proposing ward changes.
§11-20-103. Changes proposed by governing body - Notice.
§11-20-104. Change adopted by initiative petition.
§11-21-101. Authority to change municipal limits.
§11-21-102. Annexation of territory separated by railway, intervening strip or highway right-of-way.
§11-21-103. Cities or towns - Annexation procedure.
§11-21-105. Annexation by petition - Notice - Cost - Governing body ordinance.
§11-21-106. Failure to grant request in annexation petition - Filing in district court.
§11-21-108. Lands platted for educational or charitable institutions - Annexation only by petition.
§11-21-109. Taxation of annexed territory.
§11-21-110. Detachment of municipal territory - Procedure.
§11-21-111. Liability of detached territory.
§11-21-112. Record regarding territory annexed or detached.
§11-21-113. Annexation of unoccupied property for road and bridge construction.
§11-21-115. Inclusion of territory in public records or notices – Presumption of validity.
§11-21-121. Furnishing retail electric service to certain electric consuming facilities prohibited.
§11-21-201. Municipalities subject to inundation - Acquiring new townsite.
§11-21-202. Approval of plat - Special election.
§11-21-203. Approval of annexation - Recording of resolution and plat.
§11-21-204. New boundaries of the municipality.
§11-21-205. Additional powers of governing body in relocating municipality.
§11-22-101. Corporate powers of municipalities.
§11-22-101.1. Political activities by municipal employees - Restrictions.
§11-22-101.2. Employer coercion prohibited.
§11-22-102. Proof of legal organization or ordinances - Recovery of costs and attorney fees.
§11-22-103. Service of notice or process on municipality.
§11-22-105. Condemnation of private property.
§11-22-106. License tax on occupations - Authority to levy and collect - Penalties.
§11-22-107.1. Regulation of video services systems.
§11-22-107.2. Sellers of video services.
§11-22-108. Power to suppress gaming and gambling.
§11-22-109. Disorderly houses and public indecencies.
§11-22-109.1. Location of adult novelty shops.
§11-22-110. Riots, assaults and disturbances, etc. - Firearms and fireworks.
§11-22-110.1. Registration of real property prohibited.
§11-22-111.1. Certification for employees enforcing cleaning and mowing provisions.
§11-22-112.1. Boarding and securing dilapidated building - Definitions.
§11-22-112.2. Removal of graffiti by municipalities.
§11-22-112.3. Certification of employees enforcing condemnation provisions.
§11-22-113. Fire hazards and building location restrictions.
§11-22-115. Animals running at large - Regulation and taxation.
§11-22-115.1. Commercial pet breeder - Restriction of location near schools or day care facilities.
§11-22-116. Jurisdiction over real property and navigable streams.
§11-22-117. Traffic ordinances and regulations — Designation of school zone speed limits.
§11-22-117.1. Possession of security verification form may be required for certain vehicles.
§11-22-118. Regulation of taxicabs - Specific requirements.
§11-22-119. Regulation of railway and freight operations within municipal limits.
§11-22-120. Public health, hospitals, quarantine, and environmental hazards.
§11-22-124. Commercial development projects, market houses and marketplaces - Municipal buildings.
§11-22-125. Gifts to institutions in state system of higher education or to school districts.
§11-22-126. Participation in federal programs.
§11-22-127. Establishing residency requirements.
§11-22-128. Authority for public improvements - Borrowing money - Bond issues.
§11-22-129. Tax warrants against lots for special assessments or for abatement of public nuisance.
§11-22-130. Reassessments for void or illegal assessments.
§11-22-131. Municipal records - Destruction, sale or disposition after certain time limitations.
§11-22-132.1. Municipal Records - Maintenance and protection - Availability.
§11-22-133. Contesting reasonableness of oil and gas drilling fee.
§11-22-134. Purchasing or accounts payable - Approval by electronic process.
§11-22-135. National disaster leave.
§11-22-137. Denial of excess leave due to extraordinary circumstances - Compensation.
§11-22-138. Municipal collection agency contracts.
§11-22-151. Purpose and construction of act.
§11-22-153. Authority to issue certain revenue bonds and obligations - Limitations.
§11-22-154. Additional sources of security for utility revenue obligations.
§11-22-157. Approval issuance, sale and delivery of revenue obligations.
§11-22-158. General obligation bonds not authorized without vote of citizens.
§11-22-159. Municipal support of public school systems.
§11-22-163. Racing event permit.
§11-23-101. Municipality to defend municipal employees in certain legal actions.
§11-23-102. Defense of municipal employees - Procedure for request and defense.
§11-23-103. Cost of litigation when municipality defends municipal employee.
§11-23-103.1. Employee defined.
§11-23-105. Ambulance service - Liability insurance - Employee benefits.
§11-23-108. Hospital, health, life and accident insurance for municipal employees and retirees.
§11-23-109. Ordinance to establish employee benefit program.
§11-24-102. Legislative Findings and Declaration of Necessity.
§11-24-103. Creation of the Authority.
§11-24-107. Powers, rights and privileges of Authority.
§11-24-108. Issuance of bonds.
§11-24-111. Legal Investments.
§11-24-112. Powers of Eligible Public Agencies and Public Trusts.
§11-24-113. Rents, Rates and Other Charges; Corporation Commission Exemption.
§11-24-115. Financial statements - Filing.
§11-24-116. Meetings and Records.
§11-24-118. Powers Declared Supplementary.
§11-24-119. Irrevocable Contracts.
§11-24-121. Partial Invalidity.
§11-25-101. Oklahoma Municipal Energy Independence Act.
§11-25-102. Municipal energy district authority - Trustees.
§11-25-103. Trustees’ meetings.
§11-25-104. Trustees’ powers and duties.
§11-25-105. Application of act.
§11-25-106. Energy-efficiency audits or retrofits.
§11-25-107. Participation in program - Requirements.
§11-26-101. Authority to purchase and regulate.
§11-26-102. Power to acquire and control land for cemeteries.
§11-26-103. Conveyance of cemetery lots - Abandoned lots.
§11-26-104. Conveyance or devise of lot in trust.
§11-26-105. Rules and ordinances - Penalties and fines.
§11-26-106. Board of cemetery trustees - Appointment and creation.
§11-26-107. Powers and duties of cemetery trustees.
§11-26-108. Cemetery expenses and collections.
§11-26-109. Cemetery Care Fund - Purchase of lands - Investment of fund.
§11-26-110. Reports of the cemetery board of trustees.
§11-26-111. Lien on cemetery lots for upkeep charges - Enforcement.
§11-26-112. Removal of remains to other gravesites - Unmarked graves.
§11-26-201. Trusts for special care of specified lots - Perpetual care fund - Use.
§11-26-202. Trustee of perpetual care fund - Appointment - Duties.
§11-26-203. Perpetual care fund receipts - Cemetery records.
§11-26-204. Perpetual care fund loans - Approval.
§11-26-205. Bond and oath of perpetual care fund trustee.
§11-26-206. Clerk to advise court on sufficiency of trustee's bond.
§11-26-207. Payment of trustee's expenses.
§11-26-209. Removal or death of trustee.
§11-27-101. Creation of municipal court not of record.
§11-27-102. Resolution of governing body.
§11-27-105. Prohibition on change of venue - Disqualification of judge.
§11-27-106. Acting judge - Alternate judge - Compensation.
§11-27-107. Vacancies in office of judge.
§11-27-108. Municipal attorney as prosecutor.
§11-27-109. Clerk of court - Duties.
§11-27-110. Court marshal - Duties.
§11-27-111. Bond of clerk and judge - Form.
§11-27-112. Fees, fines and forfeitures - Dispositions.
§11-27-114. Rules for conduct of court business.
§11-27-115. Prosecutions by verified complaint - Style.
§11-27-115.1. Prosecutions by verified complaint - Means of verification.
§11-27-116. Arraignment - Fines in lieu of appearance.
§11-27-117.1. Arrest for misdemeanor traffic violation other than parking or standing - Bail.
§11-27-118. Failure to appear according to terms of bond - Forfeiture.
§11-27-119. Jury trials - Qualifications of jurors.
§11-27-120. Selection and summons of jurors.
§11-27-121. Fees and mileage of jurors and witnesses.
§11-27-122. Enforcement of payment of fines or costs by imprisonment - Persons unable to pay.
§11-27-122.1. Execution of sentences of municipal court.
§11-27-123. Suspension of judgment or costs - Reconfinement.
§11-27-124. Supervision of juveniles on parole or probation.
§11-27-125. Contempt of court.
§11-27-127. Prosecution for same offense in another court prohibited.
§11-27-128. Writs of mandamus, prohibition and certiorari.
§11-27-130. District attorney to defend appeals in certain cases.
§11-27-131. Orders relative to procedures and practices by Supreme Court.
§11-27-132. Appeal to Court of Criminal Appeals.
§11-28-101. Municipal criminal courts of record - Cities with population over 65,000 - Resolution.
§11-28-102b. Alcohol and drug abuse evaluation and assessment program.
§11-28-103. Judges and clerks.
§11-28-104. Powers and duties of judge.
§11-28-105. Disqualification, disability or absence of judge.
§11-28-106. Duties of clerk - Certificate as prima facie proof.
§11-28-109. Prosecuting officers.
§11-28-110. Office of public defender.
§11-28-111. Qualifications of public defender - Appointment and tenure - Salary - Legal aid.
§11-28-112. Determination of need for public defense - Appeals.
§11-28-113. Commencement of prosecution - Style – Procedure – Schedule of fines.
§11-28-113.1. Prosecutions by verified complaint - Means of verification - Signature.
§11-28-114. Procedures upon arrest.
§11-28-114.1. Arrest for misdemeanor traffic violation other than parking or standing - Bail.
§11-28-115. Composition of jury - Selection, empanelling and qualification.
§11-28-116. Jury list and jury boxes.
§11-28-118. When regular panel drawn.
§11-28-120. Compliance with criminal code of procedure.
§11-28-121. Process - Searches, seizures and confiscation - Service of arrest warrant.
§11-28-122. Trial Docket - Criminal courts to observe certain holidays.
§11-28-124. Imprisonment for nonpayment of fine and costs - Persons unable to pay.
§11-28-126. Fines and costs - Disposition.
§11-29-102. Fire chief - Duties - Qualifications - Activity report forms.
§11-29-103. Firefighters - How appointed.
§11-29-103.1. Firefighters – Criminal history records check - Fingerprints.
§11-29-104.1. Paid fire department - Definition.
§11-29-105. Municipalities and fire protection districts - Contracts.
§11-29-106. Contracts respecting fire protection.
§11-29-107. Firefighters working outside limits - Compensation - Pension fund.
§11-29-109. Municipalities permitted to contract for fire protection.
§11-29-110. Election on question of contracting for fire protection services.
§11-29-111. Ballot - Canvass of returns and resolution of governing body.
§11-29-112. Recording and filing of resolutions.
§11-29-113. Fire protection services to meet or exceed current level of service.
§11-29-115. Publication of income or loss statement and balance sheet.
§11-29-151. Short title - Oklahoma Public Safety Protection District Act.
§11-29-152. Creation of district – Municipal resolution.
§11-29-153. Included territory – Management and budgetary authority.
§11-29-154. Election costs – Notice to voters.
§11-29-155. Votes required for adoption.
§11-29-156. Annual assessment – Proceeds - Exemptions.
§11-29-158. Collection of tax - Delinquency.
§11-29-160. Public safety protection defined.
§11-29-201. Oklahoma Volunteer Firefighters Act - Purpose.
§11-29-203. Size of volunteer department.
§11-29-204. Minimum rules and regulations of volunteer fire department.
§11-29-206. Used fire equipment
§11-29-302. Application of other provisions of law.
§11-29-303. Duties of volunteer firefighters of combination fire department.
§11-29-304. Volunteer Firefighter Recognition Program.
§11-30-101. Establishment of municipal hospitals - Financial statement and estimate
§11-30-102. Hospital board of control.
§11-30-103. Organization of board.
§11-30-104. Rules and regulations - Expenditures and receipts - Hospital fund - Personnel.
§11-30-105. Meetings - Examinations - Pecuniary interest.
§11-30-106. Qualifications of nurses and attendants - Physicians and surgeons.
§11-30-108. Grounds and building.
§11-30-109. Annual report of board of control.
§11-31-101. Establishment of municipal libraries - Financial statement and estimate.
§11-31-102. Library board of directors.
§11-31-103. Organization of library board.
§11-31-104. Powers and duties of library board - Fixing of fees.
§11-31-105. Grounds and building.
§11-31-106. Library board may impose fines or penalties.
§11-31-108. Annual report of board.
§11-32-102. General powers of municipality.
§11-32-103. Acquiring land for parking stations - Title.
§11-32-104. Rights of common carriers and utilities.
§11-32-105. Establishing parking station improvement district - Restrictions on cost.
§11-32-106. Surveys and plans of proposed parking stations.
§11-32-107. Public hearing on improvement - Notice.
§11-32-108. Resolution authorizing improvement - Notice.
§11-32-110. Petition for improvement - Contents.
§11-32-111. Rules applicable to a petition for improvement.
§11-32-112. Limitation on suits contesting establishment of the district.
§11-32-113. Apportionment of costs - Assessing ordinance - Limitation on suits.
§11-32-114. Levy and collection of costs - Installments - Issuance of bonds.
§11-32-115. Cost of maintaining or operating parking stations - Charges.
§11-32-117. Disposal of parking station property.
§11-33-101. Purpose of Oklahoma public parks and recreation law.
§11-33-103. Powers of cities, towns, counties and school districts.
§11-33-104. Joint establishment and conduct of system of recreation.
§11-33-105. Powers of governing body - Creation and powers of recreation board or commission.
§11-33-106. Public recreation board or commission - Membership - Appointment.
§11-33-107. Public recreation board or commission - Functions - Superintendent.
§11-33-108. Parallel systems within same area not authorized.
§11-33-109. Grants and devises of real property - Gifts and bequests.
§11-33-110. Bonds - Power to issue - Manner of issuance.
§11-33-111. Petition for recreation programs - Submission of question to voters.
§11-33-112. Limitation of indebtedness - Approval of bonds and proceedings by Attorney General.
§11-33-113. Buildings - Tax levy.
§11-33-115. Public recreation law cumulative.
§11-33-201. Municipality may lease or grant fishing and hunting privileges or licenses.
§11-33-202. Terms of leases - Exclusion of commercial propagation of fish.
§11-33-204. Docks, boathouses and boats - Powers of municipalities.
§11-33-205. Establishment of fish and game commission - Appointment - Powers.
§11-34-101.1. Certification of police officers – Psychological evaluation.
§11-34-102. Chief of police - Powers, duties and functions - Qualifications.
§11. 34 103. Performance of police functions outside employing municipality.
§11-34-104. Disposition of personal property or money or legal tender.
§11-34-106. Use of unmarked vehicle prohibited – Official uniform required.
§11-34-107. Safety and liability policies.
§11-34-108. Impaired driver arrest report.
§11-35-101. Extension of utility lines and service beyond corporate limits.
§11-35-102.1. Disposition of proceeds from investment of meter deposit funds.
§11-35-107. Utility deposit - Refund - Notice - Forfeiture.
§11-35-201. Sale or lease of municipally owned public utility - Applicability - Charters.
§11-35-202. Necessity of voter authorization prior to sale or lease of public utility.
§11-35-203. Procedure for sale or lease of public utility - Notice - Election.
§11-35-204. Sale to be for cash - Bids - Payment.
§11-35-206. Expenditures for conservation of electricity or natural gas by public agencies.
§11-36-101. Powers of municipalities.
§11-36-101A. Physically disabled parking and access - Construction and signage.
§11-36-102. Resurfacing streets - Procedures and payment of cost.
§11-36-103. Sidewalk improvements generally.
§11-36-104. Emergency sidewalk repairs - How made - Notice to owner.
§11-36-105. Granting right to close, alter or appropriate roads or streets for certain purposes.
§11-36-107. Encroachments and obstructions in streets.
§11-36-108. Encroachments not exceeding twenty-four inches - Quitclaim deed.
§11-36-109. Ordinances and rules for making assessments for improvements - Expense of connections.
§11-36-110. Contract for service of engineers for making improvements.
§11-36-111. Change of grade - Compensation to abutting owners.
§11-36-113. Construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of municipal streets.
§11-36-114. Use of money from motor fuel excise tax and motor vehicle license and registration tax.
§11-36-115. Lighting of state and federal highways in unincorporated areas.
§11-36-116. Duties of railways as to paving and street improvements.
§11-36-117. Sidewalks - Construction by railroad - Maintenance of improvements.
§11-36-118. Noncompliance by railway - Doing work at railway's expense - Lien on railway property.
§11-36-119. Waiver of penalties on delinquent assessments.
§11-36-120. Compromise of assessments and penalties.
§11-36-121. Resolution waiving penalties - Entries on record.
§11-36-201. Definitions of terms used.
§11-36-202. Petition for street improvements by owners.
§11-36-203. Preliminary plans and costs of improvement - Governing body action.
§11-36-204. Examination and approval of plans - Resolution of necessity.
§11-36-205. Notice of resolution of necessity - Publication and mailing.
§11-36-206. Protests - Determination of sufficiency - Effect of protests on the improvement.
§11-36-207. Right of property owner to institute action in district court - Waiver of objections.
§11-36-208. Resolution ordering improvement - Detailed plans, etc. - Contractor's bonds.
§11-36-209. Advertisement and notice for proposals - Filing date for suits or actions.
§11-36-210. Award of contract - Aggregate cost.
§11-36-211. Final statement of cost - Designation of land in improvement district - Roster.
§11-36-212. Appointment of appraisers - Duties - Preparation of assessment roll - Conclusiveness.
§11-36-213. Property chargeable with cost - Rules for apportioning costs.
§11-36-214. Hearing of objections on assessments - Time of hearing - Notice.
§11-36-215. Hearing - Correction and confirmation of apportionment.
§11-36-216. Assessing ordinance - Interest on installments - Lien.
§11-36-217. Treatment of property owned by municipality, counties or schools.
§11-36-218. Assessment record.
§11-36-220. Notice of maturity of installments.
§11-36-221. Collection of payments - Bond of clerk - Special fund.
§11-36-223. Setting aside assessments - Limitation on suits.
§11-36-224. Accepting improvements.
§11-36-225. Replacement bonds - Repairs.
§11-36-226. Renewing improvements.
§11-36-227. Street improvement districts - Written consent of landowners.
§11-36-301. Issuance of negotiable coupon bonds.
§11-36-302. Registration of bonds.
§11-36-303. Bond payment and cancellation.
§11-36-304. Delivery of bonds to contractor.
§11-36-305. Consent to use bonds as payment for assessments.
§11-36-306. Payment of delinquent assessments by endorsement on bonds.
§11-36-307. Settlement between property owner and bondholder - Ratification.
§11-36-308. Right of action of bondholder.
§11-36-309. Refunding street improvement bonds - Authority.
§11-36-310. Limitation of bondholder actions on street improvement bonds.
§11-36-311. Notice to bondholders - Holder may accept street improvement refunding bonds.
§11-36-312. Limitation of actions to enforce lien of bonds by holder not receiving refunding bonds.
§11-36-401. Widening streets - Acquisition of real estate - Payment of cost.
§11-36-402. Preliminary plans - Examination and approval - Proposed assessment roll.
§11-36-403. Resolution of necessity - Assessment of cost - Notice of hearing.
§11-36-404. Hearing - Correction and confirmation of apportionment - Right of action.
§11-36-405. Assessing ordinance - Interest on installments - Lien.
§11-36-406. Issuance of negotiable coupon bonds.
§11-36-407. Additional improvements on widened streets - Surface waters, etc. - Assessment.
§11-36-408. Excess of cost over benefits.
§11-36-409. Limitation on certain collections and bond sales for widening streets.
§11-36-410. Laying out or widening across public property - Declaration of necessity - Exceptions.
§11-36-411. Description of property - Delivery of copy of ordinance - Making improvements.
§11-36-412. Compensation to owner - How ascertained - Exempting land from assessment.
§11-36-413. Dedication of public property for street purposes.
§11-36-414. Authority and control over property taken.
§11-36-501. Short title - Oklahoma Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act.
§11-36-503. Rights and limitations on authorities and wireless providers.
§11-36-504. Permitting of small wireless providers – Permitting of utility poles.
§11-36-505. Activities of wireless providers within right-of-way.
§11-36-507. Exemption for investor-owned electric utilities or cooperatives.
§11-36-508. Activities in right-of-way – Exclusion of cable providers.
§11-36-509. Zoning, land use, planning and permitting authority - Exclusions.
§11-36-510. Ordinance, resolution or standard agreement for rates, fees and other terms.
§11-36-511. Jurisdiction for disputes – Rates pending resolution.
§11-36-512. Indemnification, insurance and bonding requirements.
§11-37-102. General powers as to waterworks and water supply.
§11-37-103. Appropriation of land and water rights.
§11-37-104. Acquiring lands - Protection from contamination.
§11-37-105. Condemnation procedure for acquiring land for waterworks.
§11-37-106. Issuing bonds - Election.
§11-37-107. Bonds for waterworks - Form.
§11-37-108. Employment of engineers - Acts necessary for erection, operation and repair.
§11-37-109. Water charges - Enforcement.
§11-37-110. Establishing water districts - Regulations to protect water supply.
§11-37-111. Publication of rules and ordinances affecting water district - Service.
§11-37-112. Making and enforcement of regulations - Expenses.
§11-37-113. Highways crossing reservoir sites - Power to close.
§11-37-114. Punishment for injuries to reservoir fences.
§11-37-115. Pollution of municipal water supply unlawful.
§11-37-116. Action for damages for pollution of municipal water supply.
§11-37-117. Acquiring lands and water for future needs - Sale outside corporate limits no defense.
§11-37-118. Acquisition of title or interest of land or water in adjoining states.
§11-37-120. Extension of lines beyond limits - Contracts for furnishing water outside limits.
§11-37-121. Contract or lease for purchase, sale and distribution of water - Extensions.
§11-37-122. Contract with United States - Provisions authorized - Validation of existing contracts.
§11-37-123. Use of water outside corporate limits for park purposes.
§11-37-124. Joint construction and operation of waterworks - Election.
§11-37-125. Joint financing of waterworks.
§11-37-126. Joint construction deemed supplemental.
§11-37-127. Municipalities outside Oklahoma - Purchase of lands for water in Oklahoma.
§11-37-128. Public water trusts – Supervision by municipalities – Penalties - Exceptions.
§11-37-201. Authorization to establish lines and facilities - Joint efforts - Acceptance of grants.
§11-37-202. Public and district sewers - Public and district water distribution lines.
§11-37-203. Location of public sewers - Dimensions - Regulations.
§11-37-204. Location of public water distribution system - Main lines of conveyance.
§11-37-205. Payment of construction and maintenance of public sewers and water lines - Petition.
§11-37-206. Establishment of district sewer and water distribution lines - Petition.
§11-37-207. Costs of district sewer and water distribution lines.
§11-37-208. Construction of lines through private property - Condemnation.
§11-37-209. District sewer or water lines without petition - Preliminary plans and costs.
§11-37-210. Special attorneys, auditors or consulting engineers.
§11-37-211. Examination and approval of plans - Resolution of necessity.
§11-37-212. Notice of resolution of necessity - Publication and mailing.
§11-37-213. Protests - Hearing - Findings as conclusive and binding.
§11-37-214. Rules regarding protests - Sufficiency.
§11-37-215. Right of property owner to institute action in district court.
§11-37-216. Resolution ordering improvement - Detailed plans, etc. - Contractor's bonds.
§11-37-217. Advertisement and notice for proposals - Filing date for suits and actions.
§11-37-218. Awarding of contract - Aggregate cost.
§11-37-219. Final statement of cost - Preparing assessment roll.
§11-37-220. Hearing of objections on assessments - Time of hearing - Notice.
§11-37-221. Correction and confirmation of apportionment.
§11-37-222. Assessing ordinance - Interest on installments - Liens.
§11-37-223. Treatment of property owned by municipality, counties or schools.
§11-37-224. Assessment record.
§11-37-226. Collection of payments - Bond of clerk - Special fund.
§11-37-228. Acceptance of work after completion in accordance with plans.
§11-37-229. Issuance of negotiable coupon books.
§11-37-230. Registration of bonds.
§11-37-231. Bond payment and cancellation.
§11-37-232. Delivery of bonds to contractor.
§11-37-233. Right of action of bondholder.
§11-37-234. Limitation on suits to set aside assessments or issuance of bonds.
§11-37-501. Municipal Road Drilling Activity Revolving Fund.
§11-37-502. Allocation of funds – Application for funds - Eligibility.
§11-38-101. Definitions and applicability.
§11-38-102. Declarations and findings.
§11-38-103. Workable program for utilization of private and public resources.
§11-38-105. Authorization by resolution of governing body.
§11-38-106. Urban renewal plan - Public hearings - Approval and modification - Disaster areas.
§11-38-107. Urban Renewal Authority.
§11-38-108. Enumerated Authority powers - Powers and duties excluded.
§11-38-109. Powers of municipalities or other public bodies.
§11-38-110. Powers of redevelopment corporations or other private persons or corporations.
§11-38-111. Condemnation powers.
§11-38-112. Exemption of property from judicial process and taxation.
§11-38-116. Notes or other obligations as legal investments.
§11-38-117. Organization of urban redevelopment corporations - Powers, duties and obligations.
§11-38-118. Personal interest of public officials or employees in project or property.
§11-38-120. Designation of tax increment allocation district.
§11-38-123. Apportionment of mileage.
§11-39-103. Creation of improvement districts - Purpose - Contents.
§11-39-103.1. Additional improvement districts - Assessments - Objections - Termination.
§11-39-104. Number of streets or areas included - Property assessed for improvement.
§11-39-106. Petitions - Preliminary plans and estimates of cost - Resolutions.
§11-39-107. Notice of creation of improvement district.
§11-39-108. Hearings on creation of district - Protests and objections.
§11-39-109. Award of contract - Payment of contractor.
§11-39-112. Assessments - Rate - Interest - Delinquent payments - Liens.
§11-39-114. Transfer of revenues to general fund.
§11-39-116. Duty of city relative to assessments and bonds - Personal liability.
§11-39-117. Delinquent assessment or installment - Rights and remedies for collection of assessment.
§11-39-118. Duties of trustees in foreclosure actions.
§11-39-119. Title to property in trustee.
§11-39-120. Sale of property by trustee.
§11-40-103. Procedure for application of act - Limitations.
§11-40-104. Redevelopment plan - Procedure for adoption.
§11-40-105.1. Proposed program plan - Resolution - Notice and hearing - Approval by municipality.
§11-40-106.1. Powers of redevelopment trust.
§11-40-107. Application of Title 60, Section 178.4.
§11-40-108.1. Bonds or notes - Pledge of revenues.
§11-40-109. Relocation assistance plan.
§11-40-115. Eminent domain - Lien foreclosure.
§11-41-101. Survey and plat for subdivisions or proposed municipality.
§11-41-102. Lots to be numbered and described in plat.
§11-41-103. Base line - How formed.
§11-41-104. Plats must be certified and acknowledged.
§11-41-105. Certificate as to payment of taxes required before plat is recorded.
§11-41-106. Approval by municipal governing body before plat is recorded.
§11-41-107. Fees of surveyor and register - Where recorded.
§11-41-108. Plat record specifications.
§11-41-109. Donations and grants shown on plat deemed conveyances - Title to streets, alleys, etc.
§11-41-110. Lands already laid out under prior law.
§11-41-111. Penalty for sale of lots before compliance.
§11-41-112. Correction of errors in plats and conveyances - Petition to district court.
§11-41-113. Parties to suit in correcting plat errors.
§11-41-114. Action to correct plat errors - Service of summons and notice.
§11-41-115. Correction of errors and defects in recorded plats - Procedure.
§11-42-103. Notice of application to court for vacation - Right to resist.
§11-42-104. Hearing and determination - Extent of relief.
§11-42-105. Rights of municipal utilities and transmission companies.
§11-42-106. Vacation of plat by written agreement of owners.
§11-42-107. Record of vacation.
§11-42-108. Vacating part of a plat - Closing highways.
§11-42-110. Power to close public ways or easements by ordinance - Reopening - Rights of utilities.
§11-42-111. Court action by owners to foreclose or reopen public way - Petition.
§11-42-112. Notice of court action by owners to foreclose or reopen.
§11-42-113. Hearing and disposition of petition to foreclose or reopen.
§11-42-114. Limitation on claims for damages.
§11-43-101. General powers of municipalities.
§11-43-101.2. Potential state taxes list issued to building permit applicants.
§11-43-103. Purpose of regulations - Comprehensive plan.
§11-43-104. Notice and public hearing of proposed regulations.
§11-43-105. Amendments or changes of regulations, restrictions and boundaries - Protests.
§11-43-106. Additional notice requirements for proposed zoning changes and reclassifications.
§11-43-107. Injunction for violations of regulations.
§11-43-108. Governing act in case of conflict.
§11-43-109. Appointment of zoning commission.
§11-43-111. Conditions of approval - Standards of evaluation - Record of conditions.
§11-43-113. Specific use permits - List of uses - Conditions for use of land - Public hearing.
§11-43-114. Decision-making regulations and standards - Conditions of approval.
§11-43-115. Site plans - Submission and approval.
§11-44-101. Board of adjustment - Appointment.
§11-44-102. Meetings and rules.
§11-44-103. Board of adjustment in cities over 200,000 population - Hearings and compensation.
§11-44-106. Special exceptions.
§11-44-107.1. Nonconforming use - Termination - Exception.
§11-44-108. Notice and hearings - Contents of notice - Minor variances or exceptions.
§11-44-109. Procedure for appeals to the board of adjustment.
§11-44-110. Appeals from the board of adjustment.
§11-45-101. Municipal planning commissions - Appointment authorized - Ordinances.
§11-45-102. Members of municipal planning commission - Compensation.
§11-45-103. Duties and powers of the planning commission - Employees.
§11-46-101. Regional planning commissions - Appointment authorized - Members - Compensation.
§11-46-102. Jurisdiction of regional planning commission.
§11-46-103. Duties and powers of regional planning commission - Employees and expenses.
§11-47-101. Application and definitions.
§11-47-102. Grant of power to municipality.
§11-47-103. City planning commission - Membership.
§11-47-104. Organization and rules.
§11-47-105. Staff and finances.
§11-47-106. General powers and duties.
§11-47-107. Purposes of the plan.
§11-47-108. Procedure of commission in adopting the plan.
§11-47-109. Legal status of official plan - Approval by commission.
§11-47-110. Overruling planning commission action by council.
§11-47-111. Miscellaneous powers and duties of commission.
§11-47-112. Transfer of zoning powers and duties to planning commission.
§11-47-113. Scope of control of subdivisions - Review of plats.
§11-47-114. Subdivision regulations.
§11-47-115. Procedure for approval of plats.
§11-47-116. Unapproved plats not entitled to record.
§11-47-117. Improvements in unapproved streets.
§11-47-118. Erection of buildings.
§11-47-120. Status of existing platting statutes.
§11-47-121. Building line ordinance.
§11-47-122. Enforcement of building line ordinance - Board of adjustment - Appeals.
§11-47-123. Saving vested rights.
§11-48-101. Authorization to provide retirement fund and system.
§11-48-102. Control and management of system.
§11-48-104. Annual appropriations.
§11-48-105. Prorating of fund in event of insufficiency.
§11-48-106. Authorization to enact necessary ordinances.
§11-49-100.2. Firefighters Pension and Retirement System - Creation - Powers and duties.
§11-49-100.3. Firefighters Pension and Retirement Board.
§11-49-100.4. Meetings - Special meetings - Notice - Quorum - Per diem - Expenses.
§11-49-100.5. Office facilities - Records - Inspection - Financial statement - Audits.
§11-49-100.9. Duties of Board.
§11-49-100.10. Duties of fiduciaries.
§11-49-100.11. Deposits of contributions and dedicated revenues - Warrants and vouchers.
§11-49-101. Right to pension - Amount.
§11-49-101.1. Purchase of credited service.
§11-49-102. Consolidation or annexation - Pension rights.
§11-49-103. Local firefighter pension and retirement boards.
§11-49-104. Organization of board - Officers - Rules and other offices.
§11-49-105. Meetings of local board - Record of proceedings - Quorum.
§11-49-105.1. Responsibility of local board to review certain applications.
§11-49-105.2. Joining system - Application for affiliation - Consolidation of systems.
§11-49-105.3. Municipalities contracting with private entities to provide fire protection.
§11-49-106. Retirement benefits - Waiver of benefits - Direct payment to insurer.
§11-49-106.1. Oklahoma Firefighters Deferred Option Plan.
§11-49-106.2. Limitations on benefits relating to Section 415 of Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
§11-49-106.3. Payment of distribution to retirement plan.
§11-49-106.4. Trustee-to-trustee transfer - Rules.
§11-49-106.5. Written election for direct payments - Definitions - Rules.
§11-49-108. Volunteer fire fighters with less than 10 years' service - Pension rights.
§11-49-109. Retirement for disability - Restoration to service - Disability not in line of duty.
§11-49-110. Certificates of disability - Presumptions – Medical evidence and records.
§11-49-111. Temporary sickness or disability.
§11-49-112. Pensions for loss of life.
§11-49-113. Death of firefighter for any cause - Payment of benefits to beneficiaries.
§11-49-114. Members entitled to benefits for disability or loss of life.
§11-49-116. Physical performance/agility test and examination – Retired disabled persons.
§11-49-117. Forfeiture of pensions and allowances.
§11-49-117.2. Transfer of credited service from or to other retirement system.
§11-49-117.3. Transferred credited service - Computation of purchase price.
§11-49-118. Additional powers of State Board.
§11-49-119. Tax on insurance premiums for benefit of fund - Appropriations.
§11-49-120. Account of tax paid by insurance companies - Warrants.
§11-49-121. Amount of first warrant pursuant to Section 49-120 - Eligibility of receive funds.
§11-49-122.2. Transfer of assets to State Board.
§11-49-122.3. Assets of funds - Right to assets - Valuation.
§11-49-122.4. Costs and expenses - Supplies and equipment.
§11-49-122.5. Operation, administration and management of System - Responsibilities.
§11-49-122.6. Confidentiality of records.
§11-49-123. Moneys to be paid over to State Board.
§11-49-124. Report by clerk of statistics as to fire department.
§11-49-126. Pensions and allowances exempt from claims - Assignments or transfers void - Exceptions.
§11-49-132. Use of moneys for payment of pensions and other benefits and administration of System.
§11-49-133. Use of money for unauthorized purposes.
§11-49-134. Mandatory retirement at age sixty-five - Exception.
§11-49-138. Military service credit.
§11-49-140. Rejection for reinstatement - Examination by physicians.
§11-49-141. Participation in independent insurance or other benefits.
§11-49-143. Increase in pension benefits.
§11-49-143.1. Increase in benefits - Amount - Offset.
§11-49-143.2. Additional retirement benefit.
§11-49-143.3. Benefit adjustment - Restoration of Initial COLA Benefit.
§11-49-143.4. Firefighters Pension and Retirement System - Increase in benefits - Offset.
§11-49-143.5. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2006 - Offset.
§11-49-143.6. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2008 - Offset.
§11-49-143.7. Increase in benefits – July 1, 2020 - Offset.
§11-50-102.1. Police Pension and Retirement System - Creation - Status - Powers and duties.
§11-50-104.1. Meetings of State Board - Special meetings - Notice - Quorum - Travel expenses.
§11-50-104.2. Office facilities - Record of proceedings - Financial statement - Audits.
§11-50-105.5. Duties of fiduciaries.
§11-50-105.6. Deposit of contributions and dedicated revenues - Warrants and vouchers.
§11-50-106. General powers of State Board.
§11-50-107. Custody and disbursement of pension funds - Refund for overpayment.
§11-50-109. Appropriation of percentage of annual salary of member of System.
§11-50-110. Contributions by members of System - Picked up contributions.
§11-50-111.2. Transfer of credited service from or to other retirement system.
§11-50-111.2A. Purchase of service credit for time served with Department of Defense or military.
§11-50-111.3. Deferred option plans.
§11-50-111.4. Transferred credited service - Computation of purchase price.
§11-50-111.5. Written election - Employer and employee contributions and accrued earnings - Service.
§11-50-112. Participation in System required - Eligibility.
§11-50-113. Purposes of pension fund - Limitation on payments.
§11-50-114.2. Direct rollover distributions.
§11-50-114.3. Trustee-to-trustee transfer - Treatment of trust - Rules.
§11-50-114.4. Direct payments for qualified health insurance premiums - Definitions - Rules.
§11-50-116.1. Sickness or temporary disability - Continuance of salary.
§11-50-118. Member retired for disability - Physical examination - Emergency duty.
§11-50-119. Forfeiture of benefits - Grounds.
§11-50-121. Ordinances to accomplish purpose of article.
§11-50-123. Discharge of member - Board of review - Grounds - Appeal.
§11-50-127. Limitation on withdrawal from System.
§11-50-128. Credit for military service.
§11-50-130. Police Pension and Retirement Fund.
§11-50-131. Transfer of assets to State Board.
§11-50-132. Assets of Fund - Contents - Right to assets - Valuation.
§11-50-134. Operation, administration and management of System - Responsibilities.
§11-50-134.1. Confidentiality of records.
§11-50-135. Forfeiture of Motor Fuel Excise Tax revenues.
§11-50-136. Increase in pension benefits.
§11-50-136.2. Additional retirement benefit.
§11-50-136.3. Benefit adjustment - Restoration of Initial COLA Benefit.
§11-50-136.4. Benefit increase - Offset.
§11-50-136.5. Increase in benefits – Amount - Offset.
§11-50-136.6. Police Pension and Retirement System - Increase in benefits - Offset.
§11-50-136.7. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2006 - Offset.
§11-50-136.8. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2008 - Offset.
§11-50-136.9. Increase in benefits – July 1, 2020 - Offset.
§11-51-101. Public policy of fire and police arbitration law.
§11-51-103. Collective bargaining rights – Bargaining agents.
§11-51-104. Public Employees Relations Board.
§11-51-104a. Employees - Duties and compensation - Operating expenditures.
§11-51-104b. Unfair Labor practices - Prevention.
§11-51-105. Meet and confer - Agreements.
§11-51-107. Arbitrators - Selection.
§11-51-108. Hearing procedures - Special municipal elections - Effective date of agreements.
§11-51-109. Factors to be considered.
§11-51-110. Fees and expenses.
§11-51-111. Agreements - Contents.
§11-51-112. Matters requiring appropriation of moneys - Notice.
§11-52-103. Advisory committee created - Membership - Personnel - Travel reimbursement.
§11-52-104. Powers and duties.
§11-52-104.1. Study to increase efficiency.
§11-52-105. Annual certificate - Renewals - Fee.
§11-52-107. Clerks' and Treasurers' Training Fund abolished.
§11-55-103. Municipal ordinances regulating amateur radio antenna, support structures.
§11-56-101. Short title - Municipal Campaign Finance and Financial Disclosure Act.
§11-56-104. Campaign committee organization statements.
§11-56-105. Municipal political committee organization statements.
§11-56-106. Contributions and expenditures reports.
§11-56-107. Organization statements and contribution and expenditure reports - Public records.
§11-56-108. Financial interest statements.