Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 971 | Fences
Section 971.34 | Notice to Landowner Failing to Cut Noxious Weeds.

Effective: September 30, 2008
Latest Legislation: House Bill 323 - 127th General Assembly
If the owner or tenant occupying land neglects or refuses to cut brush, briers, thistles, or other noxious weeds, as provided in section 971.33 of the Revised Code, an owner or occupant of land abutting on the partition fence, after having given the owner or tenant not less than ten days' notice to cut or remove them, may notify the board of township trustees of the township in which the land is situated, who shall forthwith view the premises, and if satisfied that there is just cause of complaint, shall cause them to be cut, by letting the work to the lowest bidder, or by entering into a private contract therefor.