Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 755 | Parks; Recreation
Section 755.41 | Vacation of Unimproved and Unused Park Lands.

Effective: September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
When lands lying within the limits of a municipal corporation have been dedicated to or for the use of the public for parks or park lands, and where such lands have remained unimproved and unused by the public for a period of twenty-one years and there appears to be little or no possibility that such lands will be improved and used by the public, the legislative authority of a municipal corporation in which said lands are located may, by ordinance, declare such parks or park lands vacated upon the petition of a majority of the abutting freeholders. No such parks or park lands shall be vacated unless notice of the pendency and prayer of the petition is given, in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation in which such lands are situated for three consecutive weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, preceding action on such petition. No such lands shall be vacated prior to a public hearing had thereon.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 7 | Municipal Corporations

Chapter 755 | Parks; Recreation

Section 755.01 | Board of Park Commissioners - Election.

Section 755.02 | Board of Park Commissioners.

Section 755.03 | Organization of Board of Park Commissioners.

Section 755.04 | Disbursements.

Section 755.05 | Control and Management of Parks.

Section 755.06 | Expenditure of Moneys.

Section 755.07 | Rules and Regulations.

Section 755.08 | Establishment and Extension of Parks and Other Facilities.

Section 755.09 | Employees of Board of Park Commissioners.

Section 755.10 | The Park Fund.

Section 755.11 | Contracts.

Section 755.12 | Municipal Corporations, Townships, and Counties May Maintain and Operate Recreation Facilities.

Section 755.13 | Supervision and Maintenance of Recreation Facilities.

Section 755.14 | Recreation Board - Joint Recreation District.

Section 755.141 | Joint Recreation District Operating on Site of the United States Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee.

Section 755.15 | Organization of Boards.

Section 755.16 | Joint Acquisition and Maintenance.

Section 755.17 | Issuance of Bonds.

Section 755.171 | Sales and Use Tax Levy to Retire Bonds and Notes for Joint Recreation District.

Section 755.18 | Payment of Expenses.

Section 755.181 | Petition for Membership in Joint Recreation District; Withdrawals.

Section 755.19 | Care of Property Donated for Park Purposes.

Section 755.20 | Board of Park Trustees for Donated Property.

Section 755.21 | Appointment and Term - Vacancies.

Section 755.22 | Powers of Board.

Section 755.23 | Compensation - Oath - Bond.

Section 755.24 | Meetings - Rules and Regulations.

Section 755.25 | Contracts - Rules and Regulations.

Section 755.26 | Power to Incur Liability.

Section 755.27 | Employees of Board of Park Trustees.

Section 755.28 | Control of Improvement of Natural Watercourses.

Section 755.29 | Bids Required.

Section 755.30 | Notice for Proposals.

Section 755.31 | Bond to Accompany Bids.

Section 755.32 | Bids Shall Be Under Seal.

Section 755.33 | Awarding Contracts.

Section 755.34 | Reports and Estimates.

Section 755.41 | Vacation of Unimproved and Unused Park Lands.

Section 755.42 | Sale of Unused Park Lands at Public Auction.

Section 755.43 | Procedure Where Reversionary Interests Established Upon Vacation of Land.