Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 6119 | Regional Water and Sewer Districts
Section 6119.43 | Purposes of Special Assessments.

Effective: November 19, 1971
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 - 109th General Assembly
The cost of constructing a water resource project to be paid for directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by funds derived from special assessments may include but need not be limited to:
(A) The purchase price of real estate or any interest therein when acquired by purchase, or when acquired by appropriation;
(B) The cost of preliminary and other surveys;
(C) The cost of preparing plans, specifications, profiles, and estimates;
(D) The cost of printing, serving, and publishing notices and any legislation required;
(E) The cost of all special proceedings;
(F) The cost of labor and material, whether furnished by contract or otherwise;
(G) Interest on bonds or notes issued in anticipation of the levy and collection of the special assessments;
(H) The total amount of damages resulting from the project which are assessed in favor of any owner of lands affected by the project, and interest thereon;
(I) The cost incurred in connection with the preparation, levy, and collection of the special assessments, including legal expenses incurred by reason of the project;
(J) Incidental costs connected with the project.
Last updated October 21, 2022 at 4:25 PM

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 61 | Water Supply-Sanitation-Ditches

Chapter 6119 | Regional Water and Sewer Districts

Section 6119.01 | Regional Water and Sewer District Organization.

Section 6119.011 | Regional Water and Sewer District Definitions.

Section 6119.02 | Procedure for Organization.

Section 6119.03 | Common Pleas Court Assigned to District.

Section 6119.04 | Hearing on Petition for Establishment.

Section 6119.05 | Application for Inclusion of Territory.

Section 6119.051 | Petition for Modification of District.

Section 6119.06 | Rights, Powers, and Duties of Trustees of District.

Section 6119.061 | Continuing Jurisdiction Over Water Resource Projects.

Section 6119.07 | Board of Trustees Vested With Power to Run District.

Section 6119.071 | Grounds for Removal of Member of Board of Trustees.

Section 6119.08 | Rules and Regulations of the District.

Section 6119.09 | Use or Service Agreements.

Section 6119.091 | Rental Discounts.

Section 6119.10 | Competitive Bidding for Certain Contracts.

Section 6119.101 | Regional Water and Sewer District Contract Requirements.

Section 6119.11 | Eminent Domain Powers.

Section 6119.111 | Acquisition of Interests in Land.

Section 6119.12 | Water Resource Revenue Bonds and Notes.

Section 6119.13 | Exemption From Bond Laws.

Section 6119.14 | Securing Bonds and Notes by Trust Agreements.

Section 6119.141 | Rights of Holders of Water Resource Revenue Bonds or Notes or Trustees.

Section 6119.15 | Water Resource Revenue Bonds and Notes and Water Resource Revenue Refunding Bonds Not a Debt of State.

Section 6119.151 | Deposit of Funds.

Section 6119.16 | Investment in United States Notes, Bonds, or Other Obligations.

Section 6119.17 | Tax Levy to Pay Interest on and to Retire Bonds.

Section 6119.18 | Tax Levy for Current Expenses of District.

Section 6119.19 | System of Sanitary And/or Storm Water Sewerage.

Section 6119.20 | Division of District Into Sewer Districts for Securing Efficient Sewerage.

Section 6119.21 | Plan to Show Main Sewers and All Branch Sewers.

Section 6119.22 | Notice of and Examination of Plan.

Section 6119.23 | Plan Amendment.

Section 6119.24 | Designate Portions of Work Required for Immediate Use.

Section 6119.25 | Publication of Resolution of Necessity.

Section 6119.26 | Resolution for Proceeding for Improvement.

Section 6119.27 | Assessment and Collection of Assessment.

Section 6119.28 | Construction Contracts Award and Payment.

Section 6119.29 | Construction of Main Sewers and Drains and Branch Sewers and Drains Without Adoption of Plan.

Section 6119.30 | Anticipation Bonds and Notes.

Section 6119.31 | Resolution for Tax Levy.

Section 6119.32 | Election on Tax Levy.

Section 6119.33 | Funds and Proceed Appropriated From Levy.

Section 6119.34 | Right of Entry.

Section 6119.35 | Environmental Protection Agency to Approve or Reject Plans.

Section 6119.36 | Issuing Securities in Lieu Submitting Tax Levy to Electors.

Section 6119.37 | Civil Service Status of Employees.

Section 6119.38 | Auditing by State Auditor.

Section 6119.39 | Public Employees Retirement System Members.

Section 6119.40 | Exemption From Taxes.

Section 6119.41 | Power to Contract.

Section 6119.42 | Levy and Collection of Special Assessments.

Section 6119.43 | Purposes of Special Assessments.

Section 6119.44 | Description of Property to Be Assessed.

Section 6119.45 | Payment of Assessments by Annual Installments.

Section 6119.46 | Filing of Resolution of Necessity for Special Assessments.

Section 6119.47 | Notice of Estimates of Special Assessments.

Section 6119.48 | Objection to Special Assessments.

Section 6119.49 | Assessment Equalization Board Appointment and Duties.

Section 6119.50 | Claims for Damages.

Section 6119.51 | Resolution of Intent to Proceed With Special Assessment Improvement.

Section 6119.52 | Revision and Finalization of Assessments.

Section 6119.53 | Penalty and Interest.

Section 6119.54 | Collection of Special Assessments.

Section 6119.55 | Proceedings for Recovery of Assessment.

Section 6119.56 | Lien of Assessment or Any Installment.

Section 6119.57 | Additional Assessment to Supply Deficiencies.

Section 6119.58 | Assessments for Preparation of Plans, Specifications, Estimates of Cost, Tentative Assessments, and Plan of Financing.

Section 6119.60 | Polices for Use of Credit Card Accounts.

Section 6119.61 | Liability for Loss of Public Funds.