Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 6115 | Sanitary Districts
Section 6115.141 | Certificate of Available Funds.

Effective: May 6, 1998
Latest Legislation: House Bill 26 - 122nd General Assembly
The prohibition and requirements established under division (D) of section 5705.41 of the Revised Code, other than those applicable solely to counties, apply to a sanitary district established under this chapter.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 61 | Water Supply-Sanitation-Ditches

Chapter 6115 | Sanitary Districts

Section 6115.01 | Sanitary District Definitions.

Section 6115.02 | Sanitary District Tax Books and Records.

Section 6115.03 | Jurisdiction, Evidence, Forms Establishing Sanitary District.

Section 6115.04 | Establishment and Purpose of Sanitary Districts.

Section 6115.05 | Petition for Establishment of Sanitary District.

Section 6115.06 | Bond for Expenses to Be Filed With Petition.

Section 6115.07 | Notice of Petition and Hearing - Jurisdiction.

Section 6115.08 | Hearing - Order Establishing District.

Section 6115.09 | Filing and Recording Findings and Decree of Incorporation of District.

Section 6115.10 | Appointment of Directors.

Section 6115.101 | Directors of Sanitary District Organized Wholly for Reduction of Populations of Biting Arthropods.

Section 6115.102 | Sanitary District Advisory Council for Sanitary District Organized Wholly for Reduction of Populations of Biting Arthropods.

Section 6115.103 | Directors of Sanitary District Organized Wholly for Purpose of Providing Water Supply.

Section 6115.104 | Sanitary District Advisory Council for Sanitary District Organized Wholly for Purpose of Providing Water Supply.

Section 6115.11 | Oath, Bond of Director.

Section 6115.12 | Seal - Records - Transcripts of Meetings.

Section 6115.13 | President of Board - Temporary Director - Quorum.

Section 6115.14 | Secretary - Executive Director - Chief Engineer - Treasurer - Attorney - Employees.

Section 6115.141 | Certificate of Available Funds.

Section 6115.15 | Plans for Sewage or Other Liquid Waste or Treatment or Disposal Works Submitted to Board.

Section 6115.16 | Improvement Plan Approval and Execution.

Section 6115.17 | Right of Entry for Surveys and Examinations.

Section 6115.18 | Powers and Duties of Board of Directors.

Section 6115.19 | Improvement Plan for District Organized to Provide Water Supply.

Section 6115.191 | Assessing Interest on Unpaid Balance of Water Supply Payments.

Section 6115.20 | Contract Bidding Procedures.

Section 6115.201 | Sanitary District Contract Requirements.

Section 6115.21 | Dominant Right of Eminent Domain.

Section 6115.22 | Condemnation of Land or Property.

Section 6115.221 | Appropriation of Property for Sewer Construction to Address Public Health Nuisance.

Section 6115.23 | Regulations, Approval and Enforcement.

Section 6115.24 | Regulations for Sanitary District Organized Wholly for Reduction of Populations of Biting Arthropods.

Section 6115.25 | Removal of Physical Obstructions In, Over, or Upon Public Streets, Lanes, Alleys, or Highways.

Section 6115.26 | Surveys and Examinations of Rainfall, Stream Flow.

Section 6115.27 | Cooperation or Assistance by u.s. Government or Other Governmental Entity.

Section 6115.28 | Taking or Damage to Cemetery.

Section 6115.29 | Board of Appraisers of Sanitary District.

Section 6115.30 | Appraisals of Compensation and Damages.

Section 6115.31 | Appraisals of Compensation and Damages Beyond the Boundaries of District.

Section 6115.32 | Notice of Hearing of Land to Be Included or Excluded From District.

Section 6115.321 | Exclusion of Territory From Sanitary District Established for the Reduction of Biting Arthropods.

Section 6115.33 | Sanitary District Appraisal Record.

Section 6115.34 | Notice of Hearing on Appraisals.

Section 6115.35 | Filing Exceptions to Reports or Appraisals.

Section 6115.36 | Court Approval, Confirmation or Return of Plan.

Section 6115.37 | Appeal of Award as to Compensation or Damages.

Section 6115.38 | Possession of Property After Verdict and Award.

Section 6115.39 | Certified Copy of the Decree.

Section 6115.40 | Alterations or Additions to Official Plan.

Section 6115.41 | Appeal Not to Delay Action or Prosecution of Work.

Section 6115.42 | Appraisal and Assessment of Lands Losing Tax Exemption.

Section 6115.43 | Appraising Lands Not at First Included Within the Boundaries of District.

Section 6115.44 | Immaterial Irregularities or Defects.

Section 6115.45 | Sanitary District Funds.

Section 6115.46 | Preliminary Costs and Expenses to Be Repaid.

Section 6115.47 | Borrowing Power of Board of Directors.

Section 6115.48 | Sanitary District Assessment Record.

Section 6115.49 | Assessment Payments.

Section 6115.50 | Bonds in Anticipation of the Levy and Collection of Special Assessments.

Section 6115.51 | Treasurer's Duties - Bonds - Investments.

Section 6115.52 | Revenue Obligations Issued to Pay Costs Arising From Execution of Official Plan.

Section 6115.53 | Sanitary District Maintenance Assessment - Sale of Water.

Section 6115.54 | Readjustment of Appraisal of Benefits for More Equitable Basis for Levy of Maintenance Assessment.

Section 6115.55 | Annual Levy - Certificate.

Section 6115.56 | Collection of Assessments.

Section 6115.57 | Bond of County Treasurer for Probable Amount of Assessments.

Section 6115.58 | Sanitary District Assessments and Taxes Constitute a Lien.

Section 6115.59 | Suits for the Collection of Delinquent Taxes or Assessments.

Section 6115.60 | Procedures for Levying, Collection, and Distribution of Assessments.

Section 6115.61 | Appropriation of Fund of Water Department for Payment of Assessments or Water Charges.

Section 6115.62 | Retirement of Principal and Interest on Bonds.

Section 6115.63 | Failure to Pay Over Assessments.

Section 6115.64 | Surplus Funds - Reports to Court and Advisory Council.

Section 6115.65 | Compensation, Expenses - Salaries of Extra Clerical Force.

Section 6115.66 | Land in More Than One Sanitary District.

Section 6115.67 | Conflicts in Jurisdiction.

Section 6115.68 | Union of Districts.

Section 6115.69 | Subdistricts Established and Organized.

Section 6115.70 | Remedies for Injuries.

Section 6115.71 | Protection of District Works.

Section 6115.72 | Removal of Officers or Employees.

Section 6115.73 | Enforcement by Mandamus.

Section 6115.74 | Correction of Defective Notice.

Section 6115.75 | Question of the Validity of the Organization of Sanitary Districts.

Section 6115.77 | Liability for Damages to District Works.

Section 6115.79 | Substantial Requirements for Forms.

Section 6115.99 | Penalty.