Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 6111 | Water Pollution Control
Section 6111.031 | Modification of Terms and Conditions of Permit.

Effective: July 25, 1980
Latest Legislation: House Bill 766 - 113th General Assembly
(A) The director of environmental protection, where consistent with the "Federal Water Pollution Control Act," may modify the terms and conditions of a permit or issue a permit upon conditions at variance from a national effluent limitation set under section 301 of the "Federal Water Pollution Control Act" upon application filed therefor after July 1, 1977, and a showing satisfactory to the director that such modified terms and conditions (1) will require the maximum use of technology within the economic capability of the owner or operator, and (2) will result in reasonable further progress toward the elimination of the discharge of sewage, industrial waste, and other wastes into the waters of the state.
(B) The director may, after opportunity for a public hearing in accordance with section 3745.07 of the Revised Code, issue a permit upon conditions at variance from a national or state effluent limitation for the thermal component of a discharge, upon a showing satisfactory to the director that the national or state limitation for the thermal component is more stringent than necessary to assure the protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish, fish, and wildlife in and on the body of water into which the discharge is made or is to be made. If the director so finds, he shall impose a limitation on the thermal component, as a condition of the permit, that will assure the protection and propogation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish, fish, and wildlife in and on the body of water into which the discharge is made or is to be made, taking into account the interaction of such thermal component with sewage, industrial waste, or other wastes, and including a margin of safety that takes into account any lack of knowledge concerning the development of thermal water quality criteria for such purposes.
Last updated October 21, 2022 at 4:25 PM

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 61 | Water Supply-Sanitation-Ditches

Chapter 6111 | Water Pollution Control

Section 6111.01 | Water Pollution Control Definitions.

Section 6111.011 | Environmental Enforcement Authority Over Ephemeral Features.

Section 6111.02 | Isolated Wetland Permit Definitions.

Section 6111.021 | General and Individual Isolated Wetland Permits.

Section 6111.022 | Proposed Filling of Wetland Subject to Level One Review.

Section 6111.023 | Proposed Filling of Wetland Subject to Level Two Review.

Section 6111.024 | Proposed Filling of Wetland Subject to Level Three Review.

Section 6111.025 | Wetland Mitigation Banks.

Section 6111.026 | Application for a General and Individual State Isolated Wetland Permit - Notice and Hearing.

Section 6111.027 | Mitigation for Impacts to Isolated Wetlands.

Section 6111.028 | Discharge of Dredged Material Into Isolated Wetlands.

Section 6111.03 | Water Pollution Control Powers of Director of Environmental Protection.

Section 6111.031 | Modification of Terms and Conditions of Permit.

Section 6111.032 | Primary Authority to Reside in Legislative Authority or Governing Board.

Section 6111.035 | Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations General Permits.

Section 6111.036 | Water Pollution Control Loan Fund.

Section 6111.037 | Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Fund.

Section 6111.038 | Surface Water Protection Fund.

Section 6111.039 | Class B Sludge Rules Requiring the Posting of Notice Regarding the Land Application.

Section 6111.0381 | Water Quality Protection Fund.

Section 6111.0382 | Surface Water Improvement Fund.

Section 6111.04 | Water Pollution and Sludge Management Violations Prohibited.

Section 6111.041 | Standards of Water Quality.

Section 6111.042 | Rules Requiring Compliance With Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

Section 6111.043 | Regulation of the Injection of Sewage, Industrial Waste, Hazardous Waste, and Other Wastes Into Wells.

Section 6111.044 | Injection Well Drilling or Operating Permit.

Section 6111.045 | Waste Minimization and Treatment Plan for Class I Injection Well Facility.

Section 6111.046 | Annual Permit Fee - Underground Injection Control Fund.

Section 6111.047 | Tonnage Fees for Injection of Waste.

Section 6111.048 | Temporary Assistance of State Employees.

Section 6111.049 | Tonnage Fees for Injection of Waste - Exceptions.

Section 6111.05 | Investigation of Alleged Act of Pollution or Failure to Comply.

Section 6111.051 | Use, Management, or Disposal of Structural Products.

Section 6111.052 | Blast Furnace and Steel Slag.

Section 6111.06 | Administrative Procedures - Emergencies.

Section 6111.07 | Prohibited Acts - Prosecutions and Injunction by Attorney General.

Section 6111.08 | Rights in Equity or Under Common Law Not Affected.

Section 6111.09 | Civil Penalties for Water Pollution Control Violations.

Section 6111.10 | Sale of Household Laundry Detergent Containing Phosphorus Above Certain Limits Prohibited in Certain Counties.

Section 6111.11 | Sale of Dishwasher Detergent With Phosphorous Content Above Certain Limits Prohibited.

Section 6111.12 | Antidegradation Policy Applicable to Surface Waters of the State Pursuant to Applicable Federal Laws and Regulations.

Section 6111.13 | Discharge Limit for a Pollutant Less Than the Practical Quantification Level.

Section 6111.14 | Agreement for Review of Plans for Extension of Sewerage System or Increase in Number of Service Connections.

Section 6111.20 | Orders to Secure a Quality Effluent From Water Purification or Sewage Treatment Works.

Section 6111.30 | Application for Federal Water Quality Certification - Hearing.

Section 6111.31 | Interagency Review Team and Mitigation Standards.

Section 6111.311 | Ephemeral Feature Mitigation Calculation Definitions.

Section 6111.312 | Limitations on Additional Requirements.

Section 6111.313 | Mitigation of Impacts to Ephemeral Features.

Section 6111.314 | Reporting and Monitoring Requirements.

Section 6111.315 | Best Management Practices.

Section 6111.316 | Exceptions From Ephemeral Feature Mitigation Requirements.

Section 6111.32 | Dredging Plan.

Section 6111.33 | Dredged Material.

Section 6111.34 | Rules Governing Beneficial Use of Dredged Material.

Section 6111.41 | Comprehensive Water Resource Management Planning by Directors of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources.

Section 6111.42 | Water Quality Powers of Director of Environmental Protection.

Section 6111.44 | Plans for Installation or Changes to Sewerage Systems to Be Submitted to Director of Environmental Protection.

Section 6111.441 | Sewage Treatment Systems Regulated by Board of Health Exempt From Chapter.

Section 6111.45 | Plans for the Disposal of the Waste to Be Submitted to Director of Environmental Protection.

Section 6111.451 | Sewage Construction Activities Not Requiring Plan Approval.

Section 6111.46 | Environmental Protection Agency General Supervision of Treatment and Disposal of Sewage and Industrial Wastes and Operation and Means Therefor.

Section 6111.50 | Credible Data Definitions.

Section 6111.51 | Criteria for Three Levels of Credible Data Related to Surface Water Monitoring and Assessment.

Section 6111.52 | Level Three Credible Data Activities.

Section 6111.53 | Water Quality Monitoring Program to Collect Levels One, Two, and Three Credible Data for Surface Water Monitoring and Assessment.

Section 6111.54 | Submission of Surface Water Quality Data.

Section 6111.55 | Computerized Database or Databases Composed of All Credible Data.

Section 6111.56 | Determining Source or Sources of Water Impairment.

Section 6111.561 | Development and Establishment of Total Maximum Daily Load.

Section 6111.562 | Notice and Opportunity for Input From Stakeholders.

Section 6111.563 | Official Draft.

Section 6111.564 | Final Tmdl; Appeal.

Section 6111.60 | Issuance of Npdes Permits.

Section 6111.99 | Penalties.