Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 6101 | Conservancy Districts
Section 6101.56 | Borrowing in Anticipation of Collection of Assessments.

Effective: May 13, 1981
Latest Legislation: House Bill 95 - 114th General Assembly
In anticipation of the collection of assessments for any year levied under sections 6101.53 and 6101.55 of the Revised Code, the board of directors of a conservancy district may borrow money and issue notes therefor; but the aggregate of such loans made in any year shall not exceed one half of the total amount estimated by the county auditors of the several counties in the district to be received from the collection of the assessments for such year, after deduction of all advances from such collection. Such estimate shall state separately the amount to be received from each semiannual division of such collection. A sufficient amount for the payment of such notes at maturity, together with interest thereon, shall be deemed appropriated from the proceeds of such anticipated collection and shall be used for no other purpose. The notes shall be for a term not longer than six months and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the rate provided in section 9.95 of the Revised Code and the proceeds therefrom shall be used only for the purposes for which the assessments were levied and appropriated. No district shall borrow money or issue notes in anticipation of the proceeds of the first semiannual division of such collection before the first day of January of the year of such collection, nor in anticipation of the proceeds of the second division of such semiannual collection before the first day of July of the year of such collection.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 61 | Water Supply-Sanitation-Ditches

Chapter 6101 | Conservancy Districts

Section 6101.01 | Conservancy District Definitions.

Section 6101.02 | Conservancy Bonds and Records.

Section 6101.03 | Evidence and Forms.

Section 6101.04 | Purpose and Organization of Conservancy Districts.

Section 6101.05 | Proceedings for Establishment of a Conservancy District.

Section 6101.06 | Petitioners' Bond.

Section 6101.061 | Notice of Petition.

Section 6101.07 | Composition of Court for Hearing on Petition.

Section 6101.08 | Hearing on Petition.

Section 6101.09 | Findings and Decree of Court Incorporating Conservancy District.

Section 6101.10 | Appointment of Directors of Conservancy District.

Section 6101.11 | Organization, Records of Conservancy District.

Section 6101.12 | Secretary, Employees.

Section 6101.13 | Plan for Improvements.

Section 6101.14 | Right of Entry.

Section 6101.15 | Powers of Board.

Section 6101.151 | Property of District Removed From Tax Duplicate.

Section 6101.16 | Contracts for Improvements.

Section 6101.161 | Conservancy District Contract Requirements.

Section 6101.17 | Dominant Right of Eminent Domain.

Section 6101.18 | Eminent Domain.

Section 6101.181 | Appropriation of Property for Sewer Construction to Address Public Health Nuisance.

Section 6101.19 | Conservancy District Rules and Regulations - Enforcement - Prohibitions.

Section 6101.20 | Plan Requiring Building, Modification, Removal, or Rebuilding of Bridge, Grade, or Aqueduct.

Section 6101.21 | Passing Boat or Other Equipment Through Bridge or Grade.

Section 6101.22 | Surveys and Examinations of Rainfall, Flood Conditions, and Stream Flow.

Section 6101.23 | Co-Operation With United States Government or Other Corporations.

Section 6101.24 | Water Rights and Uses - Rates.

Section 6101.241 | Improvements Outside Boundary of District.

Section 6101.25 | Recreational Facilities Upon Lands Owned or Controlled by District.

Section 6101.26 | Taking or Damaging Cemetery.

Section 6101.27 | Board of Appraisers of Conservancy District.

Section 6101.28 | Appraising of Benefits and Damages.

Section 6101.29 | Effect of Improvement on Land Outside District.

Section 6101.30 | Notice of Land Included or Excluded From District.

Section 6101.31 | Conservancy Appraisal Record.

Section 6101.32 | Notice of Filing Report on Appraisals.

Section 6101.33 | Exceptions to Appraisals.

Section 6101.34 | Court Order on Appraisals.

Section 6101.35 | Appeal From Award of Compensation or Damages.

Section 6101.36 | Possession and Title to Property.

Section 6101.37 | Certified Copy of Decree.

Section 6101.38 | Confirmed Appraisal of Compensation or Damages - Appointment of Magistrate.

Section 6101.39 | Alteration or Addition to Plan.

Section 6101.40 | Appeals Not Permitted to Interrupt or Delay Any Action.

Section 6101.41 | Land of District Exempt From Assessment.

Section 6101.42 | Appraising Lands Not at First Included Within Boundaries of District.

Section 6101.43 | Moneys of District Administered Through Funds.

Section 6101.44 | Moneys of District Administered Through Funds.

Section 6101.441 | Dissolution or Disorganization of Conservancy District.

Section 6101.45 | Defects Not to Invalidate Proceedings Except Where Denial of Justice Results.

Section 6101.46 | Directors May Borrow Money and Issue Notes.

Section 6101.48 | Directors to Levy Assessments.

Section 6101.49 | Paying Assessments.

Section 6101.50 | Issuing Anticipatory Bonds and Notes.

Section 6101.501 | Issuing Bonds to Pay Costs of Improvement.

Section 6101.51 | Issuing Revenue Bonds.

Section 6101.52 | Duties of Treasurer.

Section 6101.53 | Conservancy Maintenance Assessment.

Section 6101.54 | Readjustment of Appraisal of Benefits.

Section 6101.55 | Annual Levy.

Section 6101.56 | Borrowing in Anticipation of Collection of Assessments.

Section 6101.57 | Collecting Assessments.

Section 6101.58 | County Treasurer's Bond.

Section 6101.59 | Conservancy District Assessment Constitutes Lien.

Section 6101.60 | Enforcement of Conservancy District Liens.

Section 6101.61 | Annual Levy Procedures.

Section 6101.62 | Water Department Funds Used to Pay Levy or Assessment.

Section 6101.63 | Additional Rate for Water.

Section 6101.64 | Sewer Rentals Used to Pay Levy or Assessment.

Section 6101.65 | Failure to Pay Collected Assessments.

Section 6101.66 | Annual Report of Directors.

Section 6101.67 | Compensation and Expenses of Directors and Appraisers.

Section 6101.68 | Lands Included in More Than One District.

Section 6101.69 | Consolidation of Districts.

Section 6101.70 | Petition for Uniting Districts by Directors.

Section 6101.71 | Petition for Organizing Subdistricts.

Section 6101.72 | Annexing or Absorbing Territory.

Section 6101.73 | Irrigation Districts.

Section 6101.74 | Remedies and Damages.

Section 6101.75 | Policing District.

Section 6101.76 | Removals for Cause.

Section 6101.77 | Writ of Mandamus.

Section 6101.78 | Defective Notice.

Section 6101.79 | Questions of Validity of Organization Advanced in Courts.

Section 6101.80 | Liberal Construction of Chapter.

Section 6101.81 | Destruction, Injury, Removal of Survey Marks Prohibited.

Section 6101.82 | Liability for Damages.

Section 6101.83 | Unlawful Use of Moneys.

Section 6101.84 | Illustrative Forms.

Section 6101.99 | Penalty.