Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5810 | Breach of Trust
Section 5810.10 | Personal Contract and Tort Liability of Trustee.

Effective: January 1, 2007
Latest Legislation: House Bill 416 - 126th General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in the contract, for contracts entered into on or after March 22, 1984, a trustee is not personally liable on a contract properly entered into in the trustee's fiduciary capacity in the course of administering the trust if the trustee in the contract disclosed the fiduciary capacity. The words "trustee," "as trustee," "fiduciary," or "as fiduciary," or other words that indicate one's trustee capacity, following the name or signature of a trustee are sufficient disclosure for purposes of this division.
(B) A trustee is personally liable for torts committed in the course of administering a trust or for obligations arising from ownership or control of trust property, including liability for violation of environmental law, only if the trustee is personally at fault.
(C) A claim based on a contract entered into by a trustee in the trustee's fiduciary capacity, on an obligation arising from ownership or control of trust property, or on a tort committed in the course of administering a trust may be asserted in a judicial proceeding against the trustee in the trustee's fiduciary capacity, whether or not the trustee is personally liable for the claim.