Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5729 | Foreign Insurance Companies
Section 5729.05 | Payment of Tax - Due Date - Refund.

Effective: March 30, 2006
Latest Legislation: House Bill 530 - 126th General Assembly
On or before the fifteenth day of October each year, each foreign insurance company shall pay to the treasurer of state an amount equal to one-half of the previous calendar year's tax, before credits, which was assessed and paid under section 3737.71 of the Revised Code and this chapter. This payment shall be considered as a partial payment of the tax upon the business done in this state during the calendar year in which the payment date provided by this paragraph is contained.
At the time of filing its annual statement, each foreign insurance company shall pay to the treasurer of state the tax assessable under section 3737.71 of the Revised Code and this chapter, calculated by such company from such annual statement. The company may deduct the part of such tax already paid as a partial payment.
The superintendent shall determine the correctness of the reports and statements of insurance companies, compute the annual tax, and, on or before the fifteenth day of May, prepare and furnish to the treasurer of state lists of all taxable companies, showing as to each company the whole amount of the annual tax computed by the superintendent. The treasurer of state, after deducting the tax already paid, shall promptly notify each such company of any amount due, which amount shall be paid by each such company to the treasurer of state by the fifteenth day of June next succeeding. If a company has for any reason overpaid or was illegally or erroneously assessed or charged for collection a larger amount of tax than its annual tax as computed by the superintendent of insurance and an application for refund was timely filed under section 5729.102 of the Revised Code, a refund of the excess amount shall be paid from the tax refund fund created by section 5703.052 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 57 | Taxation

Chapter 5729 | Foreign Insurance Companies

Section 5729.01 | Return Premiums.

Section 5729.02 | Annual Statements of Foreign Insurance Companies.

Section 5729.03 | Computation and Collection of Tax.

Section 5729.031 | Credit Against Imposed Tax.

Section 5729.032 | Refundable Credit Against Tax on Foreign Insurance Company.

Section 5729.04 | Gross Premiums of Mutual and Stock Insurance Companies.

Section 5729.05 | Payment of Tax - Due Date - Refund.

Section 5729.06 | Retaliatory Tax Rate.

Section 5729.07 | Eligible Employee Training Costs Tax Credit.

Section 5729.08 | Issuance of Tax Credits by Ohio Venture Capital Authority.

Section 5729.09 | Annual Report Required of Chief Officer.

Section 5729.10 | Revocation of License for Failure to Pay Tax or Make Report - Action to Recover Taxes - Report on Ceasing to Do Business.

Section 5729.101 | Late Returns - Computation and Accrual of Interest.

Section 5729.102 | Application for Refund - Assessment of Deficiency.

Section 5729.11 | Penalty for Nonpayment of Taxes.

Section 5729.12 | Inspection of Books by Superintendent of Insurance.

Section 5729.13 | Revocation of Right to Do Business.

Section 5729.14 | Right to Deny Admission to Companies Which Violate Laws.

Section 5729.15 | Expenses of Inspection to Be Paid by Company.

Section 5729.16 | Nonrefundable Credit for Foreign Insurance Company Holding a Qualified Equity Investment.

Section 5729.17 | Tax Credit for Insurer That Owns a Rehabilitation Tax Credit Certificate.

Section 5729.18 | Transformational Mixed Use Development Tax Credit.

Section 5729.98 | Order of Claims for Tax Credits and Offsets.