Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5719 | Personal Property Tax Collection
Section 5719.05 | Collection of Taxes.

Effective: March 31, 2003
Latest Legislation: House Bill 198 - 124th General Assembly
The county treasurer shall forthwith collect the taxes and penalty on the duplicate delivered to the treasurer by the auditor pursuant to section 5719.04 of the Revised Code and any interest thereon by any of the means provided by law.
In addition to any other means provided by law, the treasurer may, after finding that the treasurer is unable to collect the full amount of delinquent taxes, interest, and penalties charged against an entry on the cumulative delinquent tax duplicate in a single payment, enter into a written delinquent tax contract, with the person so charged, for payment of the full amount in installments. The terms of the delinquent tax contract shall include the amount payable and the due date of each installment including the final payment date, which shall be not more than five years after the date of the first payment. The treasurer shall enter upon the margin of the duplicate a notation indicating that the agreement for installment payment has been undertaken. A receipt shall be issued for each payment, and the payment shall be credited on the duplicate on the date paid. Each payment shall be apportioned among the several taxing districts in the same proportion that the amount of taxes levied by each district against the entry in the preceding tax year bears to the taxes levied by all such districts against the entry in the preceding tax year. The payment shall be apportioned among the taxing district's various funds for which the taxes were levied. When a payment is not tendered as agreed upon, the delinquent tax contract may be declared void by the treasurer, and the treasurer may proceed to collect the unpaid balance by any means provided by law. The treasurer may permit a new agreement to be undertaken, under the same terms and conditions, but there shall be no requirement that the treasurer do so.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 57 | Taxation

Chapter 5719 | Personal Property Tax Collection

Section 5719.01 | Attaching of Lien for Taxes.

Section 5719.02 | Amounts Payable When Filing Return - Manner of Payment - Advance Payments - Returns by Mail.

Section 5719.021 | Treasurer's Office Open to Collect Taxes.

Section 5719.03 | Credit of Advance Payment of Taxes - Payment Date - Late Payment Penalty - Partial Payments.

Section 5719.031 | Delay in Delivery of General Personal or Classified Property Tax Duplicate.

Section 5719.04 | Tax List and Duplicate of Delinquent Personal and Classified Property Taxes - Publication - Notice of Lien - Certificate of Jeopardy - Stay of Collection.

Section 5719.041 | Interest Charge for Late Payment.

Section 5719.042 | Successful Contractors to Submit Sworn Statement of No Tax Liability.

Section 5719.05 | Collection of Taxes.

Section 5719.051 | Employment of Collectors.

Section 5719.06 | Delinquent Tax List and Duplicate to Be Cumulatively Kept - Uncollectible Items.

Section 5719.07 | Certificate of Release of Lien - Partial Discharge.

Section 5719.08 | Civil Action to Enforce Collection of Taxes - Judgment.

Section 5719.081 | Distraint of Goods and Chattels for Collection of Taxes.

Section 5719.082 | Inability to Collect Tax by Distress.

Section 5719.083 | Relocation of Delinquent Tax Payer.

Section 5719.084 | Collecting Nonresident Delinquent Taxes.

Section 5719.085 | Return of Statement of Taxes Collected.

Section 5719.086 | Delinquent Tax Charged to Treasurer.

Section 5719.087 | Procedure Where Delinquent Taxpayer Has Property Within State.

Section 5719.11 | Tax Lien on Deposits and Stock of a Financial Institution - Penalty.

Section 5719.13 | Tax Lien on Stock of a Dealer in Intangibles - Penalty - Deduction of Taxes From Dividend or Distribution.

Section 5719.14 | Fiduciary's Lien Upon Property.