Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5577 | Load Limits on Highways
Section 5577.071 | Reduction of Weight of Vehicle or Load or Speed on Deteriorated or Vulnerable Bridge.

Effective: May 31, 1988
Latest Legislation: House Bill 409 - 117th General Assembly
(A) When deterioration renders any bridge or section of a bridge in a county insufficient to bear the traffic thereon, or when the bridge or section of a bridge would be damaged or destroyed by heavy traffic, the board of county commissioners may reduce the maximum weight of vehicle and load, or the maximum speed, or both, for motor vehicles, as prescribed by law, and prescribe whatever reduction the condition of the bridge or section of the bridge justifies. This section does not apply to bridges on state highways.
(B) A schedule of any reductions made pursuant to division (A) of this section shall be filed, for the information of the public, in the office of the board of county commissioners in each county in which the schedule is operative. A board of county commissioners that makes a reduction pursuant to division (A) of this section shall, at least one day before a reduction becomes effective, cause to be placed and retained on any bridge on which a reduction is made, at both ends of the bridge, during the period of a reduced limitation of weight, speed, or both, signs of substantial construction conspicuously indicating the limitations of weight or speed or both which are permitted on the bridge and the date on which these limitations go into effect. No person shall operate upon any such bridge a motor vehicle whose maximum weight or speed is in excess of the limitations prescribed. The cost of purchasing and erecting the signs provided for in this division shall be paid from any fund for the maintenance and repair of bridges and culverts.
(C) Except as otherwise provided in this division, no reduction shall be made pursuant to division (A) of this section on a joint bridge as provided in section 5591.25 of the Revised Code unless the board of county commissioners of every county sharing the joint bridge agrees to the reduction, the amount of the reduction, and how the cost of purchasing and erecting signs indicating the limitations of weight and speed is to be borne. A board of county commissioners may make a reduction pursuant to division (A) of this section on a section of a joint bridge, without the agreement any other county sharing the bridge, if the section of the bridge on which the reduction is to be made is located solely in that county.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges

Chapter 5577 | Load Limits on Highways

Section 5577.01 | Load Limits on Highways Definitions.

Section 5577.02 | Operation of Vehicle on Highways in Excess of Prescribed Weights Forbidden.

Section 5577.03 | Weight of Load - Width of Tire.

Section 5577.04 | Maximum Axle Load, Wheel Load, Gross Weights, for Pneumatic Tired Vehicles.

Section 5577.041 | Maximum Axle Load, Wheel Load, and Gross Weights for Solid-Tired Vehicles.

Section 5577.042 | Weight Provisions for Farm, Log and Coal Trucks and Farm Machinery.

Section 5577.043 | Permissible Weight Variations for Certain Vehicles.

Section 5577.044 | Weight Restrictions for Vehicles Fueled by Natural Gas.

Section 5577.045 | Fire Engine Weight Exemptions; Permits for Overweight Vehicles.

Section 5577.05 | Prohibition Against Violation.

Section 5577.06 | Prohibition Against Violation.

Section 5577.07 | Reduction of Weight and Speed During Times of Thaws and Moisture.

Section 5577.071 | Reduction of Weight of Vehicle or Load or Speed on Deteriorated or Vulnerable Bridge.

Section 5577.08 | Classification of Roads and Bridges by Board of County Commissioners.

Section 5577.081 | Surface Mining Vehicles Over Load Limit to Use Designated Roads.

Section 5577.09 | Rules - Signs.

Section 5577.10 | Statement of Gross Vehicle Weight.

Section 5577.11 | Wheel Protectors.

Section 5577.12 | Liability for Damages - Prosecution - Application of Moneys.

Section 5577.13 | Enforcement by Deputies.

Section 5577.14 | Notice of Arrest.

Section 5577.15 | Application of Size and Weight Provisions of Chapter.

Section 5577.99 | Penalty.