Effective: September 20, 1999
Latest Legislation: House Bill 187 - 123rd General Assembly
When the board of township trustees has determined that any road shall be constructed, reconstructed, resurfaced, or improved, the board shall determine by resolution, by unanimous vote if acting without a petition, and by a majority vote if acting upon a petition, the route and termini of the road, and the kind and extent of the improvement, and at the same time shall order the county engineer or, if the township has adopted a limited home rule government under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code, hire an independent professional engineer, after notifying the county engineer, to make surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections, estimates, and specifications as are required for the improvement. If an independent professional engineer is hired, the county engineer shall review all of the independent professional engineer's plans for improvements and provide the board of township trustees with comments on those plans within ten working days after receiving them. The county engineer shall monitor all of the independent professional engineer's plans for improvements in order to maintain compliance with existing construction standards and thoroughfare plans, and coordinate construction timelines within the county.
If the board orders the county engineer to act under this section, the board may order the county engineer to make alternate surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections, estimates, and specifications, providing in them for different widths of roadway, or different materials, and approve all or any number of these alternate surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections, estimates, and specifications. The county engineer may, without instructions from the board, prepare alternate surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections, estimates, and specifications, providing in them for different widths of roadways or different materials. When alternate surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections, estimates, and specifications are approved by the board, or submitted by the county engineer on the county engineer's own motion, the board and county engineer shall, after the opening of bids, agree which of the surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections, estimates, and specifications shall be finally adopted for construction of the improvement.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges
Chapter 5573 | Township Road Improvement
Section 5573.01 | Resolution for Road Improvement.
Section 5573.02 | Transmission of Surveys, Plans, and Specifications to Board - Notice.
Section 5573.06 | Order to Proceed With Improvement.
Section 5573.07 | Apportionment of Compensation, Damages, and Costs - Payment.
Section 5573.08 | Assessment of Property Separated From Improvement.
Section 5573.09 | All Costs May Be Paid From Proceeds of Tax Levy.
Section 5573.10 | Estimated Assessment on Real Estate.
Section 5573.11 | Assessments Certified to County Auditor for Collection - Installments.
Section 5573.12 | Apportionment Between Owners of Life Estate and Fee - Hearing - Appeal.
Section 5573.13 | Township's Proportion of Costs - Payment.
Section 5573.14 | Trustees May Issue Bonds in Anticipation of Tax.
Section 5573.15 | Joint Improvement by Townships - Procedure.
Section 5573.21 | Erection of Road District Outside Municipal Corporation.
Section 5573.22 | Construction and Repair in Township Road Districts Outside Municipal Corporations.